Lord of All Gods

Chapter 801

Everyone is full of praise for Qiongqi\'s ability, and they all want to praise him to the sky!

Even the skeleton puppet was assigned a piece of armor. The skeleton puppet is a work completed by Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi together. Although Qinglin has upgraded it, Qiongqi still prefers this puppet.

Qiongqi even made armor for Cyclops and the others. They also used alien scale armor from the realm of good fortune. But the grade is a little lower, it is a lower grade.

According to him, they were all failed products of his refining.

But Cyclops and the others did not dislike it. In any case, it is also Bai De\'s respectable treasure. And it\'s a treasure for self-defense.

Generally speaking, self-defense treasures are more valuable than attack treasures. Critical moments can save lives.

"When did you collect so many scale armors from other races?" Ye Liuyun was curious.

Qiongqi smiled and said: "I have already started collecting. There are still many things you don\'t know!"

Everyone put on the armor directly, and a group of people rushed to the Fierce Demon Sect in a majestic manner.

Their suit of armor also became a scene on the road.

Many people were watching their group, curious about their origins, and staring at their armor with greedy eyes.

The Fierce Demon Sect even sent two disciples to meet them.

No need to ask, I must have thought that Ye Liuyun and the others might have something to do with the Thousand Demon Sect. They said they were welcoming them, but they were actually monitoring them more closely.

Ye Liuyun and the others didn\'t care either. They didn\'t come here for the Thousand Demon Sect, let alone participate in saving people.

They just want to find the one-eyed enemy, and then Ye Liuyun will use the soul search to confirm whether the one-eyed daughter is still alive, and if so, where is she now.

The Fierce Demon Sect was very enthusiastic towards Ye Liuyun and the others.

At least when there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, they will not immediately turn their faces.

Some elders also came over to chat with Ye Liuyun and the others.

Ye Liuyun also clearly told the other party his goals.

"We only want to find out the whereabouts of one person. As for the life and death of the Thousand Demon Sect, it has nothing to do with us."

Although the other party would not be dispelled by his two words, at least Ye Liuyun\'s attitude reassured them a lot.

The execution of the prisoners by the Fierce Demon Sect also attracted many people to watch the excitement.

They even set aside a special arena for people to watch from the audience.

Qiongqi looked at the surrounding environment and the strength of the Fierce Demon Sect, and secretly sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun: "The location of the arena is easy to save people, but difficult to get out! And they are all strong in the realm of good fortune."

Ye Liuyun had also discovered these problems a long time ago.

"We don\'t save people either. If that Blood Liancheng is there, we just need to search for his soul." Ye Liuyun replied.

"I\'m afraid the masters of the Fierce Demon Sect will find that their consciousness fluctuates." Qiongqi reminded.

"So what if I find out? I won\'t save people!" Ye Liuyun felt indifferent.

The Fierce Demon Sect shouldn\'t attack him just because he has fluctuations in his consciousness. So Ye Liuyun paid more attention to the outsiders, to see who might be able to rob people.

"Who is the Fierce Demon Sect trying to arrest so much?" Qiongqi chatted with Ye Liuyun.

"In my opinion, either the elders who hold the important resources of the Thousand Demon Sect, or the outstanding members of their younger generation. Only this kind of people can make the Fierce Demon Sect worry about it." Ye Liuyun guessed.

"Heroes see the same thing!" Qiongqi praised him, boasting himself too.

Ye Liuyun ignored him, and turned to remind Cyclops: "Relax, don\'t stare at the ring, people haven\'t come out yet. You should pay attention to the outsiders first, and see if there is anyone you are looking for inside."

One-eyed was nervous and kept staring at the ring. After hearing Ye Liuyun\'s reminder, he realized that he was a little too nervous. So he turned his attention to the crowd and stopped staring at the ring.

"Perhaps the person you are looking for may be in the crowd." Ye Liuyun felt that there must be someone from the Thousand Demon Sect in the audience.

He also opened the golden pupil himself to see if he could find some clues.

At the same time, he also checked the recovery status of the alien spirit in his Hundred Refining Soul Banner.

When encountering such a master of good luck, he can only use this soul flag to resist once he fights.

In the main hall of the Fierce Demon Sect, the suzerain Xiao Wuji was also paying attention to the movement outside.

An elder next to him said: "The group of people in armor seem to be looking for someone. After I chatted with them, I found that they don\'t know much about Thousand Demon Sect. And they don\'t seem to care who we have arrested."

"Yeah." Xiao Wuji agreed, pondered for a while, and said: "With their strength, they can\'t save people! If they dare to act recklessly, we can destroy them in minutes. If they don\'t move, we will treat them politely." Treat each other!"

"Yes!" The elder agreed. Then, he reported on the situation of the others.

Xiao Wuji always looked a little absent-minded.

In fact, most of his consciousness now is also looking at the outsiders who come in.

But now it\'s almost time, and he didn\'t see the face he was looking forward to, so he couldn\'t help feeling a little disappointed.

The elder beside him also asked carefully: "That little witch, did she not receive the message?"

Xiao Wuji shook his head slowly. "It\'s unlikely that she doesn\'t know about such a sensational news. Just wait and see! Follow the plan, you go prepare!"

"Yes." The elder agreed, bowed out of the hall, and told people to prepare to bring all the prisoners to the ring.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils kept scanning the audience. Suddenly, he found a "suspicious person"!

This person is a woman disguised as a man, and wearing a mask to prevent spiritual detection. With divine sense, I can\'t see anything strange about her at all. Only Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils could detect her disguise.

The woman herself is not very old, she seems to be not too different from Lei Ming. The realm is higher than Lei Ming, and he is a magic cultivator with the first level of creation.

She concealed herself very well, without the slightest bit of tension. The breath on his body also subsided. No one can perceive her realm and identity as a demon cultivator.

Although Ye Liuyun didn\'t know who she was, but she disguised herself so thoroughly, there must be some ulterior secret.

And after she came in, she also started to look around.

Ye Liuyun has been paying attention to this girl.

When the girl glanced at Cyclops and the others, she suddenly froze all over. Tears even welled up in his eyes.

Especially the feeling when looking at the one-eyed eye made Ye Liuyun feel even more strange.

"Huh?" Ye Liuyun immediately became suspicious. "Does this girl know Cyclops? One-eyed daughter..."

Ye Liuyun could immediately transfer the image of this young girl to Cyclops through the soul contract.