Lord of All Gods

Chapter 660

"Is it okay?" Ye Liuyun, Wu Qingcheng and the others heard for the first time that warships could be used to ram other people\'s flying boats.

"Will it not be damaged?" Lei Ming couldn\'t help asking.

"Are you doubting our craftsmanship?" Lame asked with some dissatisfaction.

Lei Ming stuck out his tongue, made a face at the lame man, and didn\'t dare to answer. Lame didn\'t get serious with her anymore.

The space inside the warship is very large, and there are more than fifty private rooms inside, which can be used for everyone to practice.

But Ye Liuyun is still used to putting everyone into the Xuankong Stone, firstly, it can speed up their cultivation progress, and secondly, if they encounter danger, they will not be separated from everyone.

Wu Qingcheng stayed outside for the time being, and explained to Ye Liuyun their existing resources.

After entering the Xuankong Stone, Ye Liuyun also gave Wu Qingcheng the folding fan he snatched from Tang Yao in the secret territory of Qinghuo, and gave Su Miaoyin the artifact long sword for self-defense.

"You are all familiar with these artifacts, you can use them in future battles."

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun left Xuankong Stone to see Luo Yurou.

Ever since Luo Yurou got on the ship, she really regarded herself as a crew member, and stayed by Cyclops\' side all the time, asking him to arrange some simple tasks.

Seeing that she was no longer sad, Ye Liuyun didn\'t bother her. Go directly to the control room of the warship and chat with One Eye.

"I haven\'t asked about the expenses of these crew members yet, how should I pay them?" Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to avoid the question of expenses, so he thought it better to clarify first.

"You can directly pay for spirit stones or cultivation resources. As for how much to pay, you can follow the resources needed by Yuandan Realm!"

One-eyed didn\'t evade the question either.

"But everyone is in the realm of yin and yang, so how can it be possible to pay according to the realm of Yuan Dan?" Ye Liuyun asked puzzled.

"They can come because they want to avenge me, so you shouldn\'t be responsible for their expenses. You can just pay according to the normal crew members!" Cyclops said fairly.

However, he added another sentence: "Of course, if you have good conditions, you can give more! But you have to know, it is a long way from here to the Central Continent, and there are many places that require you to spend money. Maybe there will be halfway One or two warships. So don\'t start out by blowing all your money."

"Okay then, I\'ll give as much as I can." Ye Liuyun didn\'t hold back.

After all, he doesn\'t know how much resources will be consumed along the way, so he can only say try his best. Don\'t wait until the resources are exhausted halfway, it will be embarrassing.

At that time, are they going to rob others like robbers?

"Then when should I pay the fee?" Ye Liuyun asked again.

"Don\'t worry, they all have the resources for cultivation in their hands now. You can pay a small part according to the distance after you arrive at the first post city. I will tell you when the time comes. I will help you bring your thoughts to everyone. Arrived!"

Cyclops appreciated Ye Liuyun\'s kindness very much.

Ye Liuyun also likes to deal with such people, everything can be seen through.

So Ye Liuyun sat down, chatted with Cyclops for a while, learned from him, and asked him for some common sense of sailing.

The other crew members also came over to take a break from time to time, chatting with Ye Liuyun for a while, and deepening their relationship with each other.

After all, they have to sail together for several years, which is not a short time.

Only the little beggar, who has been busy working in the warship, rarely came over.

Luo Yurou also seldom participates in chatting, and returns to the private room to practice when she is free.

"Oh, this girl is really miserable! Whenever I see her, I think of my daughter!" Seeing Luo Yurou shutting herself in the room again, the one-eyed one feels sorry for her.

"That\'s why you accepted her as an apprentice?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"Yeah!" One-eyed nodded.

Ye Liuyun became curious about what happened to his one-eyed daughter again: "What happened to your daughter?"

One-eyed thought of his daughter, and looked blankly into the distance, as if caught in memories.

"I was captured by Moxiu, and my life and death are uncertain. I was seriously injured at the time and was rescued by someone."

Ye Liuyun took out a jug of wine and handed it to Cyclops. "I will help you then!"

He didn\'t say it casually, but really thought so.

Just because of One Eye\'s kindness to take Luo Yurou in, he knew that One Eye\'s heart was still very kind.

And after getting in touch with these people these days, Ye Liuyun felt that they were all good. The so-called birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups, so this one-eyed one should not be bad.

So he felt that he should help Cyclops.

"Let\'s talk about it at that time, it\'s not certain whether we can find the enemy!"

One-eyed was a little negative and took a sip of wine. "Stop talking about this, it\'s far away! You go to practice and improve your realm quickly, I will call you if something happens!"

"Well, call me if you need something!" Ye Liuyun also felt that it was time to practice, and he couldn\'t stay here chatting with Cyclops all the time, after all, improving his strength was the most important thing.

He is now one step closer to his parents and aunt. If he is not strong enough by then, he will cause trouble for them if he goes.

As soon as Ye Liuyun returned, before he could calm down to practice, he felt a sharp tremor from the warship, and hurriedly ran to the control room of the warship.

Seeing that Cyclops and the others are all here, there are still smiles on their faces.

"What\'s wrong?" he asked suspiciously.

"I helped you solve some troubles. An intercepting flying boat of Sanyuanzong was directly smashed by us!" Li Sanniang told him with a smile.

"Get ready to fight, there must be masters ahead!" Cyclops reminded him.


Ye Liuyun agreed without hesitation, directly boarded the outer deck of the warship, opened his golden pupils and looked into the distance.

The speed of the warship was very fast, and it had already reached the edge of the sea of ​​fog, and there was a faint layer of fog.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils can just see into the distance. I\'m afraid that if there is more fog, his golden pupils will not be able to see very far.

In the distance, a martial artist with an eighth level of yin and yang and two martial artists with a sixth level of yin and yang were attacking the warship head-on.


Ye Liuyun frowned.

He only has one skeleton puppet, and he can fight up to two. "It\'s hard to deal with both, what about the extra one?"

His mind turned sharply, and he asked Cyclops with his spiritual sense: "Can you rush over? Scatter them. I can deal with two at most, and there are three ahead!"

"Then rush over, let Sanniang delay the remaining one, hurry up." Cyclops replied, and activated the defense of the warship.

Bearing the attack of Wuxiu on the opposite side, he charged directly.

"I\'ll hold the strongest one for you!" Sanniang\'s voice also came over.