Lord of All Gods

Chapter 591

After Ye Liuyun rested for a while, he recovered a lot. I am also planning to collect more cultivation resources. There are many good things in this secret realm.

Now that Wu Qingcheng, Yu\'er, and Baihu have all improved their realms, they can take them to search for some treasures together.

Qinglin didn\'t stop them, and told them to look for it casually, and if they found it, it would be theirs.

"How long will it take for Xue\'er to accept the inheritance?" Ye Liuyun asked Qinglin worriedly.

"It usually takes a long time to purify the blood. How long depends on her own situation. It\'s hard to say." Qinglin replied: "Anyway, it can\'t be completed in a few months. It\'s only how long, no So fast, you have to be patient! If you are bored, go around the secret realm."

"Okay! Looks like it\'s still a long-term tug-of-war!"

Ye Liuyun also knew that those people outside would definitely not give up.

Qinglin also nodded. However, it also told Ye Liuyun that after the loopholes in the secret realm were completely plugged, the defense capability of the secret realm would also be improved. Afterwards, they can also save a little effort.

"I\'m afraid their next attack will be stronger!"

Although Ye Liuyun thought that this battle would definitely not be easy, there was no good way to prevent it.

"Let\'s improve our strength first, it\'s useless to think so much now."

Therefore, Ye Liyun took everyone to collect cultivation resources. Qinglin continued to tinker and tinker, and then monitored every day in the secret realm.

After a while, the inside of the secret area was very quiet, and the three sects outside did not continue to attack.

After the elders of the three sects failed last time, they completely gave up the idea of ​​attacking directly.

"Why don\'t we go to Tang Yao?" An elder of Sanyuanzong suggested.

"That formation master? Be careful! It is said that he is very difficult to deal with. Once you find him, you will not be able to get rid of him!" the elder of the Night Demon Sect reminded.

"Yes, it must be expensive to invite him. Maybe in the end, we won\'t get much!" The elder of the Ice Fire Sect didn\'t want to go to Tang Yao either.

"But we have spent so many years of energy, and we can\'t waste it! Seeing that the secret realm is about to be obtained, you just give up like this, are you willing?" the elder of Sanyuanzong asked a little unwillingly.

After discussing for a long time, they finally decided to send someone to negotiate terms with Tang Yao and see the situation.

Tang Yao, the formation master, is also the number one master in this Qingxiao domain. But he is not very old, he looks only in his forties.

His location is also a little far away from the secret realm. Qingxiaoyu is so big that it takes more than a month to travel back and forth. Therefore, the communication and bargaining between them also consume a lot of time.

Ye Liuyun lived quietly in the secret realm for more than ten days, brought Wu Qingcheng and others, and harvested a large amount of cultivation resources. At the same time, their own realm and combat skills have also been honed.

Ye Liuyun\'s realm has been raised to the middle stage of Tiangang Ninth Layer.

It doesn\'t make much sense for them to stay any longer.

Liang Xue is still receiving inheritance every day to improve her bloodline. There was a break in the middle, and I had already met Ye Liuyun and others.

"Qinglin, how do we leave this secret realm? I want to go back to Cangyun Continent to have a look. Now that the secret realm is temporarily safe, it\'s a waste of time for us to stay."

Qinglin thought for a while, and communicated with Ye Liuyun: "The Cangyun Continent is far away from here. I can use the power of the secret realm to send you back. But there is not much power left in this secret realm, and I am afraid I cannot send you back." several times."

"If we go back by ourselves, how long will it take?" Ye Liuyun asked.

Qinglin handed the modified flying boat to Ye Liuyun. "If you take this flying boat, if everything goes well, you will be able to reach Cangyun Island in about three years!"

"Uh...forget it, you should use the power of the secret realm to send us back!"

Ye Liuyun put away the flying boat and said helplessly.

Qinglin took out another token and handed it to Ye Liuyun.

"You keep this token. If the secret realm is attacked again, I will use this token to find you. I may still need your help at that time."

"Okay! If you are in danger, come to me, don\'t force yourself." Ye Liuyun put the token away.

With this token, Qinglin can find him if something happens in the secret realm, and he feels much relieved when he returns to Cangyun Continent.

Ye Liuyun went to say goodbye to Liang Xue again.

"Cultivate well here. If there is danger, Qinglin will come to me with a token. I will go back to Cangyun Continent to deal with some matters, and then I should prepare to march outside."

"I really want to stay with you for a longer period of time. Every time we get together less and leave more!" Liang Xue was also reluctant to leave Ye Liuyun.

But she spent most of her time practicing, and she couldn\'t accompany Ye Liuyun, so she might as well let him do something.

"Don\'t worry! There will be more time in the future! As long as we are strong enough, no one will be able to separate us." Ye Liuyun comforted her.

"Well! Then when you go back, be more careful!" Liang Xue had no choice but to let him go, but she was still worried that he would be in danger after going back.

"Don\'t worry, the skeleton puppets have already been promoted to the ninth level of yin and yang, and no one will be his opponent."

After Ye Liuyun and Liang Xue bid farewell reluctantly, they put everyone into the storage ring and asked Qinglin to send him back to Cangyun Continent.

Qinglin mobilized the original power in the secret realm to cover Ye Liuyun, and then that power disappeared with Ye Liuyun.

After a strong sense of dizziness, Ye Liuyun had already appeared in the southern area of ​​Cangyun Continent.

"I\'m coming back now?" Ye Liuyun looked at the surrounding environment and breathed in the familiar air.

It has been almost two months since he left Cangyun Continent.

In the past two months, other people who entered the secret realm have returned one after another. Even Yu Haotian had returned a month ago.

There were three other people who never came back, two of them were Ye Liuyun and Liang Xue. The other one is Mo Tianheng.

Lei Ming and Long Nu have already come out. Originally, they were all with the people of Iron Eagle Sect. But the people waiting outside the martial arts competition have already been driven back by the alliance, and they were asked to go back to their respective sects to wait.

Those who were waiting for Ye Liuyun did not believe that he would die in the secret realm. So at this moment, they all gathered at the Iron Eagle Sect, waiting for Ye Liuyun.

Hao Chengfeng and Mo Ya returned to the Northern Territory first.

Ye Liuyun turned around first to familiarize himself with the location, then took out the flying boat that Qinglin had remodeled for him, and flew straight to Tie Ying Cult.

Before he entered the secret realm, he made an appointment with others to wait for him at Iron Eagle Sect. So as soon as he came out, he went straight to Iron Eagle Sect.

The speed of the flying boat modified by Qinglin is beyond words.

Normally, it would take at least a month or two to fly back to Iron Eagle Sect from the southern part of Cangyun Continent. And Ye Liuyun\'s flying boat arrived at Tie Ying Sect in less than ten days.