Lord of All Gods

Chapter 800

Ye Liuyun immediately thanked him, and walked towards the interior of Thousand Demon Sect.

The man waited until Ye Liuyun was far away before he relaxed and continued to collect the corpses and storage space.

Ye Liuyun walked around the Thousand Demon Sect and found nothing else, so he joined Duyan and the others and walked back together.

Cyclops checked all the elders and female disciples before giving up and continuing to search.

At this time, a group of disciples from the Fierce Demon Sect suddenly appeared in a flying boat and stopped them.

Ye Liuyun stood in front of the crowd and explained to them: "We are not from the Thousand Demon Sect!"

The leading disciple of the Fierce Demon Sect waved his hand and said with a smile, "Don\'t be nervous. Whether you are members of the Thousand Demon Sect or not, the Thousand Demon Sect no longer exists. We also captured hundreds of Thousand Demon Sect elders and disciples alive, and even Even the Sect Master of the Thousand Demon Sect is now being imprisoned by us in the Fierce Demon Sect."

Ye Liuyun didn\'t understand what the disciple of the Fierce Demon Sect meant when he told him this.

"What do you mean by telling us this?" He asked tentatively.

"In three days\' time, all these captives will be executed on the spot. If you are interested, you can go to watch the ceremony!" said the disciple Ruo meaningfully.

"Thank you! We\'re just here to find someone. Since you still have prisoners there, maybe we\'ll really go and have a look!"

Ye Liuyun thanked the disciple, and led everyone back to the battleship.

The disciples of the Fierce Demon Sect didn\'t stop them either, allowing them to leave at will.

After returning back, Duoyan frowned and thought about it: "The disciple told us this, I\'m afraid he has other meanings!"

"Among the elders or disciples of Thousand Demon Sect, some important figures have escaped!" Qiong Qi suddenly said.

Qiongqi\'s spiritual sense also detected what the disciple said just now.

He continued: "The reason why the Fierce Demon Sect did this was to use the captives to fish and lure the escaped person to rescue them. It seems that the escaped person should be more loyal to the Thousand Demon Sect, otherwise this method would be ineffective. "

After a pause, he analyzed again: "The reason why the Fierce Demon Sect didn\'t take away all the corpses is because they hoped that the escaped person could come back and collect the corpses for his fellow sect."

Everyone felt that Qiongqi\'s analysis was very reasonable.

"Will the person from the Thousand Demon Sect who escaped go there then?" Ye Liuyun was a little curious.

"Since the Fierce Demon Sect made such an arrangement, that person might really go!" Qiongqi guessed.

"That is to say, there may be a scuffle at that time?" Ye Liuyun also guessed.

"Very likely!" Qiongqi nodded.

"Let\'s go and have a look!" Ye Liuyun decided.

Now that he has decided to help Cyclops, he must help to the end. As long as there is a glimmer of hope to find a clue, Ye Liuyun will not give up.

"Thank you, thank you!" Cyclops looked a little excited.

Ye Liuyun can accompany him here, he is already very content. Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun would continue to help him track down clues.

He also didn\'t want to delay Ye Liuyun for too long. After all, there are ghost warships chasing them!

"Then go and have a look, if we can\'t find anyone, we\'ll leave immediately, there can be no further delay!" Cyclops said proactively.


Ye Liuyun nodded and agreed.

After all, they cannot investigate endlessly. If they are caught up by the Nether Battleship, their lives will be in danger.

The battleship continued to set sail and headed straight for the Fierce Demon Sect.

This time, they did not change the battleship.

According to Qiongqi, they might have been targeted by the Fierce Demon Sect. Exposing too much strength will make the Fierce Demon Sect suspicious.

Anyway, there was enough time, and the prisoners were executed three days later, and their third-tier warships must be in time.

It\'s useless to go early, and they won\'t see anyone, so there\'s no need to change to a super battleship.

Ye Liuyun and the others continued to return to the Xuankong Stone to hurry up and practice.

This time, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help breaking through to the sixth level of yin and yang, and the others also raised their level by one level with the guarantee of sufficient energy.

Even Qiongqi used all kinds of resources to increase his realm by one level, breaking through to the fourth level of good fortune.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t stay idle either. He first used the star-eating beast\'s blood to increase his blood power, and then entered the space world to expand the space inside.

Next, he continued to absorb Yuan Dan, magic crystals, and magic stones from other races to practice. At the same time, it is constantly strengthening its comprehension and absorption of the power of heaven and earth.

Qiankun Palm, his second type of yin and yang grinding disc has been completed. He felt that it was enough for the time being, so he didn\'t continue to practice.

He has also completely completed the third stage of the Yuanling secret technique. Now as long as the aura is sufficient, he will increase his realm even when he sleeps. The whole body can absorb energy.

Ye Liuyun felt right now that even if he didn\'t deliberately cultivate, his whole body would be filled with spiritual energy.

Even if he absorbs the energy of a foreign race or a demon race, his cultivation speed will increase exponentially.

In less than a month in the Xuankong Stone, Ye Liuyun\'s realm has been raised to the middle stage of the sixth level of Yin and Yang, and he has consumed all the alien Yuan Dan, not to mention a lot of magic crystals and magic stones.

With the strengthening of his Buddha magic power, Ye Liuyun absorbed the magic stone much faster than before, and the time to stop and relax became shorter and shorter.

"We\'ve reached the territory of the Fierce Demon Sect. Are we going there in a battleship?" Cyclops asked Ye Liuyun for advice.

"Put away the battleship! The battleship is far away. Once we find your enemy, we won\'t be able to do it. Besides, there may be a battle later. The battleship is also in the way of this kind of battle between martial arts!"

Ye Liuyun was also completely considering the one-eyed.

So everyone came out from the Xuankong Stone, put away their warships, and rushed to the Fierce Demon Sect.

Before everyone left, Qiongqi finally distributed all the armors he had made to everyone.

Except that the armor he made for himself is all the scale armor of the Golden Wing alien race, the armor for others is a mixture of the scale armor of the Golden Wing alien race and the scale armor of other alien races in the realm of good fortune.

He even took off the alien scale armor of the noble rank in the temple and mixed it into the armor.

In fact, the scale armor of the Golden Wing alien race may not be stronger than the scale armor of other alien races. It\'s just that it\'s all golden scale armor, which makes him look more handsome.

The armor that Qiongqi made this time can still transform. Whether he turned into a human form or appeared in his body form, that set of armor fit him very well.

The armors made for several women were thoughtfully put on masks with formations on them to prevent others from detecting their appearance.

Wu Qingcheng and the others were particularly satisfied with this point.

What interested everyone the most was the armor that Qiongqi gave them, all of which were middle-ranked.