Lord of All Gods

Chapter 753

On the day of the battle, the fleets of Jinzhu and Cambrian also entered the triangle area.

Lan Ruobing sent all the flying boats to block the sea area and lead the opponent\'s warships to the designated location.

These warships are all first-class warships leading a few third-class warships to lead the way, followed by super battleships, surrounded by various second- and third-class warships.

The last ones to follow are the battleships of the fourth and fifth ranks. As for those small flying boats, they are all cruising around the big warships, passing on information and inquiring about intelligence.

Each fleet is mighty, lined up for dozens of miles, and the scene is very spectacular.

Ye Liuyun and the others were all dazzled. It was the first time for them to see such a large-scale battleship team.

Even Cyclops had never seen such a large-scale warship come out of the cave in groups before.

"It would be so much fun to fight!" Lei Ming couldn\'t help getting excited when he saw so many warships.

Ye Liuyun\'s Lan Ruobing robber group had already spread out the warships and arranged their formation.

They are home, so there is plenty of time to prepare.

After the other two teams of warships arrived, they also began to put up different formations according to the previous plan.

In each fleet, the super battleship is at the forefront, located in the middle of the entire fleet.

Ye Liuyun could also see the difference between the two fleets at this moment.

Cambrian\'s fleet, on both sides of the super battleship, are two first-class battleships. As for the Golden Pig\'s fleet, there was only one first-class warship.

On Lan Ruobing\'s side, if there is no Ye Liuyun\'s ghost ship, it is only a first-class warship.

As for the second and third tier warships, the three parties are almost the same. However, on Lan Ruobing\'s side, there is still a row of battleships parked in front of the super battleship.

They are the warships that have been conscripted, and they are responsible for charging ahead or resisting the opponent\'s first round of attacks.

Commonly known as the cannon fodder fleet!

It\'s just that twenty or thirty battleships of the second and third ranks are lined up in a row, which looks quite imposing.

Although they are not powerful and inexperienced, it is impossible to break through their defense without paying some price. At least a few second- and third-tier battleships must be sacrificed to destroy this team of cannon fodder.

Cambrian saw the Nether Ghost Ship from a distance. In the normal battle sequence, he said sourly to his subordinates: "The warships recruited want to pretend to be combat power! Just bluff the golden pig!"

All his subordinates also followed suit.

"Boss, I\'ll blow him to death later to relieve you!" The person who once blocked Ye Liuyun was also by Han Wu\'s side.

Because of this ghost ship, he was often scolded. Therefore, he also hated this Nether ghost ship to the bone.

"Okay! Then I\'ll give you a chance to redeem yourself!" Cambrian said generously.

In fact, he was the one who said to let Ye Liuyun go, but now he is blaming his subordinates.

The subordinate did not dare to refute, and could only agree repeatedly.

The three fleets were all in formation, and the entire triangular area was completely quiet.

It was the first time for many people to see this spectacular scene of the three robbers reuniting. The coercion released by many strong men alone has already rendered the atmosphere in this area very heavy.

Martial arts with a low realm feel oppressed even if they get close.

"Jinzhu, Hanwu, welcome to the triangle area!" Lan Ruobing, as the host, was the first to welcome the arrival of the two robber groups.

"Haha," a burst of hearty laughter came from the golden pig\'s super battleship.

"Bosses, stay safe! My golden pig is here to join in the fun again!"

"You two are still the same, talking a bunch of nonsense. You are all fighting for the management of the triangle area. Why don\'t we start fighting directly? It can save some time." Cambrian didn\'t even bother to say polite words.

"Haha, Cambrian, it seems that you are bound to win this year?" The golden pig laughed.

"Don\'t think that just because you have a foreign aid, you dare to laugh at me! Are you sure that your foreign aid is our opponent?" Cambrian asked provocatively.

Lan Ruobing also asked aloud: "Jinzhu, can you introduce your foreign aid to us?"

"Look at the two of you who are anxious! When it\'s time to meet, we will see each other!" Foreign aid is Jin Zhu\'s hole card, and of course he will not show it early.

When Lan Ruobing heard this, she didn\'t force her anymore. Directly announced loudly: "Let\'s start directly! There will be a battle after all, so you don\'t have to be polite!"

"That\'s right! It\'s good to go straight!" Han Wu then said, and at the same time commanded a fleet of warships, rushing towards Lan Ruobing\'s cannon fodder fleet.

Golden Pig also immediately mobilized a team of warships to join the battle.

Cambrian and Golden Pig, the warships they mobilized this time are not their main combat power, and they all have a sense of probing.

Both of them also wanted to destroy that team of cannon fodder first, so when the battle started, they all attacked Lan Ruobing\'s team together.

The battle between these dozens of warships alone made Lei Ming and the others excited and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

It\'s just that the fleet on their side obviously didn\'t fight, and the formation was broken up at the very beginning. Then they started to do their own thing and were divided by each other.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness enveloped the entire battlefield, and he could see clearly.

At this moment, he is not only observing the battle situation of the pair of cannon fodder fleets, but also observing the situation of the entire Cambrian fleet.

His initial task was to block a second or third-tier warship.

The old ghost was afraid that he had no combat experience, so he didn\'t let him face the upper-level battleship as soon as he came up.

Ye Liuyun was currently searching for his target.

Soon, he locked the Cambrian Fleet, a second-tier battleship near his side.

He thinks that the third-tier battleship is not difficult, and it has little impact on the battle situation.

"One-eyed, is it difficult to kill that second-tier warship?" Ye Liuyun still had to discuss it with the captain first, after all, One-eyed was more familiar with warships.

Cyclops evaluated it, and said to Ye Liuyun: "It\'s easy to kill it, but we are easily surrounded by the surrounding third-tier warships. Then the opponent\'s nearest first-tier warship will come and attack us."

"Third-tier warships, can we smash them away? How many rounds can we withstand the attacks of those third-tier warships?" Ye Liuyun asked again.

"It can be smashed away! If it is defensive, it will take about ten rounds!" One-eyed thought for a while, and asked Ye Liuyun: "After you bombard the second-tier warship, you want to smash the third-tier warship directly, and then pull away from their first-tier warship. distance?"

"Not bad!" Ye Liuyun nodded: "We only have one battleship, relatively speaking, it is more flexible. We can withdraw it when we are done."

"What if the opponent\'s first-tier battleship doesn\'t directly attack us, but instead goes around to intercept our retreat?" Cyclops questioned.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t arrive first, and this kind of situation would happen, but after one eye reminded him, after thinking about it, he laughed instead.