Lord of All Gods

Chapter 651

Lei Ming missed a hit, and he didn\'t bother again.

She usually obeys Ye Liuyun\'s command, but this time she couldn\'t help but acted.

Ye Liuyun ignored Shen Siyuan, and instead asked Luo Yurou: "Miss Luo, do you want to go with them?"

Luo Yurou shook her head without hesitation and said, "I won\'t leave. I don\'t know them."

"Yurou!" Shen Siyuan also knew that Luo Yurou was still angry with him, so he immediately explained: "What I did just now was just a tactic to delay the attack, don\'t take it to heart! In fact, I didn\'t leave at all, I have been waiting for a chance to rescue him in the distance." your!"

"Shen Siyuan, you don\'t have to lie to me anymore. I was stupid before and didn\'t see you clearly! From then on, we went our separate ways and just pretended that I didn\'t know you!"

Luo Yurou is also awake now, and is no longer deceived by Shen Siyuan.

"Don\'t forget! Your Luo family accepted the bride price from our Shen family! If you don\'t marry me, how will your Luo family explain to my Shen family?"

When Shen Siyuan saw that the agreement was not good, he threatened directly.

When he said this, Luo Yurou really felt worried. If she didn\'t go away with Shen Siyuan, the Luo family might really suffer revenge from the Shen family!

"In the future, do your Luo family still want to gain a foothold on Langya Island?" Shen Siyuan continued to threaten Luo Yurou more, speaking even more blatantly.

Being forced by him, Luo Yurou burst into tears again.

"Are you going to force me to death?" Finally, she asked with tears in her eyes.

"Hmph, you want to threaten me with death? Let me tell you, even if it is death! You have to die in our Shen family, otherwise I won\'t let your Luo family go!"

Shen Siyuan finally revealed his true face and tore off his disguise.

"You..." Luo Yurou was forced to do nothing by him. The hand that was holding the long sword tightly to commit suicide also loosened.

She doesn\'t think about herself, she also thinks about her family.

She didn\'t expect that she escaped from the clutches of the robbers, but fell into another devil\'s lair.

She felt that this result was more humiliating than falling into the hands of robbers!

In the hands of the robbers, she can still show her ambition with death. But here with Shen Siyuan, she didn\'t even dare to die!

Just when she was about to give in, a cold voice suddenly remembered.

"Kill them all!"

Startled, she raised her head suddenly, only to see that the skeleton puppet had already started to attack.

Ye Liuyun had already swung his knife at an elder. At the same time, the soul attack attacked the elder who was being challenged by the dragon girl.

Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er are teaming up to attack an elder.

But Lei Ming spewed out a bucket-thick blood thunder, mixed with icy cold force, and blasted towards Shen Siyuan.

"Ah?" Luo Yurou subconsciously called out.

Then several bombardments of true essence sounded, and Shen Siyuan was blasted into pieces by the thunder, and his flesh and blood flew.

Lei Ming hated him until his teeth itch, so he went all out when he made a move. Even a martial artist with the third level of yin and yang might not be able to block this blow, let alone Shen Siyuan with the eighth level of Tiangang.

Of the four elders around Shen Siyuan, one was directly killed by the skeleton puppet. One was split in half by Ye Liuyun, the other\'s soul was absorbed by him, and the body was smashed to pieces by the dragon girl.

The last elder was half-frozen by Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er, and then his soul was also absorbed by Ye Liuyun.

With a wave of Wu Qingcheng, she took back Shen Siyuan\'s storage ring.

Luo Yurou was a little dazed. He didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to move his hands without mercy.

"How should I explain to the Shen family now! What should we do with the Luo family?" For a moment, her mind was in a mess and she didn\'t know what to do.

Ye Liuyun directly released several balls of the Golden Crow Holy Fire, completely burning the corpses of these people. Only Yuan Dan was left and handed over to Bai Hu and Shi Yuan.

Then he turned back to comfort Luo Yuju and said, "Don\'t worry now! Shen Siyuan and those elders were all killed by the robbers. Then we killed the robbers and saved you! Do you understand?"

"Ah?" Luo Yurou didn\'t react at first.

After a while, she realized that she thanked Ye Liuyun again and again.

This is equivalent to Ye Liuyun saving her twice and helping their Luo family out of the siege!

"You\'re welcome, take us to Langya Island!"

Ye Liuyun waved his hand, he didn\'t take this matter to heart, and directly took everyone on board the flying boat to rush to Langya Island.

In fact, Ye Liuyun had already decided to kill Shen Siyuan. However, he was afraid that Luo Yurou would not be able to bear it, and would try to stop her at that time.

If that\'s the case, if he kills Shen Siyuan, it will make Luo Yurou feel bad.

Let Luo Yurou see people like Shen Siyuan clearly, and when she is desperate, Ye Liuyun will also make a move.

"Do you want to try this faster flying boat?" Lei Ming took out Shen Siyuan\'s flying boat.

"Put it away, don\'t be seen! Otherwise people will misunderstand that we killed Shen Siyuan!" Ye Liuyun reminded her.

"Oh! I forgot about it!"

Lei Ming stuck out his tongue, and handed the flying boat to Wu Qingcheng. She is used to handing over the spoils to Wu Qingcheng.

Seeing that she liked the flying boat, Wu Qingcheng didn\'t pick it up. "Keep it to yourself, just in case."

"Alright then, I\'ll keep it first!" Lei Ming put the flying boat into his storage ring.

"Master Ye, what are you going to Langya Island for?" Luo Yurou asked Ye Liuyun.

"We are going to the Central Continent. We need to buy a map, prepare some supplies, and hire some sailors who can control warships."

Ye Liuyun needed Luo Yurou\'s help to buy things and hire people, so she didn\'t hide it from her.

"I can help arrange all these! Why don\'t you go to my house and rest first, and let me prepare for the rest?"

Ye Liuyun certainly wished for someone to help.

"Then please trouble Miss Luo!" Ye Liuyun thanked politely.

Luo Yurou waved her hands again and again: "You are my savior, please don\'t be so polite to me. Doing a little favor for you is worthless!"

Ye Liuyun could also tell that this Luo Yurou was also a pure-hearted and kind-hearted person, so he stopped being polite to her and asked about the situation on the island.

In fact, the reason why Langya Island is called an island is because it is relative to the entire Qingxiao Domain. Its actual area is also one-third the size of Cangyun Continent, which is not too small.

Various forces coexist on the island, which is intricate.

Luo Yurou\'s Luo family can be regarded as the top power on Langya Island.

However, their border area is all within the jurisdiction of Sanyuanzong.

The Shen family of Qianyu Island is the manager of this area, so their status is naturally much higher than that of the Luo family.

In Langya Island, everything is also available, especially the various supplies needed for long-distance voyages.

Commodity trade is also very developed. There are often robbers who come here to sell and buy items.