Lord of All Gods

Chapter 756

"Ready to crash!"

Cyclops reminds everyone to hold on to the handrails!


The ghost ship slammed into the side of the first-class battleship heavily, tearing its defense apart, and the bow even crashed into its hull.

The hull of a first-class warship is several grades higher than that of a second-class warship, and the materials used are much better.

So even if it was a sneak attack, it was impossible for Ye Liuyun and the others to directly smash a first-class battleship into pieces.

But the attack that followed was indeed fatal.

Li Sanniang directly activated the black light of death and blasted into its hull.

And those black beams of light, as if they don\'t want money, keep bombarding, and they don\'t stop at all.

The robber who had been trying to kill the Nether Ghost Ship died under the bombardment of the death black light. There was also a strong man with nine levels of yin and yang who was also seriously injured.

And his spirit was absorbed by Ye Liuyun with his golden pupils.

This operation exceeded everyone\'s expectations.

No one thought that when the Nether Ghost Ship reappeared, it would counter-kill the first-class battleship that had been chasing it.

And then, when everyone saw that the location of the attack was the control room, they all understood Ye Liuyun\'s intentions.

This first-class battleship is already half disabled!

"Beautiful! This little brother is not simple..."

Wu Tian shouted excitedly on the super battleship.

But before he finished shouting, a scene that shocked everyone appeared again.

Ye Liuyun led a few people around him and rushed directly into the first-class warship.

"This... This kid is going to seize the battleship? Is it just... such a clear grab?" Wu Tian was so shocked that he was a little incoherent!

The old ghost was also taken aback, but he reacted immediately.

He directly summoned four Tier 3 warships to serve as escorts for the Nether Ghost Ship.

"Block me from all attacks!" The old ghost ordered to die.

Ye Liuyun had helped them so much, he couldn\'t just ignore it.

If he didn\'t want to rely on Ye Liuyun\'s crazy energy, if he really turned against them, he would be afraid!

As for the ghost ship, it really needs assistance in defense at this time.

When they collided with a first-class battleship, their own defense system was also damaged.

The hunchback is repairing the defensive formation.

Li Sanniang was busy bombarding the enemy ships around her.

One-eyed and lame, are increasing the power, pulling the bow out of the body of that first-class warship.

Just when they thought they might be doomed this time, four Lan Ruobing warships appeared around their hull, protecting them, and they would not dodge even if they were attacked.

Protect them completely, so that they can take the opportunity to recover and adjust.

On his super battleship, Cambrian has been scolding the subordinate who controls the first-level battleship as a waste.

Now, seeing that Ye Liuyun wanted to snatch the battleship, of course he couldn\'t do it!

"Mobilize all the battleships on the right wing, and blast the ghost ship to pieces for me. Also, the martial arts of other battleships, go to support the first-class battleship."

On Lan Ruobing\'s side, after discovering the change in the Cambrian battleship team, she also mobilized all the warships there.

For a moment, Ye Liuyun and the others became the focus of the entire battlefield, mobilizing all the warships and martial arts in their area, forming a melee.

All warships on both sides revolve around attacking and protecting the ghost ship.

In the first-class battleship, Ye Liuyun, Lei Ming and others are also trying their best to take the time to clean up the remaining strong men.

All kinds of treasures are used, and they are bombed in turn.

The strong man with nine levels of yin and yang was directly knocked unconscious by Ye Liuyun with the death knell, and absorbed his soul.

For the other martial artists, Ye Liuyun used the power of space to gather spiritual energy arrows and attack them from the void.

At the same time, the Saber Intent of the Devil-Slaying Saber is also showing its might.

Just by himself, he killed four Wuxiu with eight levels of yin and yang in succession.

Lei Ming and Long Nu did not show any weakness either, they were also martial artists who could fight the Yin and Yang Eightfold.

And the skeleton puppet is almost invincible. Immediately began to sweep the robbers in the ship.

Ye Liuyun and Lei Ming took the opportunity to absorb a lot of soul power.

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t absorb so many souls of thousands of martial artists and hundreds of strong men in the Yin-Yang realm, so he could only temporarily store them in the realm of souls.

As for Lei Ming, he had already fully absorbed it.

Ye Liuyun\'s strength shocked Lan Ruobing and the others even more.

"Crossing the triple realm, one hit kills! The old ghost really said it was right, this kid can really shoot me to death! No wonder he\'s a bit embarrassing!"

Wu Tiangang looked down on Ye Liuyun at first, thinking he was arrogant. Now he didn\'t dare to think that way.

He felt that Ye Liuyun really had the capital of arrogance!

"His strength is indeed worthy of our win over!"

Lan Ruobing was optimistic about Ye Liuyun\'s mind and ability.

If she can have a subordinate like Ye Liuyun, it will be even more powerful!

The ghost ship quickly recovered its defenses, and then continued to attack, circling with a second-tier warship, and finally blasting it to pieces.

With the participation of the ghost ship, the fleet on the Cambrian side began to retreat steadily.

Their strongest combat power was all killed by Ye Liuyun, and they had no more resistance.

Cambrian was so angry that he slapped the table on the super battleship, but he was helpless.

He also needs to sit on a super battleship. If he moved, Lan Ruobing would definitely make a move, and might even join forces with the golden pig to attack him.

Then his plan to let Lan Ruobing and Jin Zhu\'s foreign aid consume each other will come to nothing.

The super battleship can\'t move either. If it moves, it is equivalent to admitting that he has been defeated.

So he is in a hurry now, so he can only hold on.

It wasn\'t until he saw that all the Wu Xius in his first-level battleship were cleaned up by Ye Liuyun, and then the first-level battleship was shrunk down and put away, he roared angrily!

"Boy, what doesn\'t belong to you, I\'m afraid that you will have your life to take it and enjoy it if you don\'t have your life!"

"Hehe, then don\'t worry about it! I can dismantle it and sell it for money. Money is a little tight recently." Ye Liuyun directly shot back.

threaten him? The last thing he fears is threats.

He could see very clearly in his heart that if he could do it, this Cambrian would have done it long ago!

How could it be his turn to take this class of battleship into his pocket.

"Haha! This kid is so daring, he even dares to offend Han Wu! Doesn\'t he know that Han Wu is very vengeful?" Wu Tian laughed aside.

"He\'s not worried about Cambrian at all!" Lan Ruobing saw some clues.

Although Ye Liuyun\'s realm is low, the strength he has shown so far is definitely not all he has.

"Haha! Boss Lan! You\'re a new recruit, so interesting!" Even the golden pig fell in love with Ye Liuyun.

But he also knew that Ye Liuyun had already chosen Lan Ruobing and would not follow him again.

So if there is a chance, he will also get rid of Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun\'s battle almost sealed the victory of the warship battle.