Lord of All Gods

Chapter 776

When Ye Liuyun entered, Qiongqi was already waiting for him on the other side.

Inside the big tree, it is actually an independent space, and there is a hole in it. Like an abandoned city.

It\'s just that this place is too miserable, and there are dilapidated scenes everywhere.

"What is this place?"

Looking at the dilapidated scene in front of him, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help asking Qiongqi.

"I don\'t know either. But I know how to get there. Follow me for a while, don\'t lose track of me, or you will get into trouble." Qiongqi reminded Ye Liuyun.

"Okay, I\'ll try my best. You also take care of my speed!" Ye Liuyun was also afraid that Qiongqi\'s speed would be too fast, so he would throw him away!

Qiongqi led the way, stopping and sniffing after walking.

"It seems that this guy is using his sense of smell to find his way!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

Soon, with Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness, he discovered that there were ghosts haunting the front.

The path they took was less haunted. There are more and more ghosts on other roads.

Qiongqi reminded Ye Liuyun with his spiritual sense: "No matter how they scare you, don\'t attack them. If you don\'t attack them, they won\'t attack you!"

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun agreed, and followed Qiongqi closely.

As they walked further, those ghosts rushed over. Pretentious to attack them.

If Qiongqi didn\'t know beforehand, then after entering, he would definitely launch an attack.

Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi pretended not to see it.

Anyway, no matter how the ghosts frighten them, Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi just don\'t attack them. They didn\'t attack either of them.

After twists and turns along the way, enduring those ghosts screaming and roaring in their ears, they finally came to a large hall.

The hall is relatively well preserved and looks much better than the surrounding buildings.

In the hall, after Ye Liuyun scanned it with his spiritual sense, he found that there were no ghosts in it.

I only saw a stone statue, but I didn\'t find out where the treasure was.

"Prepare to resist the soul attack!" Qiongqi reminded Ye Liuyun again.

"There is also a soul attack?"

Ye Liuyun thought that Qiongqi would take him all the way through the customs, but he didn\'t expect to encounter danger.

Qiongqi explained: "It\'s the artifact that wants to test its new owner! Of course, you have the Myriad Gods Token in your sea of ​​knowledge, so don\'t worry!"

"Where is the artifact?" Ye Liuyun wanted to see what the artifact was.

But Qiongqi didn\'t know either. They both finally set their sights on the stone statue.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils did not find any abnormality in the stone statue, nor could he feel the fluctuation of his spiritual consciousness.

"Could it be that the artifact has been taken away by someone else?"

Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi worriedly.

Qiongqi is also worried about this problem.

Suddenly, the storage ring on the stone statue\'s hand flashed, and a streamer-shaped artifact flew out of it.

"So it\'s here! It\'s too hidden!"

Ye Liuyun also ignored it before, but this storage ring is actually real and can hide things. He habitually thought that the storage rings were all metal or various precious materials, and ignored this point. I thought the storage ring was also part of the statue.

As soon as the banner-shaped artifact came out, it exuded a strong ghostly aura, as well as divine-level spirit fluctuations.

Ye Liuyun felt that the aura emanating from this soul banner was the same aura as the gate of hell he had seen.

As for the soul fluctuations it emitted, Ye Liuyun didn\'t feel anything at all. The Ten Thousand Gods Token only emits a little golden light, which neutralizes this threat invisible.

"Is this something from Nether Hell?" Ye Liuyun quickly sent a voice transmission to Qiongqi.

He is also very sensitive to the Nether Hell now. He wanted to hide as far away as possible from anything related to the Nether Hell.

"Soul banner! It should be a ghost weapon. I don\'t know if it\'s something from the Nether Hell."

Qiongqi looked at the soul banner, only knew that it should be a ghost weapon.

However, the aura and spirit fluctuations emitted by this soul banner are too strong, obviously beyond the range he can handle. Qiongqi\'s soul is also very powerful, similar to Ye Liuyun, and can reach the level of respect.

But in the face of the artifact, he still didn\'t dare to take risks.

Ye Liuyun has the order of the gods, so he can\'t feel that kind of threat, but he can feel his body and mind trembling.

"You can take it if you can, and withdraw it if you can\'t. I\'ll wait for you outside first!"

As he said that, Qiongqi\'s figure flickered, and he immediately retreated outside the hall, not daring to fight head-on with this soul banner.

"Hey? This guy, he threw me down again!"

Ye Liuyun also shook his head helplessly.

But he also admires Qiongqi\'s self-control. Once beyond his ability, he immediately retreated.

Even if it was the temptation of a divine weapon, he would never hesitate and never take a risk.

"It\'s no wonder this old guy can live so long! Come on, let me see what you are capable of!"

Ye Liuyun took a deep breath and faced the soul banner.

The aura just released by the soul banner and the wave of spirit and soul, even the martial arts with the strength of the spirit and soul, will usually be scared away.

This is the first time it has encountered something as insensitive as Ye Liuyun. Seeing that Ye Liuyun hadn\'t quit at this moment, he really launched an attack.

I saw it swaying slightly, and endless ghost aura gushed out from the banner, the whole hall was darkened, and the roar of ghosts wailed and howled.

Phantoms of ghosts condensed from the black air and surrounded Ye Liuyun.

The huge phantom of a ghost general also gradually condensed into shape.

Although it is only in the form of a soul, its power is almost the same as Ye Liuyun\'s own.

Even Ye Liuyun felt this kind of spiritual pressure.

The ghost general had just sensed Ye Liuyun\'s fear and was enjoying himself when he suddenly found that Ye Liuyun had returned to normal.


It was stunned for a moment, then let out a strange cry, and shot a cloud of black air at Ye Liuyun.

"It\'s ugly!"

Ye Liuyun satirized it, his golden pupils flashed, and bloody thunders blasted out one after another towards the ghost general.

At the same time, the ghost fire spread all over his body, and he struck the ghost general with a yin and yang mill.

Ye Liuyun also felt that the spirit power of this ghost general was similar to his own, and wanted to compete with him.

The sound of "booming" continued, and there were bloody thunders, pulling out streaks of red light in the dark hall.

The ghost clasped its hands together, releasing black energy from them, resisting the attack of the blood thunder.

But the palm of Yinyang Mopan carried the power of Buddha\'s light and ghost fire, even if it exerted all its strength, it couldn\'t stop the surging black energy.

All the black energy immediately melted away without a trace when it encountered the power of Buddha\'s light and ghost fire.

Seeing that Ye Liuyun\'s palm was about to be slapped off, the soul flag suddenly shook and took the ghost back.