Lord of All Gods

Chapter 752

Lan Ruobing and the others were also a little surprised. They didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to agree so readily.

Seeing their surprised expressions, Ye Liuyun made a joke to ease the atmosphere.

"I don\'t have a choice either!"

Now, the atmosphere has eased. But Lan Ruobing and the others also doubted Ye Liuyun\'s sincerity in their hearts.

Ye Liuyun then continued to say seriously: "Sister Lan, I will accept all the conditions you put forward. Then can I make a request?"

"Master Ye, please tell me!" Lan Ruobing was a little curious about what Ye Liuyun wanted to ask.

"Young master Ye, you are still not satisfied with this condition?" Wu Tian thought that Ye Liuyun would increase the price, so he was not very happy.

He felt that the conditions they gave Ye Liuyun were generous enough.

"I only have one small request!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t care too much about Wu Tian\'s attitude, and continued, "I don\'t want to take those conscripted warships to battle."

Ye Liuyun explained again: "Those warships collected have no fighting power at all, and carrying them is a burden instead.

Or, you give me a few warships of your own, and after arranging the missions, I will take the unified command and lead them to complete the missions;

Or, you can arrange for me a task suitable for my battleship to complete alone. "

The condition Ye Liuyun put forward was actually a test of whether they could trust him enough.

If they arranged for Ye Liuyun\'s battleship to go to battle with the conscripted warships, they would undoubtedly use him as cannon fodder to explore the way.

And if they could equip Ye Liuyun with some combat power and let Ye Liuyun complete some appropriate tasks, even if they were more dangerous, Ye Liuyun would try his best to complete them.

Last but not least, they had to trust Ye Liuyun and let his warship go out alone.

Lan Ruobing thought about it for a while, nodded and agreed: "Okay, I promise you! What tasks are assigned to you, we will tell you after we arrange them."

"Okay, then I\'ll go back and wait for the news!"

Ye Liuyun also got up immediately to say goodbye.

Now that the conditions have been negotiated, the rest depends on their attitude.

After Ye Liuyun left, Lan Ruobing also asked Xiang Laogui and Wu Tian: "What do you two think?"

"This kid is not simple!" The old ghost sighed: "Facing us, he is neither arrogant nor impetuous, neither humble nor overbearing, and even tested our sincerity of cooperation. I think we can try to cooperate with him sincerely.

At the beginning of the battle, give him some simple tasks to see his combat ability and command ability. If there is no problem, you can continue to allocate forces to him. "

"How strong is this kid? We also have a lot of high-end combat power, so there is no shortage of him?" Wu Tian didn\'t see the way.

"Can you take a Nether Battleship from the hands of the Nether Hell, is it a simple person?"

Lan Ruobing reminded Wu Tian, ​​and then ordered: "Just do as the old ghost said, separate him from the battleship collection team, and put him in our battle team.

Old ghost, you can arrange it. During the battle, it is also up to you to observe his battle situation and deploy the combat power to him. "

"Yes!" The old ghost agreed, and went down to make arrangements.

"What about me?" Wu Tian asked.

"You continue to recruit warships!" Lan Ruobing arranged.

"Okay!" Wu Tian agreed, and went out to work too.

Although he expressed dissatisfaction with Ye Liuyun in his heart, he always obeyed Lan Ruobing\'s words.

After Ye Liuyun returned, he led everyone to concentrate on training. Even Cyclops and the others started to practice.

In the chaotic battle with the robbers, they also need to improve their strength to protect themselves.

Ye Liuyun returned to the Xuankong Stone, took out the remaining spirit marrow, and put it into his own space world.

The remaining spirit stones can at most elevate his realm to the late stage of the Yin-Yang Fifth Layer. It is not enough to break through the realm. It is better to put it in the space world and keep it as the original force to support the space world.

He himself is currently cultivating, temporarily focusing on the power of blood, space, and heaven and earth, and raising these powers first.

After Han Wu learned that the Nether Ghost Ship had been taken away by Lan Ruobing without any effort, he became furious and scolded his subordinates all over the place.

Ye Liuyun and the others would stop the boat and surrender if they were forced again. Unexpectedly, they gave this bargain to Lan Ruobing for nothing.

Lan Ruobing\'s battleship was originally at a disadvantage. But this time, there was an extra first-class warship, which immediately evened out this weakness.

"Boss, it\'s just a conscripted battleship, it can\'t exert much power!"

His subordinates, after he calmed down a little, also began to persuade him.

The warships collected usually don\'t have one heart with the robbers. So when it comes to real fighting, it often doesn\'t show much power.

A Tier 1 warship, not even a Tier 2 warship of their own!

"I hope so!" Han Wu could only comfort himself like this now!

"Is there any movement on the Golden Pig?" Cam Wu began to care about another opponent.

"At present, the fleet has come here. Their warships are the weakest. In terms of manpower, it is said that they have invited foreign aid from the realm of creation." Cambrian\'s subordinates reported.

"Well, Golden Pig is not qualified to compete with us if it doesn\'t invite foreign aid. But if it invites foreign aid, it must accept the challenge from both of us!"

Han Wu sneered, completely ignoring the Golden Pig Robbers.

Jinzhu, whose real name is Jinzhu, was just pronounced homonymously by other robbers.

After he got used to being called, he thought that the name Golden Pig was also good, saying that it would bring fortune, so he continued to use the name.

The robber group led by Jinzhu was the first to discover the secret realm of the triangle area, but they only won the management right for the first session.

It has been going downhill since then. For so many years, it has always been just to make up the numbers, and has never won.

Therefore, the realm of the golden pig has never broken through to the realm of creation. The strength is the lowest among the three leaders.

At the beginning, the three parties had agreed that whoever asked for foreign aid would be jointly challenged by the other two parties.

Therefore, although Jin Zhu has invited foreign aid, but facing the joint challenge of the two robber groups, there is still little chance of a comeback.

Lan Ruobing\'s robber group is also taking advantage of the last three days to prepare for the battle and keep their management rights.

Wu Bing also worked hard to recruit a few more second- and third-tier warships.

Relying on the location advantage of the triangular area, they have collected twenty or thirty warships in total.

Although the combat power is not good, but in terms of momentum, it is enough to deter the opponent.

"Okay, you can go and rest too! These battleships, pretending to test the opponent\'s strength, are enough!"

Lan Ruobing also advised Wu Bing to rest and prepare for the next battle.