Lord of All Gods

Chapter 659


Ye Liuyun immediately understood that Luo Tianyi deliberately lured Ye Liuyun to rescue him, so as to take the opportunity to wound him.

But this father is cruel enough to use his own daughter as bait. If Ye Liuyun didn\'t save her, then this palm would be enough to kill Luo Yurou!

"Oh!" Ye Liuyun sighed. Seeing Luo Yurou\'s demented appearance, she really couldn\'t bear it.

So, he used space to move, and sent Luo Yurou directly to Wu Qingcheng\'s side, letting her take care of her.

With a "bang", Luo Tianyi\'s palm made a deep hole where Luo Yurou was standing.

"I originally wanted to spare your life for Yurou\'s sake, but now it seems that you are looking for death!"

As Ye Liuyun said, he immediately pulled his master soul into the soul domain to devour it, and at the same time he slashed at it from a distance.

Luo Tianyi had seen how powerful Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent was, so he turned sideways to dodge when it split open, but Ye Liuyun still struck his internal organs, but it was a little bit off, and he missed the heart, so it was not fatal.

At this time, the skeleton puppet killed a few stronger martial artists, Lei Ming and Longnu also took the initiative to kill them.

The black shark warship is also fully activated, and the protective cover is opened. At the same time, a spear-like thing protruded from the side,

Ye Liuyun has seen it before, and those things are the weapons that Li Sanniang tinkered with. Its internal structure is quite complicated, divided into several parts, it seems to be driven by spirit stones.

Ye Liuyun originally thought that the thing would shoot out the spear to attack others. Unexpectedly, the tip of the spear just shot out a burst of energy, which blasted a big hole in the body of a martial artist.

"What a powerful weapon! It can be used repeatedly!"

Only then did Ye Liuyun realize the power of this weapon.

Just when Ye Liuyun was distracted, Luo Tianyi was already turning around and running away.

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and then used space to move, moving him back to the original position.

Luo Tianyi was also taken aback, he didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun\'s power of space to be so strong. He was two realms higher than Ye Liuyun, and he could be moved back by Ye Liuyun.

In fact, he didn\'t know that Ye Liuyun had already reached his limit in moving him back.

"Young Master Ye!" Luo Tianyi reacted quickly, and quickly begged for mercy, "For Yurou\'s sake, please forgive me once! I was wrong, I am so confused!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t speak, but looked at Luo Yurou. He also couldn\'t bear to kill her own father in front of Luo Yurou.

Seeing Ye Liuyun looking at Luo Yurou, Luo Tianyi immediately understood Ye Liuyun\'s thoughts.

"Daughter, speak for dad! Dad is confused, dad is wrong! Do you just want to watch dad die in front of you?"

Luo Yurou\'s tears never stopped. No one knows whether she heard it or not.

Ye Liuyun was not in a hurry, and kept waiting.

Skeleton puppets, Lei Ming, Dragon Girl and others have all finished their battles, and all those martial artists have been wiped out, and they are on their way to sweep the battlefield.

"Daughter, you are just talking!" Luo Tianyi was still begging.

"Master Ye, let him go?"

After a while, Luo Yurou finally recovered, and her tears stopped.

But in her eyes, the light of the past was gone. The successive betrayals made her feel ashamed.

"Okay. Let\'s go!" Ye Liuyun agreed, carried the Demon Slayer Saber on his back, and put away the skeleton puppet.

As if being pardoned, Luo Tianyi turned around and ran away, ignoring Luo Yurou, for fear that Ye Liuyun would regret it.

Seeing Ye Liuyun, he could only shake his head helplessly.

"This Luo Yurou is such a kind girl, how could she have such a father!"

Ye Liuyun waved to everyone and asked them to board the warship. One Eye also opened the shield and let them in.

Luo Yurou suddenly opened her mouth and begged Ye Liuyun: "Master Ye, can you take me with you? I want to be a crew member on the ship and earn my own training resources."

"Aren\'t you going home?" Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that she would make such a request.

"Where do I have a home? In the future, I want to rely on myself!"

Although there was some sadness in Luo Yurou\'s tone, being able to say "I want to rely on myself" shows that she has survived.

Ye Liuyun nodded. "Okay then, it\'s not bad for you to go out with us to relax!"

The one-eyed man on the boat also said at this time: "Come on, I happen to be short of an apprentice, so follow me!"

"Thank you Mr. Ye, thank you Boss Fu!" Luo Yurou bowed to thank him.

Wu Qingcheng went to support her, held her arm, and led her to board the warship together.

After they all boarded the warship, Cyclops announced directly: "Everyone is here, let\'s set sail!"

With the sound of roaring air currents, the warship slowly lifted into the air, then began to accelerate, heading out of the domain.

After the warship sailed away from Langya Island, it entered the outside world and began to accelerate again. Only then did it show its true speed.

This speed was more than three times faster than when it was chasing Shen Siyuan.

"Single-eyed is really powerful, and the people we recruited are all masters! At this speed, Sanyuanzong will definitely not be able to catch up!" Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help admiring.

"Don\'t get too excited, if there is no interception before entering the sea of ​​fog, then it will be truly safe!" Cyclops reminded him.

"Will the Sanyuan Sect send someone to intercept us?" Ye Liuyun asked suspiciously.

One-eyed chuckled: "Sanyuanzong has ruled this area for so long, do you think they are all idiots? If it were me, if I really wanted to catch you, then I would definitely send people to Langya Island, and at the same time send people to fight in the fog. Intercept by the sea. People who rush to Langya Island will definitely not be able to catch up with us, but if they are intercepted by the foggy seaside, they may catch up."

Ye Liuyun thought about it, and felt that what he said made sense. If you are familiar with this field, you will really make this arrangement.

"Then I\'m ready to fight!"

"Don\'t worry, let\'s talk about the situation!" Cyclops said calmly: "The warship transformed by the lame and the hunchback can\'t be broken by the martial arts with the nine levels of yin and yang. Let\'s see how they intercept it. I guess they were in a hurry. It will not mobilize many masters."

"If there are not many masters, what should we do?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously.

"If they are not stupid and don\'t take the flying boat, then we will let Sanniang take the lead. If they are inexperienced and take the flying boat, hehe..." One-eyed paused intentionally, and laughed twice.

Ye Liuyun was about to ask, but the lame man rushed over, and said, "Then we\'ll just crash their flying boat and let them die with their crew and boat."