Lord of All Gods

Chapter 724

With a thunderclap of blood, the entire tomb was blasted clean, not even the corners were forgotten.

Regardless of whether ghosts were found or not, she bombarded the entire tomb with blood thunder, leaving the entire tomb in a mess.

Although Ye Liuyun covered the ghost, he didn\'t ring the death knell again.

He wanted to ask the ghost, what is the reason for the layout here.

But right now, Xuanyin Qingyan should be dealt with first, otherwise, the Nether Ghost Flame will be easily assimilated.

Ye Liuyun asked Lei Ming and Longnu to protect the dharma, while he himself entered the Xuankong Stone, suppressed the explosion of Xuanyin Qingyan with his true energy, released it little by little, and let it be absorbed by the Nether Ghost Fire.

Two days later, Ye Liuyun\'s true energy was almost exhausted, and the Netherworld ghost fire had just completed the absorption, and was almost assimilated.

It was Ye Liuyun who managed to deal with it by consuming his true essence and absorbing the aura in the spirit stone with the secret technique of Yuanling.

"Good guy! I was almost destroyed by this ghost who gave me the ghost fire!"

Ye Liuyun let out a long breath.

Feeling that there was nothing abnormal outside, he immediately continued to consume spirit stones to replenish his true energy.

He didn\'t come out from the Xuankong Stone until he replenished his true essence.

"Little brother, you\'ve figured it out! It\'s gloomy here, and I feel a little scary without you here!" Lei Ming regained his energy immediately when he saw him come out.

"It\'s just a spirit, nothing to be afraid of!" Ye Liuyun comforted him a few words, and then began to communicate with the ghost with his spiritual sense.

"You can\'t kill me!" The ghost replied directly.

"Why?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"Why do you have so many problems. Anyway, you can\'t go in, and you will die if you go in! You can\'t kill me, or..."

Having said this, the ghost stopped again and closed its mouth.

"Otherwise, the tomb will fall? Will the alien monsters inside come out?" Ye Liuyun added.

"Ask if you know?" The ghost muttered dissatisfiedly at first, but then became curious again: "Hey, how did you know?"

Ye Liuyun ignored his question, and directly put forward his own request: "I want your Xuanyin Qingyan!"

"Impossible! This Xuanyin Qingyan is the key to guarding this place. Without this Xuanyin Qingyan, we can\'t stop those alien races!" The ghost yelled anxiously.

"If you don\'t give it, I will take it myself! Here, I will protect it!" Ye Liuyun said lightly, and took out a fragment of the artifact, ready to strike the death knell.

"Impossible! There is a strong alien race inside. If you go in, you will die! This tomb will never be able to stop them again!" The ghost still insisted on his own opinion.

He thought that with Ye Liuyun\'s realm, if he entered, he would die! What he didn\'t know was that Ye Liuyun\'s real trump card was not his realm, but those artifacts.


Ye Liuyun cursed in his heart, flicked his finger, and the fragments of the artifact sounded the death knell.


The death knell echoed in the tomb.

The ghost was instantly dispersed, leaving only a blue flame dancing in the death knell.

"The origin of Xuanyin Qingyan!"

Ye Liuyun was overjoyed after seeing her.

It\'s just that he didn\'t dare to absorb it all at once, he could only absorb it bit by bit.

At this moment, the alien ghosts in the tomb may have sensed the disappearance of the guardian ghost of the tomb, and immediately came to inquire.

"court death!"

With a sound of "huh", Ye Liuyun shot out a ghostly will-o\'-the-wisp and sealed the door of the tomb to prevent them from breaking in.

"Aw, ow," screamed a few times, and sent those ghosts back down again.

Ye Liuyun\'s ghostly ghost fire has become a lot stronger after he absorbed the blue flames in the past few days. Originally, the rank is high, so the deterrent effect on the ghost is not weaker than the guardian of the ghost.

As long as there are no too strong aliens to attack, it should not fall.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t rush to go deeper, but let Lei Ming and Longnv look at the ghost fire at the entrance of the tomb, and he brought the source of the mysterious yin and green flame into the Xuankong Stone to refine it.

According to the ghost, there are more powerful aliens inside. Even if he has a divine weapon, he should try his best to improve his own strength before going in.

It took Ye Liuyun nearly three days in the Xuankong Stone to completely refine the origin of Xuanyin Qingyan.

Now his ghost fire is no longer the same, more than half stronger than before.

Although it was still a lot worse than the Golden Crow Sacred Flame, at least he had more confidence in the next tomb exploration.

"Go, let\'s continue."

Ye Liuyun greeted Thunder and Dragon Girl, then put away the ghostly will-o\'-the-wisp at the door of the tomb, and plunged into the tomb of the foreign evil.

They found that after passing through the tomb, all the ghosts in front of them were exotic evils, and there was not a single human ghost. Moreover, although there are not many ghosts of these evil things, their strength is relatively strong.

Ye Liuyun walked from the outside to the inside, not letting any ghosts pass by.

This passage is also specially designed, there is no fork in the middle, and he does not need to be distracted to take care of other things.

"The design of this passage is simply too good for defense!" Ye Liuyun admired the person who designed this tomb in his heart.

The ghosts killed by him were used for himself and Lei Ming to absorb and strengthen their own souls.

Ye Liuyun\'s newly cultivated soul needs energy to replenish it.

After Lei Ming absorbed part of it, he felt that the increase was not obvious, and he didn\'t bother to absorb it, so he gave it to Ye Liuyun.

Every time Ye Liuyun passed a tomb, he stopped and slowed down, stabilizing the newly grown soul, using blood thunder and ghost fire to continuously temper and solidify it, and then continued to move forward, completely treating this place as a treasure land for cultivating the soul.

Soon, Ye Liuyun and the others attracted a powerful evil spirit.

But the ghost fire is very effective in restraining ghosts. Even if they encounter someone with a higher realm than them, they can all be burned with a single fire.

No matter how strong these ghosts are, there is no way to take them. They can only let them continue to advance from one tomb to another.

After walking for a while, Ye Liuyun also put Lei Ming and Long Nu into the storage ring.

The ghosts that appeared now are too powerful, and the two of them are useless. Ye Liuyun still has to worry about their safety, so it\'s better to let them go back to rest.

"This place was invaded at the beginning, and I don\'t know how to destroy these alien monsters. Judging from the current situation, they are much stronger than humans!"

As Ye Liuyun walked, he was also imagining what it would be like to be invaded by evil things.

At that time, it should have been the alien race that had the upper hand, overwhelmingly suppressing the human martial arts.

At this moment, he suddenly received a message from the Corpse King, and they had already explored to the deepest part of the tomb.