Lord of All Gods

Chapter 765

"I should be the one thanking you! You helped me unify the entire triangular region. I deserve this thank you gift!"

Lan Ruobing didn\'t go around in circles, and told him directly that the super battleship was actually his reward.

Before Ye Liuyun, he never thought of wanting this super warship.

"No matter what, I will always remember Sister Lan\'s friendship!"

Ye Liuyun said solemnly, and took the super battleship from Lan Ruobing.

"Don\'t be fooled! Didn\'t I return two first-class warships? I\'ll find someone to repair them when I have time, and they will still work."

Lan Ruobing said with a smile. When he saw Ye Liuyun, he knew he appreciated it, and of course he was also very happy.

Then she added: "I\'m going to enter the secret realm later, and the whole battleship will go in. Your battleship has too many damages, and I\'m afraid it won\'t be able to withstand the pressure of the space!"

"The warship sailed into the secret realm?" Ye Liuyun heard of such a thing for the first time. "How big is the entrance to the secret realm?"

"The secret realm is just what people usually say! It\'s actually a real continent, but it was blocked by Da Neng with the power of space." Lan Ruobing explained to Ye Liuyun.

"So that\'s it! It\'s not an independent space, it\'s just wrapped by the power of space!"

Only then did Ye Liuyun understand why the entire warship could go in.

"Are you going to leave after you come out of the secret realm? Don\'t you stay with us for a while?" Lan Ruobing also thought that Ye Liuyun could stay for a while.

Ye Liuyun shook his head: "It\'s not that I don\'t want to stay longer, but I can\'t! I snatched the Nether Ghost Ship, and their pursuers will arrive soon."

Suddenly, he remembered that the ghost ship might bring danger, so he reminded Lan Ruobing: "By the way, I don\'t know if there is a mark on this ghost ship, and whether it can be tracked by them. When you use it, you still have to Be careful."

"Yes." Lan Ruobing nodded. "I will send people to the nearby post city to find someone to repair and sell it, and then exchange it for a first-class battleship. In this way, even if people from the Nether Hell come, they will not find me."

"That\'s good!" Ye Liuyun also thinks this method is good, no matter whether the Nether Hell can find it or not, it will not harm her robber group.

"If you have a chance to pass by here in the future, remember to come and see me!"

Lan Ruobing rolled her eyes and said softly to Ye Liuyun.

Although she is the leader of the robbers, she is still a woman after all, and she recognizes Ye Liuyun\'s strength and character very much, so it is inevitable that she will have a little affection!

Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to provoke her. He had enough of his own troubles!

So he had no choice but to pretend not to know, and said politely: "Okay. If I pass by in the future, I must come and see Sister Lan!"

"Alright then!" Lan Ruobing didn\'t say anything further.

She was not confident enough. After all, the women around Ye Liuyun were all stunning.

Even Lei Ming and Dragon Girl are more beautiful than her.

"Later, I will ask Wu Tian to take away the ghost ship and the first-class battleship you dismantled! You should also familiarize yourself with the new battleship!"

Lan Ruobing smiled at Ye Liuyun, and left without delay.

She is the leader of the robbers, and she has already developed the habit of acting vigorously and resolutely, leaving as soon as she says.

Seeing that she didn\'t say anything more, Ye Liuyun was also relieved. "It\'s too risky to provoke another woman!"

Then, he zoomed in on the super battleship and happily summoned Cyclops.

Cyclops greeted everyone immediately, and all of them boarded the super battleship and began to familiarize themselves with the operation.

One-eyed and the others are all boat lovers, but they have never driven a super battleship.

As soon as they got aboard, they began to admire the battleship and indulge in the various equipment on it.

Ye Liuyun also brought everyone around him to familiarize himself with the situation of the new battleship.

But to them, even if the warship was bigger and faster, they couldn\'t see any difference.

As soon as the super warship appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding warships.

But they also knew that Ye Liuyun contributed a lot this time, and they had nothing to say when the boss rewarded Ye Liuyun with the super battleship.

They even wanted to thank Ye Liuyun for giving them the opportunity to enter the secret realm.

Therefore, the other captains were just envious, and no one expressed objection.

Not long after, Wu Tian also rushed over, and arranged for people to send the Nether ghost ship and the dismantled first-class warship directly to the nearby post city for repair and sale, and then to replace them with two new first-class warships return.

At the same time, he also kindly brought Ye Liuyun a lot of spare parts for super warships.

"Brother, I don\'t have anything to give you! The old ghost and I got these together, just take it as a little wish from us. He is busy now, so he won\'t come over!"

Ye Liuyun hurriedly thanked him, and was also very grateful to him and the old ghost.

These spare parts are not only valuable, but also exactly what they need, which can be regarded as a timely help!

Lame was just discussing spare parts with Cyclops, but Wu Tian sent them to them unexpectedly.

Without spare parts, once they break down while sailing, it will greatly affect their speed.

"Thank you, Brother Ang! These spare parts are really useful! Thank you and the old ghost for your help!"

Ye Liuyun also called him Brother Ang. If he is too out of touch at this time, it will be chilling!

"Hahaha, why are you being polite, as long as you can use it!"

Wu Tian smiled happily, patted Ye Liuyun on the shoulder, and then turned around to do other things.

Ye Liuyun handed over all the spare parts to the lame, and Li Sanniang took the opportunity to say: "Little handsome guy, I admire you more and more now! If you hadn\'t taken such a big risk, I\'m afraid you wouldn\'t be able to get back this super battleship!"

One Eye also smiled and said, "Now you know how powerful this kid is? Back then you didn\'t agree with him taking risks!"

"You put it..." Li Sanniang pinched her waist, halfway through the sentence, she felt that it was not good to scold people, so she had to change her words: "Who said I disagree? If I disagree, can I cooperate like that?"

One-eyed laughed loudly and said: "Did you learn from the woman next to this kid, and want to become a lady!"

"Fuck you!" Li Sanniang couldn\'t bear it any longer when she was hit by the one-eyed words, and she cursed directly, causing everyone to laugh continuously.

Ye Liuyun could tell that Cyclops and the others were really happy to be able to pilot this super warship.

He is going to give this battleship to them if conditions permit in the future.

An hour passed quickly, and Cyclops and the others became familiar with the battleship.

When the fleet set sail, Cyclops and the others steered the super battleship in a splendid manner, following behind Lan Ruobing\'s battleship.

Then came the super battleship of the golden pig.

The three super warships can definitely be regarded as the overlord of this area!

Ye Liuyun reckoned that after coming out of the secret realm, Lan Ruobing would also surround the triangular area and start to expand the territory!