Lord of All Gods

Chapter 816

"My lord, this transparent cover is a gift from our auction. It can block the attack of the soul. When you open it, you must be careful of the attack of the soul."

When the deacon handed the ghost butterfly over to Ye Liuyun, he specifically asked him to prevent him from opening the cover rashly and the ghost butterfly inside would attack.

"Okay, thanks a lot!"

Ye Liuyun thanked him, and put away the ghost butterfly together with the cover.

The next auction items are several artifacts, and the competition is more intense.

The princess did not participate in any more auctions.

Ye Liuyun took another spear and paid more than 100 million spirit stones.

Baihu\'s artifact is a sword, and he has been using it against him. Ye Liuyun also knew that he liked long spears better, so since he met them, he took a picture of them directly.

"He still has money to buy artifacts!" Wu Xiu, the princess, Chang Wanshan and others in the hall were also a little shocked.

"How many spirit stones does this kid have!" Some people muttered enviously.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care what they said at all.

Now, he is taming the ghost butterfly according to the method Qiongqi taught him.

The ghost butterfly is now trapped in the hood, just unable to attack him, it is the best time to tame it.

"Use the will-o\'-the-wisp to enclose the entire cover, scare it first! If you see it curls up its wings, it means it has been subdued." Qiongqi explained to Ye Liuyun.

"After it is subdued, how can it be subdued? What if it is still not subdued?" Ye Liuyun asked.

Qiongqi continued: "If it is subdued, you can feed it some magic crystals or spirit stones, and as long as it eats it, you sign a soul contract with it, and it will recognize its master directly.

If it refuses to accept, then you can use the power of space to send ghost fires to its side to frighten it until it is subdued. "

"It\'s so small, what if it burns out?" Ye Liuyun was a little worried. Looking at the size of the ghost butterfly, it can be burned to ashes in a fire.

Qiongqi smiled and said: "Don\'t worry, Guidie is very smart, it\'s not stupid! If it still doesn\'t give in, then just burn it!"

Ye Liuyun heard what Qiongqi said, and followed Qiongqi\'s advice.

First, the ghostly will-o\'-the-wisp surrounds the transparent cover.

When the ghost butterfly saw the ghost fire, its wings rolled up halfway. But seeing that the flame was outside the cover and couldn\'t reach the inside, he immediately opened his wings again.

Still waiting for Xiaoyan to unleash a soul attack on Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness through the glass cover.

"Little thing, your intelligence is really high!"

Ye Liuyun smiled, and sent the ghost fire into the cover with the power of space. However, it didn\'t directly burn Guidie\'s body.

Guidie immediately curled up her body in fright, and her wings were completely curled up, not even daring to move.

Ye Liuyun immediately took away the Netherworld ghost fire and threw in a few magic crystals.

The ghost butterfly looked at it and saw that there was no danger, so it jumped on the magic crystal and absorbed the magic crystal directly.

Then Ye Liuyun used ghost fire to surround the cover, and then slowly opened the cover.

Ye Liuyun used his spiritual sense to communicate with Guidie and signed a master-servant contract, everything went very smoothly.

When Ghost Butterfly was tamed by him, the auction was not over yet, and everyone was still fighting for the artifact.

"Master, I\'m going to the Venerable Rank soon, and I need a lot of energy!" Gui Die sent a message to Ye Liuyun.

As soon as they sign the soul contract, they can communicate through the soul, without language barriers.

"Don\'t worry, the energy is all ready for you. I\'ll give it to you after I\'ve participated in the auction." Ye Liuyun also knows the importance of letting him raise his realm, so he definitely won\'t delay.

"By the way, I also found you a wife. Would you like to meet her? It\'s a ghost butterfly with the same realm as yours. It\'s a female!" Ye Liuyun thought it was better to discuss it with it first.

"Thank you, master. But if my realm is not as high as it, I will be eaten by it! My realm must be higher than it." The ghost butterfly replied.

"You don\'t want to eat it, do you?" Ye Liuyun asked worriedly.

"No. Only when the realm of the female is higher than that of the male, will the male be eaten after mating!" Guidie explained.

"The custom of this ghost butterfly is really..." Ye Liuyun also had nothing to say.

It has a soul contract with Gui Die, knowing that Gui Die will not lie to it.

"Okay then, let\'s improve the realm first."

After Ye Liuyun finished speaking, she went to tell Qiongqi: "The ghost butterfly has been tamed. It\'s really easy!"

"That\'s right, it doesn\'t matter who gave you the idea!" Qiongqi began to brag again.

"Tell you something, I have reached an agreement with the princess..."

Ye Liuyun also told Qiongqi about the agreement reached with the princess.

"Your boy Yanfu is really not shallow! In such a short period of time, you have hooked up the princess? Going to breed? Why can\'t I meet such a good thing!" Qiongqi exclaimed and sighed.

Ye Liuyun\'s obsession with Qiongqi\'s nonsense is also a black thread: "What nonsense are you talking about! It\'s the ghost butterfly who is going to breed, and it\'s not something between us!"

"What\'s the difference? It just so happens that you don\'t have a woman by your side right now, so I understand, young people are full of energy..."

Before Qiongqi finished speaking, Ye Liuyun directly cut off the connection with his spiritual consciousness, too lazy to listen to his nonsense.

Until the end of the auction, the Princess sent a sound transmission to Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness.

"Go back and get ready. I\'ll send someone to look for you later. Don\'t worry, you are a distinguished guest of our county palace now, and no one dares to touch you!"

After the princess finished speaking, she also arranged for a guard in golden armor to follow Ye Liuyun and the others.

"So this kid knows the princess!" Some people sighed.

Those who planned to test Ye Liuyun\'s details immediately gave up their thoughts.

Chang Wanshan also looked at Ye Liuyun helplessly, and left with his own people.

"Your new wife is not bad, she knows how to protect you!" Qiongqi laughed and said.

"Don\'t talk nonsense, be careful to be heard by the princess and cut your tongue! Go back and get down to business!"

Ye Liuyun ignored Qiongqi\'s teasing, and urged him to go back and deal with those alien corpses.

Although Qiongqi\'s words were not serious, he was active in handling things and did not delay, so he immediately followed Ye Liuyun back to his residence.

Both of them returned to the Xuankong Stone and started to get busy.

After ten days, the souls of the six respectable ranks were all collected by Ye Liuyun into the Hundred Refinement Soul Banner for cultivation.

The alien soul that was collected before is now used for fighting. He tried to let it out.

The spirit of that foreign race is very powerful, neither he nor Qiongqi are rivals.

"It shouldn\'t be a problem to deal with those people in Nether Hell now?" Qiongqi asked with satisfaction.