Lord of All Gods

Chapter 650

Luo Yurou also realized that she was saved by Ye Liuyun.

But she still said worriedly: "Young master Ye, you are not his opponent!"

Holding the sword in her hand, she didn\'t know whether she should continue to commit suicide, or stand with Ye Liuyun and the others, and fight these pirates desperately!

"Don\'t worry, I have a way to deal with her, and you will know later!"

Ye Liuyun was afraid that she would commit suicide again, so she sent him a voice transmission to comfort her in advance.

"Hmph, even if you have a background, no one will know if you kill you here!" Hei Sha said, but instead of doing it himself, he asked his subordinates to test Ye Liuyun.

The little robber leader rushed towards Ye Liuyun first.

Ye Liuyun was not worried about dealing with the triple realm of yin and yang. Just raising your hand is a knife.

After he slashed out, when he reappeared, he had already slashed directly into the little boss\'s body, and with a "poof", he slashed out from his back again.

"The realm of yin and yang is just a little bit of space power!"

The black shark saw Ye Liuyun\'s moves clearly, and immediately fused the power in his body to manifest his patron saint seal. It was a black shark, biting towards Ye Liuyun.

"Be careful!" Luo Yurou cried out nervously.

Ye Liuyun was not in a hurry, and as soon as he waved his hand, a golden light flew out from his storage ring.

The skeleton puppet faced the black shark directly, and split the black shark with an axe. Afterwards, that ray of true energy slashed towards Hei Sha himself.

Startled, Black Shark defended with all his strength, and finally blocked the blow. But before he turned around and wanted to run away, the sword of the skeleton puppet struck again.

With a "poof", even Black Shark\'s patron saint seal, and himself, were split into two.


Ye Liuyun held the demon-slaying knife in his hand, and immediately rushed to another robber with a triple yin and yang.

When Wu Qingcheng and the others saw Ye Liuyun making a move, they immediately rushed towards the robbers.

Lei Ming and Long Nu didn\'t even manifest their bodies, and they directly confronted the two yin and yang robbers.

The situation of the battle changed so fast, Luo Yurou was still amazed that Hei Sha was killed just like that, and there was no one around.

After she reacted, she didn\'t stay idle, and rushed towards the weakest robbers with her sword.

Her combat power is not strong, but she can still deal with a few minions at the sixth and seventh levels of Tiangang.

After the skeleton puppet killed the black shark, it used coercion to cover the entire battlefield to prevent any robbers from escaping.

The remaining high-level robbers were all contracted by Ye Liuyun. He killed one robber with four levels of yin and yang, and two robbers with three levels of yin and yang.

"This kind of saber technique is really perfect, and it\'s impossible to defend against it!"

Ye Liuyun also felt that the power of the space teleportation knife technique was greatly increased. Even Wuxiu, who has four levels of yin and yang, was split from the body by him with a single knife.

Basically, as long as the martial arts are not too high level, this move can be fatal.

Those with a high realm, although they cannot be killed, can also be severely injured.

For the remaining thirty robbers, Ye Liuyun left them for others to practice. He went straight to the warship.

There were six sailors on the warship. Ye Liuyun had already locked them with his spiritual sense to prevent them from driving the warship away.

The realm of these people is not high, and even those with Yuandan realm surrendered directly after getting out of the warship.

"We were all hired, not robbers, please spare your life, my lord!" one of the sailors immediately begged for mercy.

"Oh?" Ye Liuyun also felt that what they said was not a lie.

The murderous aura on these people is not heavy, and their clothes and expressions are also different from those of the robbers.

"Then tell me how to control this warship, and I won\'t kill you!"

"Okay, son, I\'ll tell you!" The sailor who begged for mercy immediately led Ye Liuyun into the warship. He also told him some basic knowledge of operating this warship.

This warship is much more complicated than ordinary airships. In terms of function, it is not only sailing, but also has various functions such as attack, defense, and stealth, which requires the cooperation of multiple people.

"It seems that this warship can\'t be controlled by one person!"

Ye Liuyun thought to himself, but he didn\'t want to continue using these sailors.

Although these sailors were all hired, but staying with the robbers all year round, it was inevitable that they would acquire some bad habits.

"Okay, let\'s go!"

After Ye Liuyun got out of the warship, he put away the warship and drove the sailors away.

Wu Qingcheng, Lei Ming and others also wiped out all the robbers at this time.

Lei Ming also snatched the flying boat that Shen Siyuan and the others were riding on.

Seeing Shen Siyuan and the others, she circled back and wanted to get close to the flying boat, so she acted first and put the flying boat away.

Of course Ye Liuyun would not object, he didn\'t even intend to return the flying boat to them, and even praised Lei Ming.

Seeing that Lei Ming had put away the flying boat, Shen Siyuan had no choice but to be cheeky and beg Ye Liuyun.

"Ye Gongzi is so brave! He even wiped out the big black shark robber group!"

"Young master Ye is a real person who doesn\'t show his face, I\'m the one who is blind!"

A few elders came over to answer in an awkward manner, holding Ye Liuyun in their hands and saying good things.

"What\'s the matter with you?" Ye Liuyun asked intentionally.

"Well, Mr. Ye, can you return our flying boat and storage ring to us?" one of the elders asked with a smile on his face.

"Also? What do you mean? I didn\'t take anything from your hands!" Ye Liuyun deliberately teased them.

"Ye Liuyun, don\'t overdo it. Those things are obviously ours!" At this moment, Shen Siyuan regained his energy.

"Your?" Ye Liuyun asked disdainfully, "Do you still want face?"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to reason with such shameless people.

"If you don\'t give it, you won\'t give it. Our Shen family doesn\'t care about a mere flying boat! Yurou, come with me! The robbers are all dead, why are you still staying? Could it be that you fell in love with this little boy?"

With a crisp sound of "click", a bloody lightning blasted directly towards Shen Siyuan.

"I\'ll kill you disgusting trash!" Lei Ming scolded angrily, "You\'re disgusting yourself, but you dare to scold my little brother!"

She really can\'t bear Shen Siyuan\'s face!

Shen Siyuan was frightened by the sudden attack, his face turned pale. Elder Gao beside him immediately shot and intercepted the blood thunder.

Although he didn\'t suffer any injuries, his whole body was numb.

"What a powerful blood thunder! Who are these people?"

He felt the same way as Hei Sha, thinking that people like Ye Liuyun were too mysterious. Although Lei Ming is in the realm of yin and yang, he feels that Lei Ming can fight against him.

This kind of genius who can fight across levels is usually a disciple of a big sect.

Seeing that Ye Liuyun was surrounded by puppets with eight levels of yin and yang, he was even more sure that Ye Liuyun and the others\' identities were not simple.

So he secretly sent a voice transmission to Shen Siyuan, telling him not to talk nonsense.