Lord of All Gods

Chapter 590

Qinglin\'s eyes lit up when he saw the skeleton puppet.

It gestured with Ye Liuyun for a while, and Ye Liuyun let it go away with the skeleton puppet.

Now Ye Liuyun is the only one left to support him. Obviously, the black hole started to expand again, but not as fast as before.

When Baihu and the others rushed over to help, the speed of the black hole\'s expansion was still accelerating, and it seemed that the other party was also constantly increasing its manpower.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun has used up all his space power, but he still can\'t control the trend of expansion.

It wasn\'t until Baihu and the others shot together that the speed of the black hole\'s expansion slowed down. It seems that during this period of time, Wu Qingcheng and the others have also used the Wukong Stone to cultivate the power of space.

Ye Liuyun took Wu Qingcheng, Baihu and others, and stood by the black hole for a day and a night. At this time, the size of the black hole is enough for people to pass through.

It\'s just that the space channel of this black hole is still very unstable, and the other party should not dare to take the risk of letting people try it.

Ye Liuyun and the others are very anxious now. They are almost exhausted now, and I am afraid it will be difficult to persist.

Once someone from the other party came to hold them back, more people would come over. At that time, they may not be able to resist.

And if the black hole expands further, it may allow elders with higher realms to pass through. Once an elder from the late stage of the Yin-Yang realm comes over, they may not even be able to escape for their lives.

At this moment, outside the secret area, a team of nearly 300 people is attacking the same black hole. All kinds of power burst out. And there are more than a dozen elders of the three sects inside.

"Everyone, work harder, they won\'t be able to stand it anymore!"

Several elders have already felt the power of defense in the secret territory, and they can no longer resist them.

"That\'s right, the channel will be stable soon. At that time, the disciples of the Yin-Yang realm will go down first and kill Ye Liuyun." The elder of Sanyuanzong also shouted.

With the encouragement of these elders, many disciples cheered up and attacked the black hole desperately.

"Why have you become stronger again!"

Ye Liuyun felt a lot of pressure at this moment. This black hole is about to lose its hold.

In desperation, he could only call Qinglin to help.

As soon as he called Qinglin, Qinglin jumped out from the void.

"I\'ll go, you won\'t be waiting here to watch the fun, right?" Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that Qinglin would arrive so soon.

Qinglin shook his head, opened his mouth, and spat out the skeleton puppet.


A powerful aura of the late Yin Yang mirror erupted from the body of the skeleton puppet!

That coercion alone almost overturned Ye Liuyun and the others. The skeleton puppet was too close to them.

"You succeeded? Are you really proficient in mechanics?"

Ye Liuyun asked Qinglin in surprise.

He can hardly use this skeleton puppet now. It\'s just that Ye Liuyun has survived a lot of dangers by relying on it before, and Ye Liuyun was reluctant to give it up, so he kept it in his collection.

Originally, I wanted to let it do some work this time, but I didn\'t expect to upgrade it to the late stage of the Yin-Yang realm.

Now this puppet can be his help again. With such a hole card, Ye Liuyun suddenly felt that he was much safer.

Qinglin proudly raised her head and nodded in a humane way.

"Okay, stop yelling, I\'m going to lose my hold, come and help me. It\'s not too late to block this black hole before you yell." Ye Liuyun hurriedly called Qinglin to stop.

Their negligence just now caused the black hole to grow bigger again.

Qinglin didn\'t dare to be embarrassed anymore, and immediately exerted all his strength to control the black hole. At this time, the skeleton puppet also began to exert force, sending the black hole back.

With the help of Qing Lin and the skeleton puppet, Ye Liuyun immediately gained the advantage and began to compress the black hole back.

And the three of them teamed up, the effect is very obvious. The black hole is shrinking at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Ye Liuyun felt that a lot of wild vitality had been added to the real essence of the skeleton puppet.

"This Qinglin is really not easy. In one day, the skeleton puppet has changed so much!" Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help but click his tongue.

"What\'s going on here? The defensive strength has become stronger again?"

The elders outside the secret realm discovered that the black hole was shrinking, and couldn\'t help being surprised.

"Could it be that there are other forces in this secret realm?" Some people also had doubts.

Just when the elders relaxed a little, the black hole in front of them shrank a bit.

This time, even those disciples discovered that the black hole was shrinking. As soon as they were distracted and their attack weakened, the black hole shrank even faster.

Ye Liuyun, Wu Qingcheng and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Qingcheng and the others had already stopped and rested.

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t rest, but it was much better than before when he struggled alone.

He has been using space power these days, which has made him more proficient in using space power.

It wasn\'t until the three of them teamed up to completely send the black hole back to the void that Ye Liuyun completely relaxed and fell to the ground to rest.

Qinglin ran over, rubbed against him, and thanked him.

"I really didn\'t see it! You still have the ability to transform a puppet!"

Although Ye Liuyun was tired, he was still very energetic. I am even more happy that Qinglin can help the skeleton puppet improve its realm.

When Qing Lin heard Ye Liuyun praise it, she started to cock her tail again. He raised his head high, patted his chest, and gave himself a thumbs up.

Ye Liuyun also felt happy looking at the skeleton puppet, and gave it another high-ranking long sword, so that the two weapons in the skeleton puppet\'s hands were also high-ranking weapons.

Ye Liuyun took out the high-ranking flying boat he had just obtained, and asked Qinglin, "Can this be improved?"

Qinglin took it, looked at it, nodded, and after making gestures for a while, threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

"Can you improve the space shuttle ability and defense? Well, you can change it as soon as possible, and give it to me!"

Since Ye Liuyun knew that Qinglin was proficient in machinery, he naturally wanted to make good use of it.

"What else do you want?" Ye Liuyun began to think about Qinglin, wanting to see what other skills it could use.

Qinglin glanced at Ye Liuyun vigilantly, and immediately put away her embarrassing face, and stopped talking.

Ye Liuyun, Wu Qingcheng and others were also amused by Qinglin\'s cleverness.

"Okay, now the loopholes are filled. We can\'t wait here for them to attack. You can monitor the loopholes in the secret realm! I also want to go out and collect more resources, otherwise it will be a waste of time."