Lord of All Gods

Chapter 819

"Brother Chang, what advice do you have?" Seeing his smile, Ye Liuyun felt that this guy had no good intentions.

"The county prince\'s mansion will hold a birthday dinner for the princess tonight, and there will be many local young talents to attend. Isn\'t Mr. Ye supposed to attend?" Chang Wanshan asked.

"Huh? Princess\'s birthday?" Ye Liuyun couldn\'t figure out what the hell this guy was going to do.

On the Princess\' birthday, she didn\'t invite Ye Liuyun herself, so why did this guy invite him?

Liang Xinyu didn\'t even intend to invite Ye Liuyun, after all, she didn\'t know Ye Liuyun very well.

But since Chang Wanshan mentioned it, she had no choice but to invite her, so she said, "Look at my memory, I was busy with ghost butterflies, but I forgot to invite Mr. Ye to the dinner party. I\'ll ask someone to send the invitation to you later." Go to Mr. Ye\'s residence."

"In that case, thank you Princess for inviting me!"

Ye Liuyun also felt that there should be some top talents who could attend the birthday banquet of the princess of the county prince\'s mansion.

He wanted to see what level the geniuses here were. So he directly agreed.

As for the tricks Chang Wanshan wanted to play, he didn\'t take it to heart at all.

After Ye Liuyun left, Liang Xinyu expressed dissatisfaction with Chang Wanshan.

"I didn\'t even intend to invite him, why did you mention the dinner?"

"I don\'t think it\'s boring to have local people at every banquet. Taking advantage of your birthday, find a new face to add some fun!" Chang Wanshan explained.

The princess heard the words and didn\'t say anything more. She knew in her heart that Chang Wanshan wanted to take the opportunity to embarrass Ye Liuyun.

Because tonight\'s banquet is a bit special. It was prepared by his father to recruit personal guards for him, so there will be a contest in the banquet.

But he didn\'t remind Ye Liuyun either. Whether Ye Liuyun makes a fool of himself depends on whether he has the strength, and it has nothing to do with her.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t think much about it when he went back, he greeted Qiongqi, and went to practice in the Xuankong Stone.

Not long after he went back, the princess also sent someone to send him the invitation for the dinner.

It wasn\'t until the banquet was about to start that he ended his training and rushed to the county palace.

He wanted to go to see the strength of these people, so he rushed back immediately.

He didn\'t want to waste his training time because of such a boring banquet.

So when he arrived, he just found a remote place and sat down, poured himself a drink, looked at the strength of everyone, and didn\'t go forward to join in the fun.

The princess is not here, so it is estimated that he will have to wait for the finale to appear. Chang Wanshan had arrived earlier and was chatting with a bunch of young people.

After he saw Ye Liuyun, he began to point and point at Ye Liuyun with the people around him.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care about him either, and felt that he would not act excessively at the Princess\'s banquet.

"There are still some powerful geniuses!" Ye Liuyun found two young people with relatively strong blood and real vitality.

One sat carelessly in the first row, eating and drinking non-stop. There is another one who is relatively low-key, sitting in the back row, with his eyes closed, as if he is practicing.

"This brother looks like a face-to-face guy? He\'s also here to participate in the competition?" A fat man sitting next to him approached Ye Liuyun with a wine glass.

"My name is Wei Donglai, and they all call me Fatty Wei. Do you mind if I sit here?" He chatted with Ye Liuyun familiarly.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil glanced at him, and he found that Fatty Wei was not bad either. It\'s just that he deliberately hid his realm.

Originally it was the realm of the nine levels of yin and yang, but it was revealed that it was the seven levels of yin and yang.

"Please. My name is Ye Liuyun, not a local." Ye Liuyun asked him to sit down and briefly introduced herself.

Fatty Wei was not polite either, he directly picked up Ye Liuyun\'s jug and poured wine into his own cup.

"What competition did you just say? Isn\'t this the princess\'s birthday party?" Ye Liuyun was a little puzzled when he heard him say "participate in the competition".

"You don\'t know?" Fatty Wei looked at Ye Liuyun like a monster.

Then he laughed again: "No wonder you are in the realm of Yin and Yang, and you also came to the banquet!"

Ye Liuyun also discovered that most of the young people who came here were in the late stage of the Yin-Yang realm.

He is really the only one with such a low realm.

Seeing Ye Liuyun\'s bewildered face, Fatty Wei immediately explained to him.

"This banquet is actually where the county king chooses a few personal guards for the princess, and then enters the sect to practice with the princess. So of course there will be a competition."

"No wonder!" Ye Liuyun glanced at Chang Wanshan again, and found that not only him, but everyone around him also looked at Ye Liuyun with mocking faces.

Fatty Wei added: "But if you don\'t want to be the princess\' guard and don\'t act, then it should be fine!"

But when Fatty Wei followed Ye Liuyun\'s gaze and looked at Chang Wanshan and the others, he said worriedly: "It seems that you are going to be in trouble!"

"Are they troublesome?" Ye Liuyun withdrew his gaze and sneered at Chang Wanshan and the people around him.

Not only are those people not of high realm, but the quality of their true essence, bloodlines, souls, and other strengths are all average.

"Haha, although their personal strength is not very good, the family is quite powerful!" Fatty Wei actually secretly reminded Ye Liuyun not to provoke these people.

Ye Liuyun understood what he meant, toasted him with a glass of wine, and then asked him about the situation of the geniuses here.

"Brother Wei, I\'m actually here because I just want to see the demeanor of local geniuses. I don\'t know who are the masters among the young people who will come tonight?"

"Expert? Besides the two you saw just now, there are indeed a few more." Fatty Wei said.

"This fat man is not simple, he even noticed when I observed other people!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

But he was very polite: "Brother Wei, please tell me something!"

Fatty Wei is also a chatty person, so he started talking to Ye Liuyun incessantly.

"The one who eats is called Hou Yuan, a strength-type martial artist. The one in the second row who pretends to be training is called Ning Tiande, and his body skills are very strange.

There are still a few who have not come, and the strength is also the strongest. There is a sword expert named Qiao Yunhai; there is a woman who is good at charms named Su Manning; there is also a big monster called Cang Yuan, named Yuan Datou, who is a lunatic..."

"There are still monsters?" Ye Liuyun was a little strange.

"Yes! We have a few monster families here, and they are quite powerful."

Fatty Wei drank while talking, and quickly drank up all the wine on Ye Liuyun\'s table.

While no one was paying attention, he changed the wine from the table next to him.

The room was originally chatting in twos and threes, but it suddenly became quiet.

A graceful woman in a blue dress walked in slowly.

All eyes were on her.