Lord of All Gods

Chapter 723

Seeing that Ye Liuyun took away the treasure so easily, the group of ghosts behind Ye Liuyun became more restless and wanted to keep up.

After he came out of the tomb, he swung back directly with the ghost fire. The ghosts who followed were immediately burned, and burned into nothingness amidst terrifying screams.

The ghosts behind were all scared and scattered to avoid, never daring to follow out of the tomb.

"Don\'t give them a little bit of power, I thought I was really afraid of them! Now it\'s finally a little cleaner!"

Ye Liuyun smiled at Lei Ming and Long Nu, and continued to lead them forward.

Lei Ming also stuck out his tongue: "These ghosts are too ugly, almost none of them have human form, and they look rather scary!"

"There are ghosts of other races ahead, I\'m afraid it will be even uglier!" Ye Liuyun told Lei Ming.

Hearing this, Lei Ming wanted to go back to Ye Liuyun\'s storage ring. But seeing that Longnu didn\'t say anything, she was too embarrassed to say that she was timid, so she gritted her teeth and stood up.

Ye Liuyun also reminded the two of them: "The dragon energy of both of you should also have a certain defensive effect."

In case there is a real battle later, I don\'t care about the two of them.

Ye Liuyun and the others passed through more than ten tombs one after another, and the conditions inside were all similar. Ye Liuyun just took away the valuable treasures.

As for those ghosts, Ye Liuyun didn\'t bother to bother with those who didn\'t offend Ye Liuyun.

But when they arrived at the largest tomb, they met a powerful ghost with blue eyes glowing in their eyes.

On the ground, there were still a few corpses, obviously all the disciples who came in before had just been wiped out.

"Humans, stop!"

This time, the ghost actually spoke!

Lei Ming said "Oh my god" and hid behind Ye Liuyun.

"Huh?" Ye Liuyun was also surprised that the ghost would not let him go in.

"Why?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"The front is not where you can go. Leave quickly!" the ghost urged impatiently.

"Is it because there are tombs of alien evils? Are you guarding here to prevent strangers from entering?"

Through the detection of corpse-eating insects, he learned that the layout of the entire tomb was surrounded by alien evil creatures surrounded by human martial arts.

If there is indeed some intention in such an arrangement, Ye Liuyun doesn\'t want to destroy it.

Unexpectedly, seeing Ye Liuyun and the others, the ghost immediately attacked impatiently without retreating.

"If you don\'t go, then stay forever!"

As he shouted, two blue flames shot out from its eyes and burned directly at Ye Liuyun.

"Can\'t you talk nicely?"

Ye Liuyun was also angry. This ghost\'s temper is too bad, and he doesn\'t care about people at all.

Just as he was about to launch an attack, he suddenly felt that the cyan flame released by the ghost was also a type of negative flame. It should be a well-known kind of ghost fire, Xuanyin Qingyan.

His ghost fire has always been much weaker than the Golden Crow holy fire.

Especially since the Golden Crow Sacred Flame had just devoured the True Earth Flame in the furnace, it became much stronger than the Nether Ghost Fire, which made the two flames with different yin and yang attributes extremely unbalanced.

"Just take this opportunity to absorb this negative flame and strengthen the ghost fire!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun did not resist, but waited for the blue flame to burn over.

He only used the ghost fire as a defense to protect the three of them.

"Don\'t think that you dare to be presumptuous with me just because you have the Nether Will-o\'-the-wisp! I\'ll let you see how my Xuanyin Qingyan can break your Nether-will-o\'-the-wisp!"

The ghost sneered, and mobilized the power of the surrounding heaven and earth to continuously strengthen the attack.

Ye Liuyun originally thought that he could slowly absorb some Xuanyin Qingyan. However, the strength of this ghost is too strong. Although the level of Xuanyin Qingyan is not as good as that of Nether Ghost Flame, it has been cultivated by it to be extremely powerful.

For a while, Ye Liuyun was no longer absorbing the Xuanyin Qingyan, but the Nether Ghost Flame was being poured by the Xuanyin Qingyan. After a long time, I\'m afraid Ye Liuyun\'s ghost fire will be swallowed up by the mysterious blue flames.

Ye Liuyun immediately turned on the Yuanling secret technique to control the power of heaven and earth around the ghost, and drain all the aura in it.

Dragon Girl and Lei Ming also immediately aroused their dragon energy to attack the ghost. Especially Lei Ming\'s blood thunder has a certain restraint effect on ghosts.

Although Lei Ming was afraid of such things as ghosts, he forgot all about them when they fought.

Pieces of blood thunder blasted over, not only attacking that powerful ghost, but also attacking all ghosts in patches, beating those ghosts to howl.

All ghosts who were struck head-on by the blood thunder were directly smashed to pieces.

Even the powerful Yinhun had to mobilize part of the Xuanyin Qingyan to form a protective shield around his body to resist the attack of the blood thunder.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t stay idle either, he let out the death knell and smashed it with a "boom" from the fragments of the artifact.

In an instant, a large number of ghosts were directly sucked in by the death knell. Even the powerful ghost who spoke, his realm has dropped two or three levels obviously.

The original realm of eighth and ninth levels of yin and yang immediately fell to six or seven levels of yin and yang. The power of Xuanyin Qingyan has also weakened significantly.

Coupled with the assistance of Lei Ming and Longnu, Ye Liuyun is now tied with him, so it is not a big problem.

"Death weapon?" The ghost looked at the death knell in puzzlement.

Ye Liuyun was also surprised that this ghost didn\'t know the death knell.

However, now he is too busy using the Nether Ghost Fire to absorb the Xuanyin Qingyan, and he has no time to pay attention to the ghost.

The current Xuanyin Qingyan can no longer pour into the ghost fire of the ghost, it is a good time for him to speed up the absorption.

But the death knell\'s deterrence to ghosts is not continuous. It didn\'t take long for the ghost\'s strength to recover.

Ye Liuyun had almost absorbed the green flame that had just poured in. As soon as the ghost exerted its strength, another piece of green flame poured into the ghost fire.

"Damn it!"

Ye Liuyun cursed. Once again, a piece of artifact was played, and the death knell was sounded.

The death knell once again had a reverse effect, almost absorbing almost all the low-level ghosts.

The realm of the powerful ghost was also suppressed again.

This time, Ye Liuyun didn\'t hold back his hands anymore, but controlled the death knell, directly covering the ghost.

The ghost also found out the power of the death knell, and immediately avoided it. Ye Liuyun covered him several times, but he couldn\'t catch him.

"Stop him!"

Ye Liuyun asked Lei Ming and Long Nu to help, and at the same time shot out another fragment and smashed it towards the death knell!


This time the death knell was closer to the ghost, and the ghost was stunned. Lei Ming\'s blood thunder and the dragon girl\'s dragon energy immediately sealed him to death, and then the death knell followed suit.

The ghost shook violently, and as soon as it shook off the attacks of Lei Ming and Longnu, it was covered by the death knell.

Ye Liuyun and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Ye Liuyun handed over the rest of the ghosts to Lei Ming to deal with.