Lord of All Gods

Chapter 588

Qinglin was not here to accompany them.

He told Ye Liuyun that it was going out to fix the loophole, so he left first.

Ye Liuyun wanted to follow him to see how it could be repaired. But now that Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er are practicing, he dare not leave for fear of Liao Bingyu\'s retaliation.

However, he was not idle, but took out the Yuan Dan and spar he had collected, and began to practice.

Liao Bingyu in the ice coffin at this moment, in fact, her spiritual consciousness is cut off by the ice coffin, and she doesn\'t know what\'s going on outside.

This ice coffin can be moved with only a little ice power from her.

But now being absorbed by Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er together, Liao Bingyu found that her ice power was rapidly being consumed.

"I\'m afraid Ye Liuyun is attacking the ice coffin! Let him attack, anyway, I only need a little power to drive the ice coffin. This guy is definitely not enough for me!"

Thinking of this, she increased her output.

"Huh?" As soon as she strengthened the output, she found that the power of ice was draining faster.

However, she does not dare to open the ice coffin to check the situation outside, so she can only continuously output the power of ice to maintain the operation of the ice coffin.

In this way, she output in it alone. The power of the ice, after being magnified by the ice coffin, was absorbed by the two people outside.

At the beginning, Liao Bingyu didn\'t feel that the consumption was relatively large. After all, he was in the realm of yin and yang, and the power of ice contained in the true essence in the Yuan Dan was very powerful.

However, she has been consuming it like this without supplementing it. After a long time, she can\'t stand it. The ice coffin is not connected to the outside world.

Even spiritual consciousness can\'t get in, let alone air. Even if she could enter the air, the savage vitality contained in this secret realm would not be able to be cultivated by her.

What shocked her even more was that now she wanted to take back the power of the ice and open the ice coffin, but she couldn\'t do it. Now the outside is actively absorbing her ice power, and she has lost the dominance.

Whoever takes the lead in absorbing depends entirely on whose strength is stronger.

Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er outside, at this moment, have been promoted to the eighth level of Tiangang and the seventh level of Tiangang respectively.

They had been cultivating in the Xuankong Stone before, and their realms had already reached the sixth level of Tiangang and the fifth level of Tiangang respectively. After more than ten days of replenishment of ice-cold power, the realm has improved rapidly.

For the two martial artists who cultivate the power of ice, the absorbed power of ice is their tonic, which can be quickly converted into their true energy.

The power of ice in the two of them now has surpassed that of Liao Bingyu. So the two of them are now the one leading the absorption. As long as the two of them don\'t stop, Liao Bingyu can\'t stop even if he wants to.

At this moment, both of them are improving rapidly, how can they stop! And with the improvement of their ice power, the speed of their absorption is getting faster and faster.

So Liao Bingyu lay sadly in the ice coffin, passively exporting the power of ice. The narrow space in the ice coffin, as well as the fear of the constant loss of true energy, almost caused her spirit to collapse.

"This is really putting myself in a coffin!" Liao Bingyu was on the verge of crying at this moment.

Three days later, the power of ice emitted by the ice coffin was finally exhausted, and Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er stopped.

"Congratulations! You have caught up with me!" Ye Liuyun smiled and congratulated them.

The realm of Wu Qingcheng has been raised to the ninth level of Tiangang. Although Yu\'er is the eighth layer of Tiangang, the speed of improvement is already very fast.

Even Ruyue and Baihu at the side were envious.

Ruyue has been cultivating in the Xuankong Stone, but at the moment it is only the third level of Tiangang. The white tiger has also been practicing, not only devouring the Yuan Dan and beast meat of the strong in the Yin-Yang realm, but also refining a high-ranking spear, but the realm has only reached the seventh level of Tiangang.

Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er were also overjoyed. None of them expected that one day their realm would catch up to Ye Liuyun.

"But even if we catch up with you, the two of us still can\'t beat you!" Wu Qingcheng said with a smile.

"What\'s the hurry! You just need to familiarize yourself with the power! It just so happens that our realm has improved, and we can go out to experience it. Now there are no outsiders in the secret realm, which is safer. People from the three sects have already left through the teleportation array. We can Let\'s find some beasts to practice."

"Okay, okay!" Ye Liuyun\'s proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

"Wait a minute, let me see what\'s going on inside the ice coffin." Ye Liuyun still hasn\'t forgotten about Liao Bingyu inside the ice coffin.

But when he opened the ice coffin vigilantly, he found that Liao Bingyu had already died.

She didn\'t die because her true essence was absorbed. The depletion of true energy will only make people become ordinary people, and will not cause death.

She died of despair!

In that case, no matter how much she struggled, she couldn\'t change her fate. In the end, she gave up her life because she couldn\'t see the hope.

"Hey! Why bother! I didn\'t say I had to kill you!" Ye Liuyun said with emotion.

In fact, if Liao Bingyu had a good attitude, Ye Liuyun might really let her go.

At this moment, Qinglin also rushed back.

It has also come back several times these days, seeing that Ye Liuyun and others are practicing, so it doesn\'t bother him.

Now that he saw that Ye Liuyun had stopped cultivating, Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er\'s realm had also improved, he immediately became happy. He jumped over directly, pulling Ye Liuyun to go out, still gesticulating anxiously.

Seeing its gesture, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help frowning.

"Don\'t worry, speak slowly!" Ye Liuyun comforted it.

So Qinglin took a lot of effort to explain the matter thoroughly.

It turned out that after Xiao Mingyue and others withdrew from the secret realm, the three major sects intensified their attacks on the secret realm.

They have been divided into multiple teams to attack different locations in the secret realm at the same time, causing loopholes in many places in the secret realm.

If it goes on like this, I\'m afraid outsiders will be able to come in through different loopholes.

"Isn\'t the secret realm capable of defense?" Ye Liuyun asked Qinglin a little puzzled.

Qinglin explained to him: "On the one hand, the remaining energy in the secret realm is running out, so the defense is gradually weakening. If it was before, they would definitely not be able to attack. On the other hand, the other party may have expert guidance. We know the weak points of the secret realm very well, and we can quickly find the loopholes and expand them."

"Then we can block them as long as we fill in the loopholes?" Ye Liuyun asked Qinglin.

Qing Lin nodded quickly, but then shook his head worriedly.

Ye Liuyun understood what it meant. That is to plug the loopholes, which can temporarily prevent their attacks. For the rest, the defense ability of the secret realm itself can play a role in blocking them.

But this is also temporary. The main reason is that the energy of this secret realm is about to run out, and it can\'t last long by itself.