Lord of All Gods

Chapter 817

"I\'m not too worried about other people, I\'m worried about Hades! Do you think these powers are enough to deal with Hades?" Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi.

Qiongqi gave him a blank look: "What do you think? The respected rank is against the God of War rank, just like the realm of Yuan Dan against the realm of Yin and Yang. Do you think there is a chance of winning?"

However, he was afraid that Ye Liuyun would be hit, so he immediately added: "Why are you in a hurry? The god of the underworld has not come over now. Look at your own luck, it is a foreign spirit and a ghost butterfly. When he comes, you There must be a way."

"I hope so! No matter what, at least this round of the Nether Hell hunt, I have some confidence now. Hurry up and dig out all the Yuan Dan of those alien races, I have to improve my strength as soon as possible!"

Qiongqi immediately started to dig out the Yuan Dan of those foreign races.

Ye Liuyun also gave Guidie one as promised.

Ghost Butterfly, like him, can absorb any kind of energy. So this high-level Yuan Dan is enough for it to break through to the realm of life and death.

Ghost Butterfly immediately began to cultivate in Ye Liuyun\'s Xuankong Stone.

"Master, is the time here different from outside?" Gui Die felt that the time inside the Xuankong Stone was a bit weird.

"Yes, one day outside, ten days here. Suitable for cultivation!" Ye Liuyun told it.

"That\'s great! Calculated in this way, I can break through in only three days outside!" Gui Die was a little excited to see such a good place.

It now feels that following Ye Liuyun is extremely correct.

I gained energy as soon as I came here, and there is this kind of place suitable for cultivation.

With the support of these resources, it can break through in about 30 days. And the time outside is only three days.

"Okay. You can break through with peace of mind! No one here can disturb you..."

Before Ye Liuyun finished speaking, the ghost butterfly had already absorbed all the energy of a new year\'s day into his body and began to refine it.

"Uh... still impatient!"

Ye Liuyun immediately got out of the Xuankong Stone and told the guard arranged by the princess: "Go back and tell the princess that Guidie needs to get used to it, and the time will be arranged in three days. You don\'t have to stay here anymore!"

The guard agreed and went back to pass the letter.

Ye Liuyun finished making arrangements and was about to go back to practice, but Qiongqi called him back: "Going to practice?"

"What? You still have something to do?" Ye Liuyun thought that Qiongqi was looking for him.

"You are too careless! Do you think this is the end of the matter? The purpose of the Fierce Demon Sect\'s auction of the alien corpses is to let the spirits of the alien race control the human beings. They will definitely stay and monitor them. How could they just leave them alone after they are sold out!"

Qiongqi reminded Ye Liuyun that he was afraid that he would be too involved in cultivation.

Only then did Ye Liuyun remember: "Yeah, I forgot about it! Did they follow?" He really didn\'t want to use his spiritual sense to find out if anyone was following them.

"Of course! As soon as we came out of the auction, Moxiu followed behind!" Qiongqi didn\'t forget this, and kept watching with his divine sense.

"It seems that our fate with the Fierce Demon Sect is not over yet! Then should we do it now?" Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi.

"Don\'t worry. I\'ve already set up a formation in the yard, and I\'ll wait for them to come to your door." Qiongqi smirked and said, "I\'ll have to trouble you to search for the soul at that time!"

"Okay! Then I\'ll go practice for a while, and call me when someone comes."

Ye Liuyun is only thinking about improving his strength now, and he doesn\'t want to waste any time, so he can only work hard and stay under surveillance.

Xiao Wuji, the patriarch of the Fierce Demon Sect, was also discussing with an elder that the evil corpses of the alien race were auctioned off by Ye Liuyun.

"It\'s that group of people again? Could it be that they discovered something and deliberately wanted to fight against us?"

Xiao Wuji began to suspect that Ye Liuyun might have come here following clues from other races.

"The boy with the golden eyes and the old man with red hair have obvious features, and the spies will not be mistaken! They bought the bodies of six adults of different races, and their intentions are unknown." The elder replied.

"No matter what the intention is, send people to rush there immediately. As long as their spirits are not occupied by the adults of the foreign race, they will be wiped out immediately, and the bodies of the adults of the foreign race will be brought back." Xiao Wuji ordered.

He was worried that Ye Liuyun would disrupt their plan and expose their behavior in advance.

"Yes!" The elder took the order, and immediately mobilized two fourth-level good fortune, six first-level good fortune, and more than 20 elders and disciples from the late stage of the Yin-Yang realm. He personally led the team and rushed to Yingzui Island.

The elder who leads the team is called Tianhuang, and he was still in the third level of good fortune a year ago.

Since following the suzerain to seek refuge with the foreign race, he gained strength from the foreign race. In less than a year, the realm has broken through the third level, which can be said to be a leap forward.

Most of the elders of the Fierce Demon Sect have defected to other races and have gained a lot of benefits.

This is also an important reason why their strength soared and they were able to capture other sects.

That\'s why Elder Tian Huang worshiped the alien monsters and cared about their affairs so much that he led the team himself.

Moreover, the personnel he selected should be enough to deal with Ye Liuyun and the others. What\'s more, they still have a stronghold on Yingzui Island, and there are still twenty or thirty people there.

However, it will take longer for them to reach Eagle Mouth Island.

In order to prevent Ye Liuyun and the others from escaping in advance, he also notified the group of people who escorted the alien corpse to the auction, and immediately returned to Yingzui Island.

That group of people is also six good luck realm experts and more than a dozen disciples of the yin and yang mirror. After sending the evil corpse to the auction, they returned to the sect, not long after they left Yingzui Island. In about four or five days, you can return to Yingzui Island.

Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi didn\'t wait long. Not long after it got dark, a spy from the Yin-Yang realm of the Fierce Demon Sect entered the courtyard to check the situation, but was trapped in the formation and couldn\'t get out.

Qiongqi caught him and handed him over to Ye Liuyun to search for his soul.

"Elder Tianhuang from the Fierce Demon Sect is leading a team to destroy us. He is also led by an elder from the sixth level of fortune!"

After Ye Liuyun searched his soul, he also learned that the Night Demon Sect was going to attack them, so he sent the information to Qiongqi.

However, the level of this spy is relatively low, and there is no more valuable information.

"Why don\'t we take away their stronghold here, and then arrange the formation, and wait for them to take the bait?" Qiongqi suggested.

Ye Liuyun thought for a while: "That\'s fine. Anyway, their stronghold on Yingzui Island is the second layer of fortune, and we can easily deal with it."

Since the opponent has no masters, they have nothing to worry about.