Lord of All Gods

Chapter 697

Of course Ye Liuyun understood his situation.

But he felt that even if his true energy was exhausted, he couldn\'t miss this opportunity to improve himself.

At worst, the next two games will be smashed with artifacts. It\'s okay to be ashamed, as long as you can win.

Under such tremendous pressure, he concentrated even more and began to concentrate on comprehending.

If it is him who travels the world with his own soul and comprehends the power of the world, then he needs to feel it bit by bit.

But now, it\'s like someone is giving him a live demonstration, and it\'s faster to comprehend.

Every time the opponent makes a move, how the power of heaven and earth is gathered, how it is integrated into the true essence, and how it is released, his soul can feel it clearly.

Therefore, he also learned very quickly, and every time he fought back, his power of heaven and earth increased.

It is difficult for audiences in the Tiangang realm to feel this power. However, martial artists in the yin and yang realm can clearly feel Ye Liuyun\'s power of heaven and earth, which increases every time he fights back.

Those with strong spirits also knew that Ye Liuyun had released his spirits to learn from his opponent\'s demonstration.

"This kid is learning too fast!"

"It\'s no wonder this kid is so strong. This kind of cultivation talent, it\'s strange if he isn\'t strong!"

Many people began to marvel at Ye Liuyun\'s speed of progress.

Ye Liuyun\'s opponent became more and more frightened. He is the one who can most feel that Ye Liuyun\'s power of heaven and earth is constantly strengthening.

But he has no better way to deal with Ye Liuyun, and this is the only thing he can do.

If you change to another attack, it will put him at an immediate disadvantage.

So he can only try to strengthen his attack.

And the harder he tried, the faster Ye Liuyun learned.

"Tsk tsk, this talent is really a genius in cultivation!"

Tuoba Qi had seen Ye Liuyun learn Qu Xuefeng\'s blood circulation method before, and thought he was a genius.

Now this more intuitive feeling made him even more amazed.

Soon, Ye Liuyun changed from a defensive disadvantage to being able to contend with the opponent, and gradually overtook the opponent.

"I surrender!"

Ye Liuyun\'s opponent finally couldn\'t take it anymore. If the fight continues, he may not be able to step down. It\'s better to admit defeat directly.

Several other people who were preparing for the battle immediately cast contemptuous glances at him.

They also hoped that he could consume more of Ye Liuyun\'s real energy!

Even if Ye Liuyun had the upper hand, he could actually hold on for a while and consume Ye Liuyun a bit more.

As a result, this guy was too afraid of death, and he gave up as soon as he showed a slight disadvantage.

"It\'s my fault! My true energy is almost exhausted!" the martial artist spread rumors to others.

Two-thirds of his true essence has been consumed. It stands to reason that his realm is high and he has a lot of real energy, so Ye Liuyun should have exhausted it.

But when he saw Ye Liuyun hitting harder and harder, he felt a little guilty.

He didn\'t dare to use up all his true energy, for fear of being killed by Ye Liuyun!

Ye Liuyun also stopped immediately, heaving a sigh of relief.

Half of his true energy has been consumed. The real yuan in a Yuandan is already empty.

If he continued to fight, he might win, but his true energy would be almost exhausted.

After Ye Liuyun stepped down, he immediately took out a large pile of spirit stones and began to recover his true essence.

Seeing the other martial artists, they were also secretly happy.

They also thought that Ye Liuyun was almost exhausted. They will be more confident in the next battle.

Seeing Yan Yong, he couldn\'t stop smiling.

Ye Liuyun had another fight ahead of him. When he goes out to fight, he may be able to kill Ye Liuyun without moving the hidden realm bead out of the Yuan Dan.

That way, his cheating will not be discovered, and he will be safer.

"Your boy will die today!" He thought to himself.

An hour passed quickly, and everyone could see clearly that Ye Liuyun had only absorbed half of the spirit stone.

Everyone can see that his true energy is short.

So the other two martial artists rushed to fight.

The chance of the final battle must be given to Yan Yong. If they don\'t play now, they will have no chance.

Taking advantage of Ye Liuyun\'s weakness, he beat the dog in the water. How could they miss this opportunity.

Wu Qingcheng and the others in the stands knew Ye Liuyun quite well.

Knowing that he has the artifact but it is still useless, so he is not particularly worried.

They all now think in their hearts that Ye Liuyun\'s fifty-game winning streak should be fine.

Even if he doesn\'t have real yuan in his Yuan Dan, he can win fifty consecutive victories just by smashing it with a divine weapon.

Ye Liuyun was also very relaxed at this moment, with a look of winning, he calmly watched the two martial artists scrambling to fight.

He also understands these two people, it doesn\'t matter whoever plays.

Originally, it would be a little difficult for him to deal with these two people.

But now that his power of heaven and earth has increased, he will need much less real energy to deal with the two of them than originally expected.

In the end, a casual cultivator nicknamed Falcon won the right to fight Ye Liuyun.

The reason why he is called Falcon is because every time he fights, he can find the opponent\'s weakness, and attack the opponent\'s weakness quickly and accurately.

Moreover, his realm had already reached the late stage of the fifth level of yin and yang, so the pressure on Ye Liuyun was not small.

"Boy! You are the closest to fifty consecutive victories over the years! But it\'s a pity that you met me, Falcon, and you are destined to fail!" Falcon said with some pride.

In fact, he really didn\'t see that Ye Liuyun had any fatal weakness. Now, apart from the low realm, there is nothing he can take advantage of.

But Ye Liuyun had already fought forty-eight matches in a row, not only would he be physically and mentally exhausted, but he would also be lacking in real energy. This is Ye Liuyun\'s weakness.

So he planned to start from this aspect and completely exhaust Ye Liuyun.

Although he himself couldn\'t hit forty-nine games, but being able to kill someone who won forty-nine games in a row was enough to make him famous.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t speak, just looked at him with a smile, waiting for him to make a move.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at?" Ye Liuyun was a little terrified by him.

He felt that Ye Liuyun\'s smile was somewhat malicious.

But he couldn\'t figure out where Ye Liuyun got his confidence.

Ye Liuyun curled his lips and spit out two words: "Idiot!"

"You... good! If you still dare to scold me, then I don\'t have to show mercy. I will let you die here today!"

With that said, Falcon opened his posture and was about to make a move.

To everyone\'s surprise, Ye Liuyun threw the death knell out and threw it at Falcon.


Falcon was startled, and hastily threw out the first-sighted treasure to resist.

The sound of "dong" made him feel dazed for a while.

But his high-ranking treasure was smashed to pieces on the spot.

At the same time, Ye Liuyun\'s saber had already slashed into his body, carrying the power of heaven and earth, blood thunder and the Golden Crow\'s holy flame, directly pierced his back, and slashed out.