Lord of All Gods

Chapter 387

"I\'m the elder of the alliance, do you still want to kill me?" The elder didn\'t realize that Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness was so strong, so he had no choice but to use his status to bluff Ye Liuyun.

However, Ye Liuyun, who was furious, killed him directly, regardless of whether he was an elder or not. Not even one of the ferocious beasts around was spared.

Some members of the alliance around the elder recognized Ye Liuyun. Ye Liuyun\'s appearance had already been spread in the alliance. Jintong, Baiyi, Heidao, especially Jintong, there is no second one.

"Ye Liuyun, if you dare to kill the elders of our Southern Region, aren\'t you afraid of being punished by the Southern Region?" a member of the alliance scolded angrily.

"What are you that came here to accuse me?" Ye Liuyun asked back.

"Hmph, I\'m Han Shan who ranks third on the holy list. If I wasn\'t in this secret realm, I could easily kill you!" one of the youths said contemptuously.

"That\'s right, we are all in the top 30 on the holy list. If you offend us, you have to think about the consequences." Several other people also echoed.

The corner of Ye Liuyun\'s mouth raised, and the thunder and fire domain enveloped them as well. "Do you think I was frightened? Kill!" Ye Liuyun directly ordered the Hell Snake.

These people are literally dying. They really don\'t know Ye Liuyun\'s character, he is a typical soft-spoken man. Speak well, maybe you can survive. If it is a threat, he will not accept it at all, and he will never let go if he can kill the grass.

These people panicked immediately, they didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to really kill them.

"Ye Liuyun, if you kill us, your token will also record your evil deeds. Once you go out, your deeds will be known by the alliance and they will punish you!" Someone shouted.

"Ye Liuyun, after we go out if you have the ability, we will compete against each other according to our strength!" Han Shan also used the aggressive method.

"No need! You rubbish, you won\'t be my opponent after you get out!"

After all, the Blood Thunder and the Golden Crow Sacred Flame blasted towards them, and the Hell Snake also swung its giant tail and slammed down...

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils immediately looked at the natives who followed them, there were nearly a hundred of them. This is already a very strong team for a small tribe.

"We were forced to come here!" One of the leaders bowed his head to admit his mistake to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t have time to care about what it said, so he searched for the soul directly. After a search, I found out that this tribe is called the Jiamuni tribe, and the tribe that Ha Qiong belongs to is called the Hassan tribe. The names of these tribes are also very simple, and they are all named after their surnames. Therefore, from the name of the tribe, it can be seen that the Jamuni tribe has three surnames, and the number of people is much larger than that of the Hassan tribe.

They had long wanted to annex them, but they just took advantage of this opportunity to attack.

After Ye Liuyun found out the truth, he was not polite, and directly covered these people in the Thunder Fire Domain and killed them all.

The soul attack seems to take a long time, but in fact it only takes a few breaths. Ye Liuyun himself also arrived at this time, first gave Lei Ming and the others a healing elixir, and then put them into the storage ring. After cleaning the battlefield, he returned directly to Hassan\'s tribe.

Ha Qiong and the others felt Ye Liuyun\'s powerful aura when Ye Liuyun left. They knew that something had happened, and they were organizing people to come out to help, but Ye Liuyun rushed back quickly.

Ha Qiong went up to ask with concern. Ye Liuyun also told Hassan what happened.

"I killed more than a hundred of them, so they should be relatively weak. You can take this opportunity to recruit that Jiamuni tribe!" Ye Liuyun suggested.

Ha Qiong shook his head, and said helplessly: "Friend Ye, you don\'t know that although the Jamuni tribe seems to have only one more surname than us, their number is three times that of ours. They usually don\'t come to attack We just don\'t want to lose too much. Even if they lose one-third of their combat power now, we still can\'t beat them."

Ye Liuyun immediately asked: "The Jiamuni tribe, what resources can us outsiders use?"

Ha Qiong said without hesitation: "There is a kind of water in their place. It is useless for us to drink it, but you outsiders like it very much."

Ye Liuyun immediately checked the storage rings of members of the Southern Region Alliance with his spiritual sense. Sure enough, a type of water collected in their storage ring was found. There is a strong aura in the water. The energy in it has almost caught up with the spirit stone. Drinking this kind of water will definitely be more effective than absorbing the spirit stone.

Ye Liuyun made a decision immediately after hearing the words. "Tell me where the Jamuni tribe is, and I\'ll help you destroy them."

The patriarch of the Hassan tribe came over at this time. The patriarch is a well-built middle-aged old man. He was once injured by probing the spirit of the castle. Has been in a coma. Now that he was rescued by the soul-cleaning water brought back by Ye Liuyun, he is naturally grateful to Ye Liuyun.

But he still pleaded: "Friend Ye, can you not kill them all? Although they belong to a different tribe from us, after all, the number of people here is small. If everyone is killed, I am afraid we will encounter powerful beasts." , can’t resist anymore. Can we make them surrender to us?”

Ye Liuyun immediately agreed to him. Immediately Ha Qiong went to gather the fighting power of the tribe, preparing to move the whole family and incorporate the Jiamuni tribe. Ye Liuyun went back and put Wu Qingcheng and others into the storage ring. He didn\'t dare to leave them alone now, so as not to cause another accident. It just happened to let them take care of the injured monsters.

Ye Liuyun followed the warriors of the Hassan tribe to the camp of the Jamuni tribe.

The walls of the Jiamuni clan\'s camp were higher than those of the Hassan clan. If it wasn\'t for his true essence, he wouldn\'t be able to fly up. At first glance, this posture is much stronger than the Hassan family.

Ye Liuyun swept over with his spiritual sense and found that the city was also full of ordinary local tribesmen, so he didn\'t go on a killing spree, but directly showed coercion in the air, and the patriarch of the Jiamuni tribe led the tribe to surrender directly.

The patriarch of the Hassan clan went to deal with the surrender, while Ye Liuyun found the spring water directly with his spiritual sense, first filled the bathing pool in the Dragon Palace, and then let everyone go in to practice.

The injuries of Lei Ming and the others are already recovering. Soaking in this kind of spring water will help you recover faster.

Ye Liuyun dug a pool directly next to the spring water, and while absorbing the true energy in the spring water, he also absorbed the profound energy in this secret realm. Take a two-pronged approach to improve the quality of true essence.

Ye Liuyun is now at the seventh level of Yuan Dan, after absorbing Yuan Qi during this period of time, the quality of his true Yuan has greatly improved. Practicing at the same time at this time not only improves the quality of the true essence, but also increases the quantity.

Ye Liuyun hoped that through this practice, he could have the strength to directly fight Tiangang First Layer.

After three to five days, everyone else\'s realm has broken through. Several monsters even drank and soaked this spring water directly. It\'s just that Ye Liuyun\'s Yuan Dan is much larger than ordinary people, so he needs more real Yuan, and his realm is not as fast as others!