Lord of All Gods

Chapter 766

The fleet lined up and marched towards the entrance of the secret realm.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense discovered that all first-tier warships were in the team.

And the warships below the first level did not follow. Moreover, the robbers in the battleship are basically martial arts above the Yin-Yang realm.

"It seems that the danger in this secret realm is not small, so the level of martial arts that enters is not low!"

Ye Liuyun remembered that Qiongqi would also enter the secret realm, so he asked him, "Is there a source of fire in the secret realm?"

Qiongqi shook his head: "I can\'t feel it. The people who create this kind of space are too powerful. I just want to go in and get some cultivation resources to improve my realm!"

Immediately, he said again: "After going in, I will leave with you separately, and I can get more resources back!"

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun nodded in agreement, he was completely at ease with Qiongqi. Qiongqi\'s experience is much richer than his. If anyone has an accident, nothing will happen to him.

"I suggest that you let other people go out and make their own way, and let them obtain resources based on their own abilities." Qiongqi suggested.

"I\'m afraid something will happen to them!" Ye Liuyun said worriedly.

"It\'s all in the realm of yin and yang, how long do you want to protect them? If something happens, it\'s their fate!" Qiongqi persuaded Ye Liuyun.

"Okay! It\'s time for me to let them go out!"

Having said that, Ye Liuyun called everyone else over.

During this period of time, even Kisaragi has broken through to the realm of yin and yang. And they all have artifacts on them, which can be regarded as a guarantee.

"Entering the secret realm this time, anyone of you who wants to venture out by yourself can give it a try. You all have artifacts in your hands, so I feel more at ease."

Ye Liuyun said to everyone.

As soon as he finished speaking, several monsters had to find resources by themselves. They always rely on Ye Liuyun, and they are embarrassed, and have long wanted to find resources by themselves.

Kisaragi also wants to make a breakthrough by herself.

Wu Qingcheng, Yu\'er, Su Miaoyin, the three of them also want to go out alone to find some resources and help Ye Liuyun share some.

"You three must follow me!" Ye Liuyun said domineeringly.

If the three of them weren\'t by his side, he wouldn\'t feel at ease in doing anything, so he might as well bring them by his side for peace of mind.

As for Lei Ming and Longnv, both of them are also in the realm of the fifth level of yin and yang. Although the methods are less, they should be safe with the artifacts.

Ye Liuyun and the others sailed with the fleet for a day and came to the middle of the triangle area.

Here, Ye Liuyun could feel the strong power of space. There are often chaotic spatial forces that distort the space they are in.

If it weren\'t for them staying in the battleship, it would be very dangerous to go out.

The fleet also started to slow down at this time, and Lan Ruobing\'s battleship drew a large circle in front of the battleship behind it.

Then she drove the battleship into the circle, and said to everyone: "I will open the space here later. After you enter, you must be ready to fight, guard against the sneak attack of fierce beasts, and be ready to fight at any time."

Then she added: "This is not a real secret space, but a fragmented continent that is artificially imprisoned in this space. After ten days, the power of space will automatically push you out and return here. Good luck to everyone!"

As Lan Ruobing said, she took out a scepter and filled it with real energy.

The scepter immediately emitted light, unleashed the power of space, and rushed to the sky.

And the power of space in the air seems to attract each other with this force, and they are quickly connected together.

Then, where the two forces of space joined, the space began to collapse, and then the area became larger and larger.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils clearly showed an island appearing in the opposite space.

He now sees it as an island because it is far away from there.

Ye Liuyun estimated that the area of ​​this continent might not be smaller than that of Cangyun Continent. No wonder Lan Ruobing and others called it the Broken Continent.

"If the whole continent wasn\'t broken, how big would it be?" Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi curiously.

"How can I tell you! It must be beyond your imagination!" Qiongqi thought for a while and smiled: "However, you will see a bigger world in the future!"

Ye Liuyun heard the words, but did not speak.

"We\'ll talk about the future. Let\'s improve our strength first, so we can deal with the god of the underworld!" He thought to himself.

As the space was opened wider and wider, Lan Ruobing\'s super battleship took the lead and rushed in.

Afterwards, other battleships also filed in.

Cyclopedia, Li Sanniang and the others had no idea what they might encounter in an unknown continent where no humans had existed for a long time, so they kept vigilant all the time.

At the beginning, everything went very smoothly. The battleships drove in one after another, maintaining the original formation, and sailed towards the continent.

Everyone\'s mood is both nervous and excited.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils also began to sweep towards that continent, looking for the creatures in it.

But he didn\'t see the existence of fierce beasts and other creatures. Instead, he found a few alien evil creatures operating outside.

Ye Liuyun was taken aback, and quickly asked Qiongqi: "There are alien monsters everywhere, how could they come here?"

When Qiong Qi heard this, his usual playful expression suddenly became serious.

"This place has changed! I haven\'t even found any traces of fierce beasts. There are a lot more alien monsters!"

After sailing forward for a while, Lan Ruobing\'s consciousness also swept to the land, and after noticing something strange, she immediately got in touch with Ye Liuyun.

"There were alien races before?" Ye Liuyun asked her.

"Yes! But it\'s only within a fixed range of activities." When Lan Ruobing came in before, although she had come into contact with other races, they were all different, and they were not seriously attacked.

"This thing is like a locust, it\'s impossible to only move in one range! Where did you see them before?"

Ye Liuyun suspects that the place where Lan Ruobing saw the alien race before may be their stronghold. It\'s just that they were not strong at that time, and they didn\'t attack too aggressively.

Lan Ruobing immediately sent the location of her memory to Ye Liuyun. It was in the northwest corner of the continent, in a valley.

Ye Liuyun immediately shared the location with Qiongqi.

"It\'s very likely to be their stronghold!" Qiongqi also felt that this location was chosen to be relatively hidden, like the style of an alien evil.

"That might be the stronghold of the alien monsters!" Ye Liuyun told Lan Ruobing.

"Then what should we do?" Lan Ruobing asked.

"Landing!" Ye Liuyun replied decisively.

"Even if alien races occupy here, most of the resources should still be there. They are different from us, many resources that we can use, they can\'t use!"

Ye Liuyun had been dealing with foreigners for a long time, so he explained it to Lan Ruobing.