Lord of All Gods

Chapter 822

"That boy with golden pupils, dare to fight?"

Ye Liuyun was chatting with Fatty Wei when someone called him on stage suddenly.

On the ring stage, a young man at the eighth level of yin and yang, holding a spear, pointed at Ye Liuyun to let him take the stage.

"It seems that your trouble has come to you!" Fatty Wei said to Ye Liuyun via voice transmission.

Only then did the princess see that the young man on the stage was provoking Ye Liuyun.

She also immediately understood that it was Chang Wanshan who arranged to make Ye Liuyun look bad on purpose.

The king of the county also looked in Ye Liuyun\'s direction.

After he glanced at it, he was about to look away. After all, Ye Liuyun is only in the realm of the sixth level of yin and yang.

But suddenly, his eyes widened again. Because of Ye Liuyun\'s bloodline and spirit power, he was a little surprised.

At the same time, he also scanned Fatty Wei next to Ye Liuyun, and saw that he was also hiding his realm.

"Xin Yu, what are the identities of these two people?"

He immediately asked Liang Xinyu via voice transmission. Many of these young people have never been in contact with them before.

"The young man with golden pupils is the Ye Liuyun who photographed the ghost butterfly. The other fat man is Wei Donglai, the eldest son of the Wei family of the local ancient martial arts family." The princess immediately reported to his father.

At the same time, she also looked at Ye Liuyun and Fatty Wei, but she couldn\'t see anything special about them that could attract her father.

Seeing that Ye Liuyun ignored him, the young man on the ring urged him again.

"Why, don\'t you dare to go on stage?"

Ye Liuyun still ignored him, and continued drinking and chatting with Fatty Wei, as if he didn\'t even know he was being called.

Seeing that Ye Liuyun didn\'t talk to him, Chang Wanshan thought he was scared!

So he deliberately walked over and said to Ye Liuyun: "Brother Ye, this brother on stage is challenging you!"

"What are you challenging me for? I don\'t want to be a guard for the princess either! You are busy with your work, I just came to see the excitement." Ye Liuyun said indifferently.

"Whether you want to be a bodyguard or not, let\'s communicate with your peers. If you don\'t come on stage, you will lose face!" Chang Wanshan continued to persuade.

Ye Liuyun looked at the ring, and then smiled at Chang Wanshan: "The realm of the eighth level of yin and yang actually challenges me to the sixth level of yin and yang. He is shameless himself, so why should I give him face?"

When everyone heard this, they all burst into laughter.

The boy in the arena turned green all over his face!

"Boy, if you don\'t dare to come up, just say it, what a waste!"

Chang Wanshan also added embellishments and said, "Brother Ye, are you afraid?"

Ye Liuyun shook his head, pretending to be mysterious and said: "It\'s too rubbish! Even you and I think it\'s rubbish, let alone him!"

Ye Liuyun\'s words immediately aroused a lot of discussion.

"Who is this kid? Such a low level, yet so crazy!"

Chang Wanshan\'s face turned red and white by Ye Liuyun.

"Since Brother Ye talks like this, I would like to experience Brother Ye\'s strength. I also ask Brother Ye for advice!"

In his opinion, Ye Liuyun was just looking for an excuse not to appear on stage. The realm of the sixth level of yin and yang, how could it be his opponent of the eighth level of yin and yang.

"I\'m not your master, so why should I teach you! Besides, I only kill people and don\'t compete!" Ye Liuyun looked at Chang Wanshan with a deliberately smirk.

Since Chang Wanshan wanted to provoke him in public, he would naturally not let Chang Wanshan go. As long as Chang Wanshan dares to agree to a life-and-death battle, he doesn\'t mind killing Chang Wanshan.

The princess was also afraid that the two of them would become stalemate, and he didn\'t want Ye Liuyun to die here. For the purpose of protecting Ye Liuyun, she said to Chang Wanshan: "Mr. Chang, since Mr. Ye doesn\'t want to be on stage, don\'t force yourself!"

"If I sign a life-and-death certificate with you, would you dare to fight?" Chang Wanshan quit.

He wanted to insult Ye Liuyun, but was insulted by Ye Liuyun in public. If he doesn\'t get back this place, he will definitely not calm down.

Ye Liuyun laughed loudly and said: "To be honest, with your strength, you really don\'t deserve to fight with me. But I also understand your thoughts. You want to see me make a fool of myself! I can satisfy you. After signing the life and death certificate, I will Reluctantly kill you once!"

"Master Ye!"

The princess wanted to stop it, but was stopped by the prince.

"Let them fight, I want to see the strength of this golden-eyed boy!" The county king sent her a voice transmission.

"But Mr. Ye still has a contract with me. If he dies on the stage, others will think that we killed him on purpose to covet his treasure!" The princess explained.

The king of the county laughed and said, "Do you think Ye Liuyun\'s words are all lies? You should be concerned about how many tricks Chang Wanshan can hold on to. This kid is hiding deep enough!"

"Ah?" The princess was a little confused, and looked at Ye Liuyun again, but still couldn\'t see the way.

She knew Chang Wanshan better, except for the few stronger Yin-Yang Nine Layer experts present, other ordinary Yin-Yang Nine Layer martial arts practitioners were not Chang Wanshan\'s opponents.

"Ye Liuyun is only at the sixth level of yin and yang, can he kill Chang Wanshan?" She couldn\'t believe it.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Chang Wanshan said three good words in a row, and immediately went back to sign the certificate of life and death, and handed it to Ye Liuyun.

"Can you take the stage this time?" Chang Wanshan asked forcefully.

Ye Liuyun put away the certificate of life and death, reluctantly nodded, and asked Chang Wanshan with a smile: "It\'s the first time I\'ve seen it, and I was so eager to be killed. Are you sure you don\'t want to live any longer?"

"Huh! Sharp teeth and sharp mouth! Who will win the game, let\'s see the truth!"

As Chang Wanshan said, he dodged, and he was already standing on the ring.

The young man who was originally standing on the stage immediately jumped off the ring to make room for them.

Ye Liuyun walked towards the ring step by step, step by step, without panic or help. Seeing that everyone else was worried for him.

Wuxiu fights like ordinary people step by step!

"Father, no matter who the two of them are, it wouldn\'t be good to die in our family\'s arena, right?" Seeing Ye Liuyun\'s calmness, the princess could not help but feel a little worried about Chang Wanshan.

"Well, I\'ll save Chang Wanshan later!" The county king also felt that it would be better not to let the Chang family members die in the arena.

In fact, he had already seen clearly that Chang Wanshan was deliberately provoking Ye Liuyun, so he was humiliated by Ye Liuyun.

Many people present also saw it.

But none of them could see Ye Liuyun\'s true strength, so they couldn\'t help but sweat for him!

"You kid is so dawdling, do you want to live longer?"

On the ring, Chang Wanshan was still mocking Ye Liuyun.

But Ye Liuyun was tit-for-tat: "A person like you is too narrow-minded! Before you reincarnate in your next life, remember to correct this bad habit!"

"Hurry up and get on stage, don\'t use your words there!" Chang Wanshan was a little impatient waiting.