Lord of All Gods

Chapter 587

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils glanced at Liang Xue repeatedly, and he was completely relieved when he found that everything was normal.

"Now can I tell you about your background?" Ye Liuyun asked Qing Lin at this moment.

Qinglin made gestures and began to tell him.

This secret realm is actually an inheritance left by a Venerable. After waiting for several years, I did not find a suitable successor.

Seeing that his energy was about to run out, he unexpectedly discovered Liang Xue by accident. So he sucked her in.

Ye Liuyun was brought in because he was holding Liang Xue. So after entering the secret realm, Liang Xue came here to accept the inheritance, while Ye Liuyun could only find cultivation resources outside.

This secret realm was originally in Qingxiao Domain. For many years, the three major sects of Qingxiao Domain have been working hard to open the passage to connect this secret realm.

It was also the day before Ye Liuyun and the others came in, the elders of the three sects in Qingxiaoyu finally opened a passage in this secret realm and sent their disciples in.

And their purpose is very clear, that is, they came to the core of this secret realm. On the one hand, it is necessary to seize the inheritance of this secret realm, on the other hand, it is necessary to destroy the defensive power of this secret realm, so that more powerful people from the three sects can come in.

Qinglin himself was originally the guardian beast of this secret realm. It\'s just that he has been sleeping for so many years. He won\'t wake up until he finds the heir in the secret realm.

And when he woke up, he found that the secret realm had been invaded and it was very dangerous.

Liang Xue was accepting inheritance at that time. She has a low level and can\'t help much. So it could only ask Ye Liuyun for help.

"What is the inheritance in this secret realm? Who left it?" Ye Liuyun asked Qing Lin.

"The creator of this secret realm is Venerable Qinghuo. What he left behind is a special bloodline inheritance. Only people whose bloodline is very similar to Venerable Qinghuo can accept his inheritance."

While explaining to Ye Liuyun, Qinglin showed him the way and asked him to walk towards a stone gate beside the cave wall.

After entering the stone gate, Ye Liuyun discovered that there was actually a stone room with rows of stone shelves inside. It looks like a treasure room.

But the stone shelf was almost empty, with few things left.

"You can pick whatever you want here!" Qinglin said openly.

"Hehe, you are so generous! You don\'t even look, what\'s left here? Not even an artifact!"

Ye Liuyun glanced at it, and saw clearly that the few remaining items were treasures of high rank.

"There is also a god-level long sword, which was left for that woman. The others were all consumed by my master a long time ago!" Qing Lin was also very helpless.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care about him, and with a wave of his hand, he put all those things into the storage ring.

Among them was a flying boat of high rank, a spear of high rank, and although Ye Liuyun didn\'t like the rest, he also put them away. He doesn\'t need it, maybe someone else needs it.

"Can I use this stone room?" Ye Liuyun asked Qing Lin. He wanted to sort out the gains of these days, and then deal with Fang Huatian and Liao Bingyu. Then let Wu Qingcheng and Baihu come out to get some air.

"Of course, it\'s useless to leave it empty anyway!" Qing Lin didn\'t mind either.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun closed the stone door, fearing to disturb Liang Xue, and then cleaned the stone shelf to a corner.

After cleaning up, he first took out the death knell and Fang Huatian\'s body inside.

First, I checked the storage ring, and found the artifact that could locate the treasure in it.

"It\'s not in vain!" Ye Liuyun finally saw something valuable.

At this time, Qinglin also jumped up to Ye Liuyun, opened his mouth, and kept spitting out a lot of treasures, medicinal materials, and spirit stones. After vomiting for a long time, it stopped.

"Huh? This is Xiao Mingyue\'s crescent scepter?" Ye Liuyun was completely dumbfounded when he saw the crescent scepter! "Where did you get these things?"

Qing Lin gestured a few times, and after Ye Liuyun saw it, his eyes widened in disbelief.

It turned out that this Qinglin had cheated Xiao Mingyue\'s trust, and had Xiao Mingyue put it into the storage ring. And this Qinglin has the ability to escape the detection of other people\'s spiritual sense.

So before it left Xiao Mingyue, taking advantage of Xiao Mingyue\'s distraction, it sneaked into Xiao Mingyue\'s storage ring again, swallowed all the contents in an instant, and then returned to Xiao Mingyue\'s shoulder, attacking behind. Those two martial artists.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense scanned it, and found that it was true, this guy didn\'t even let Xiao Mingyue\'s clothes and other items go. It is estimated that time was tight at that time, and it was too late to screen.

Seeing that there were too many things, Ye Liuyun released Wu Qingcheng and the others and asked them to clean up the things.

He also briefly explained his experience to them so that they would not worry.

Ye Liuyun also directly gave Fang Huatian\'s Yuan Dan to Baihu. The physical body was burned and absorbed by Qinglin.

Then, he took out the magic net and prepared to deal with Liao Bingyu.

Before he could figure out how to deal with Liao Bingyu, he was shocked by what he saw.

It turned out that Liao Bingyu in the magic net used an ice coffin to protect herself in it. Obviously, she was afraid that Ye Liuyun would hurt her.

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and tried to attack with his soul.

However, to his surprise, this ice coffin was able to isolate the consciousness. Even his spirit attack could not penetrate the ice coffin.

The cold air seeping out of the ice coffin quickly turned the surrounding ground into frost.

This phenomenon immediately attracted the attention of Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er.

Both of them have cultivated the power of ice cold, so they are very sensitive to this chill, so they came to ask immediately.

At this time, Qinglin also tried the soul attack, but she was blocked by the ice coffin.

Unconvinced, it tried to burn it with a green fire. But even though its green flame was very powerful, it still couldn\'t resist the cold air, and the flame was quickly suppressed by the cold force.

Ye Liuyun was about to try burning it with the Golden Crow Holy Fire. Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er stopped him.

"We can absorb this cold power! Let\'s use this power to cultivate?" Wu Qingcheng suggested.

"It\'s good to be able to fulfill you! You can absorb it, and I\'ll help you guard it here."

Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect such a good thing to happen.

Thus, Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er sat beside the ice coffin and began to absorb the power of the cold.

Ye Liuyun was cultivating while monitoring the movement of the ice coffin with his spiritual sense. He was worried that Liao Bingyu in the ice coffin would suddenly attack when he discovered that someone was absorbing the power of the ice coffin.

Kisaragi helped Wu Qingcheng organize things. Bai Hu was refining Fang Huatian\'s Yuan Dan that he had just swallowed.