Lord of All Gods

Chapter 755

Ye Liuyun mainly takes the lead in this first step, and basically has nothing to do with the rest.

He just used his spiritual sense to monitor the battlefield, focusing on the first-class battleship that wanted to surround him.

The lame and the hunchback are also constantly reporting to One-Eyed about their power and being attacked.

"The left tail was seriously attacked!" the hunchback shouted.

"Sanniang, the left tail, the third-tier battleship, blast it!" One-eyed shouted.

"Leave it to me!" Li Sanniang also responded.

Inside the battleship, when everyone was talking, they were almost roaring.

"Hidden into the void, turn left one hundred and twenty degrees!"

Ye Liuyun discovered that the opponent\'s first-class battleship also followed.

"Limp, full power. Into the void, turn left a hundred and twenty degrees!"

One-eyed controlled the battleship and disappeared into the void again. When Ye Liuyun\'s ghost ship reappeared, it had already appeared on the battlefield where the two sides were fighting.

On both sides of the ghost ship are Cambrian Tier 3 warships.

"Sanniang, keep bombarding them!" Ye Liuyun shouted to Li Sanniang.

Lei Ming and the others were all in a corner of the control room, watching this thrilling battle.

And they had just disappeared into the void, and the opponent\'s first-class battleship had just appeared, but they found that the ghost ship escaped ahead of time.

At this time, the old ghost had already removed his hands from the control device.

"Good boy, you didn\'t let me down!"

He was also amazed by Ye Liuyun\'s boldness and madness.

As soon as Ye Liuyun made a move, he killed a second-tier warship and sank two third-tier warships.

The captains of the other warships were also amazed at Ye Liuyun\'s manipulation.

They didn\'t have the guts to go straight in.

In fact, it\'s not just them, even Lan Ruobing and Wu Tian on the super battleship have experienced the same thoughts as the old ghost.

"This kid is quite courageous, he has two tricks!" Wu Tian exclaimed.

"Didn\'t you just say that he was going to run away?" Lan Ruobing asked teasingly.

"Haha!" Wu Tian laughed, and quickly changed the subject: "They have already destroyed one second-tier warship, three third-tier warships, and seven third-tier warships in a short time!"

There are very few warships that can achieve the achievements of Ye Liuyun and the others.

The ghost ship went directly to the enemy pile, bombarded it randomly, opened all the attack equipment around it, and then ran away after finishing a circle, and then fought again in another place!

The opponent\'s first-class battleship has been chasing after them, but has no chance to start a war.

Just when the first-class battleship started up again, it was about to hide in the void and chase Ye Liuyun and the others.

Ye Liuyun informed Cyclops again.

"Hidden into the void, turn around to the left, and escape from the void fifty miles away."

One-eyed is also admiring Ye Liuyun now. Although Ye Liuyun didn\'t know battleships well, he managed to sneak around the opponent\'s first-tier battleships and achieved good results.

"Limp, full power. Hidden into the void, turned left, and left the void fifty miles away."

Cyclops is now completely following Ye Liuyun\'s command to control the battleship.

Soon, Lame turned on the battleship at full power. Just as the opponent\'s first-class battleship was shuttled out of the void, Ye Liuyun\'s ghost ship also disappeared into the void.

"Huh? That\'s really weird!" The robber who had been trying to sink the ghost ship felt a little unbelievable.

"How can there be such a coincidence, they escape in time every time! Try again, if it is still the same, we can only attack other opponents."

He thought in his heart, let people concentrate their power again, and prepare to hide into the void again.

And the location where Ye Liuyun appeared this time was the side of a second-tier warship. However, this second-built battleship opened up its defenses.

Moreover, the attacks of this battleship all bombarded different positions of the ghost ship.

"Defense, hold on!"

"Sanniang, all attacks, focus on one point!"

Li Sanniang was still attacking from the broadside with full firepower. But this time it was focused on the power plant position of that battleship.

In the end, before they disappeared into the void again, they finally blasted a small hole out of the defense of the second-tier battleship, destroying their power system.

Immediately afterwards, the Nether Battleship hid into the void again, avoiding the pursuit of the first-class battleship on the Cambrian side.

"Leave it alone, this warship is too evil! Let\'s destroy their other warships to make up for the loss!"

As the robber leader spoke, he commanded the battleship and rushed towards the center of the battlefield.

He chased for a long time but failed to catch up. Instead, Ye Liuyun took the opportunity to kill many of his own battleships. If he didn\'t kill some battleships to make meritorious service, he would lose his head when he went back!

So he resolutely gave up chasing the Nether ghost ship, but rushed to attack Lan Ruobing\'s other warships.

Ye Liuyun and the others\' Nether Ghost Ship displayed their might on the battlefield.

Not only did they get rid of the opponent\'s pursuit in time three times, but they also took the opportunity to harvest two second-tier warships and five third-tier warships.

The other battleships below level 3 and those damaged were not counted yet.

This achievement immediately made Ye Liuyun\'s Nether Ghost Ship a dazzling new star.

Wherever the Nether ghost ship passed, the enemy ships evaded one after another.

The first-class battleship on the Cambrian side gave up chasing Ye Liuyun. However, Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to let it go.

Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness and golden pupils have been observing the movement of this first-class warship.

Seeing that it didn\'t chase after him, but ran to the battlefield instead, he immediately understood its intention.

"One-eyed, can we break through the defensive formation of that first-class battleship directly?" Ye Liuyun asked One-eyed for advice.

"Yes, but the bow will be damaged!" Cyclops calmly analyzed.

"It hit its control room from the side. After breaking through the defense, the black light of death bombarded its control room."

Ye Liuyun explained to Cyclops.

Then Ye Liuyun greeted everyone: "Get the artifact ready, let\'s go and capture that first-class warship."

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils discovered that there were two martial artists with nine levels of yin and yang in the battleship. Skeleton Golem can deal with one, and Deathstroke can deal with another.

He, Lei Ming and Longnu will deal with the other yin and yang.

"Are you crazy? There are thousands of people on that battleship! Just blow it up!" Cyclops thought Ye Liuyun was too crazy.

"But after we crashed, don\'t we still need to repair the ship? We can\'t let us crash for nothing!"

Ye Liuyun smiled, and reassured Duyan and the others. He, on the other hand, assigned tasks with the people around him.

"Alright!" Cyclops still preferred to follow Ye Liuyun\'s instructions.

After all, Ye Liuyun had never disappointed them.

"Prepare for power, hide into the void. Sanniang, the bow is ready to attack, and the bombardment will begin as soon as the defense is breached."

Soon, the Nether battleship disappeared into the void again.

Everyone is looking forward to its great power, to see how many warships it can destroy this time.