Lord of All Gods

Chapter 698

No one expected that Ye Liuyun still had an artifact in his hand.

I thought that even though he was in a predicament before, he didn\'t use this artifact, so it should be gone.

They didn\'t even expect that he would throw the artifact directly to hit people without even hitting them.

It\'s not against the rules, but it\'s never been done before. Only when they are in danger, do they take out the artifacts and use them!

To everyone\'s surprise, this artifact can also perform soul attacks.

Although Falcon used treasures to defend against the attack of the spirit. But it was of the highest rank, and although it had a certain effect on the death knell, it still caused a momentary trance.

But Ye Liuyun\'s grasp of the timing was just right.

The sneak attack was successful with one blow!

Regardless of whether Falcon died or not, he was unable to fight anymore.

The falcon did not die from Ye Liuyun\'s knife, but was seriously injured. With the help of several deacons and elders, they cleared away the blood thunder and the Golden Crow Holy Flame from Ye Liuyun\'s knife, saving his life.

The audience booed Ye Liuyun\'s behavior.

But Ye Liuyun was not affected. After going down, he smiled at Yan Yong, and continued to take out the spirit stone to absorb it.

The reason why he didn\'t use his true energy was actually reserved for Yan Yong.

And the other martial artist saw Ye Liuyun took out another artifact, and while thanking that he wasn\'t the one who went up, sneaked out of the rest area.

Now in the rest area, there are only two people left, Ye Liuyun and Yan Yong.

Yan Yong just wanted to leave now, but he couldn\'t face it.

At the beginning, he came aggressively to avenge his younger brother, but now if he walks away in front of Ye Liuyun disheveledly, then he will become the laughing stock of the whole post city in the future, and he won\'t have to hang around here anymore.

And he felt that he had the trump card to cheat, even if Ye Liuyun had a magic weapon, he might not be unable to fight.

Maybe a sneak attack on Ye Liuyun would kill him with one blow!

Thinking of this, he also began to plan how to sneak attack and kill Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun now has another hour of training time, even if he can\'t fully replenish his true energy, it is enough to deal with Yan Yong.

And he has a magic weapon in his hand, which is the foundation of his invincibility.

So in this last game, the casino didn\'t start a game of winning or losing at all, but gambled on whether Yan Yong would die.

After Yan Yong heard it, he almost vomited blood from anger.

"Hmph, these idiots, I\'ll show you my true strength later!"

He was going to attack immediately as soon as he came on stage, and within three moves, he could get rid of Ye Liuyun.

So in the sea of ​​consciousness, he repeatedly simulated this attack method.

First remove the hidden realm beads, and then use the power of space as the first move, punching him first, followed by another punch, and the last punch is a close-up attack close to Ye Liuyun.

An hour passed quickly.

Ye Liuyun and the others have been fighting for two or three days in the arena.

Fortunately, both the contestants and the audience are martial artists.

For ordinary people, even if they don\'t fight, they will be exhausted if they watch from the sidelines.

"The last game, a brilliant curtain call. It\'s time for the 50 consecutive victories to come to an end!"

Ye Liuyun thought about it, tidied up his clothes, and calmly entered the preparation area.

At this time, Tuoba Qi in the private room was also ready to rescue Ye Liuyun at any time.

As soon as the two of them came to the stage, Yan Yong was about to remove the beads and attack Ye Liuyun.

Unexpectedly, he moved the bead, but it didn\'t!

"Huh?" He was startled, and tried again, but it still didn\'t move.

Ye Liuyun laughed secretly in his heart, and slashed at him with a knife.

As soon as he came up, he activated the power of space with his golden pupil, and fixed the bead in Yanyong Yuandan with the power of space.

Yan Yong\'s original plan was completely disrupted.

In a hurry, he had no choice but to deal with Ye Liuyun\'s attack.

"Huh? Yanyong, what the hell is he doing?"

"Why did something happen when Yan Yong came on stage?"

Many people could see Yan Yong\'s panic.

Except for Tuoba Qi who laughed, almost no one noticed Yan Yong\'s cheating.

But now he has reaped the consequences of his cheating. If the beads that hide the realm cannot be removed, his realm will not be restored!

Ye Liuyun has plenty of real energy now, and it\'s the last battle, so he can play to his heart\'s content without being stingy.

So he used all his strength, took turns to fight with all kinds of strength, and beat Yan Yong to death.

The more anxious he was, the more he wanted to move the bead away, the more he couldn\'t move it, the more distracted he was.

It didn\'t take long for his disadvantages to become more and more obvious. Ye Liuyun caught a moment when he was distracted and slashed him fiercely.

At the same time, in order to prevent him from admitting defeat, Ye Liuyun directly took out the death knell and magnified the death knell.

When Yan Yong saw the death knell, he immediately became nervous, and he didn\'t dare to care about the bead anymore, so he concentrated on defense.

Then, the next moment, he appeared directly inside the death knell.

Ye Liuyun used the power of space to move others directly into the death knell.

Yan Yong was concentrating on defense, but suddenly found himself surrounded by death knell.

And at this time, the bead in his Yuan Dan was finally able to be removed.

"Great! This thing has been removed!"

As soon as he was happy, he was ready to blast the death knell away with brute force.

He felt that if he attacked with all his strength, Ye Liuyun should not be able to withstand it based on his level.

Although he also knows that the death knell has the effect of soul attack. But he felt that he had a defensive artifact, and his spirit was strong, at most like the Falcon just now, he would only be in a trance for a moment.

Thinking of this, he punched with all his strength and blasted towards the top of the death knell, trying to knock the death knell away.

But he still underestimated the power of the artifact.

With his punch, not only did the death knell not move at all, but the sound of the death knell kept vibrating inside the bell, much louder than the sound heard outside.

The bell inside the death knell, the attack on the soul, is simply not comparable to the outside.

Ye Liuyun, who was outside the death knell, finally smiled when he heard the ringing of the bell.

"The battle is over!"

He opened the death knell directly, revealing Yan Yong whose soul was shaken away.

Yan Yong was already out of his wits, and collapsed on the ground bleeding from his seven orifices.

After the audience was quiet for a while, there was a wave of applause and cheers.

At this moment, no one cares how Ye Liuyun won!

They only knew that fifty consecutive victories were born!

In history, Yicheng has finally achieved its second 50-game winning streak.

Maybe there won\'t be another 50-game winning streak for many years to come. They all witnessed this moment, and they would have bragging rights for many years to come.

Wu Qingcheng, Lei Ming and others all went up to congratulate Ye Liuyun.

Qiu Tianyang and Qu Xuefeng looked at each other, then silently withdrew from the cheering crowd and left the fighting arena.