Lord of All Gods

Chapter 577

Ye Liuyun thought for a while, and then asked Qing Lin: "You want me to help you guard this secret realm on the grounds that Xue\'er is accepting the inheritance? I need to confirm that she is indeed accepting the inheritance."

Although he didn\'t want to be used as a weapon, he didn\'t mind doing something for Xue\'er.

But first he had to confirm whether Liang Xue was really accepting the inheritance.

Hearing this, Qing Lin didn\'t express his opinion, but instead focused his energy on the two people who were fighting.

It just said lightly: "You will see her soon. Just don\'t make a move until you see her. Let them fight! But you have to be prepared to deal with them, after all, for you It\'s not bad either. When you see Xue\'er, they will find the core of the secret realm."

When Ye Liuyun heard this, he began to think about it.

This problem is really tricky!

He is no match for these two people in front of him. There is also a yin and yang triple martial arts cultivator of the Ice and Fire Sect!

Ye Liuyun really couldn\'t deal with these three people except to let them kill each other.

"I need time to improve my realm." Ye Liuyun said to Qinglin via voice transmission.

"Sharpening the gun before the battle?" Qinglin smiled contemptuously, without even looking at him.

"It\'s better to be stronger!" Ye Liuyun also knew that it was of little use.

Even if he breaks through to the ninth level of Tiangang, he is not a match for these people. Unless he can break through to the first level of yin and yang.

But you can\'t just sit still. His character has always been like this, no matter how difficult things are, he will not give up easily.

Qinglin agreed: "Then you can go to the Xuankong Stone to practice. I will guard the Xuankong Stone. But I can only buy you one day. After one day, they should also go to the core of the secret realm."

"Okay." Ye Liuyun said, and took out the Xuankong Stone to go in.

"Wait, I\'ll give you these too!" Qing Lin stopped him, and spit out two more True Essence Fruits from his mouth.

"Can you spit out what you ate?" Ye Liuyun felt a little disgusted, so he didn\'t reach out to pick it up.

"What are you thinking? I have a storage space in my body. You think I eat it in my stomach and spit it out!"

Qinglin gave him a blank look, and threw the two true essence fruits to Ye Liuyun.

Only then did Ye Liuyun realize that there was a storage space in Qing Lin\'s body. No wonder it swallows everything in its stomach.

"Then thank you very much!"

After finishing speaking, he took the True Yuan Fruit and directly entered the Xuankong Stone.

And Qing Lin grabbed the Xuankong Stone and swallowed it again.

Xiao Mingyue, who was fighting, was also observing Ye Liuyun with his spiritual sense. Seeing Ye Liuyun hiding in the storage space, Qinglin swallowed it.

She thought Ye Liuyun was timid and hid for fear of being affected.

"This is just right, and it didn\'t hold me back. Whether it\'s fighting or fleeing, I don\'t have to have any scruples."

Thinking of this, she pulled Qinglin onto her shoulders, and fought the Star Sword Demon Emperor with more confidence.

The disciples of the Night Demon Sect in the distance also leaned over at this moment, surrounding Xiao Mingyue.

They also saw with their own eyes that Ye Liuyun entered the storage space to hide and was swallowed by Qinglin.

Their thinking was the same as Xiao Mingyue\'s, thinking that Ye Liuyun was just avoiding danger temporarily. Because at the moment, it is obvious that their Night Demon Sect is powerful. If these people attack Xiao Mingyue together, she really can\'t resist it.

It\'s just that the Star Sword Demon Emperor didn\'t speak, and they didn\'t dare to move. Once the Star Sword Demon Emperor is upset, they will die.

So they just surrounded it and didn\'t dare to make a move.

The Star Sword Demon Emperor is also enjoying the fight with Xiao Mingyue at the moment, and doesn\'t want them to intervene at all.

But all masters are eager to fight with masters, and they all have their own principles and persistence.

It was rare for him to meet an opponent like Xiao Mingyue, so he didn\'t want to miss this opportunity to fight.

The same is true for Xiao Mingyue, it is rare to meet an opponent, and she doesn\'t want to leave immediately, and wants to compete with the Star Sword Demon Emperor.

At this moment, the power of her moonlight was fully utilized by her. Various skills such as illusion and corrosion were integrated into the attack, and they attacked the Star Sword Demon Emperor with all their strength.

And the sword intent of the Star Sword Demon Emperor is also perfectly integrated with his own devil energy, every attack requires Xiao Mingyue to resist with all his strength.

The battle between the two of them spread far and wide, and traces of their battle could be seen in the entire area. Mountains and rivers and trees were all destroyed. Numerous large holes were blasted out of the void.

Before the old hole could recover, the new hole was blasted away by the aftermath of the collision of the true essence.

Surrounded by disciples of the Night Demon Sect, the Star Sword Demon Emperor fought recklessly. Both of them consumed a lot of energy, but there was still no winner.

During the battle between the two of them, Ye Liuyun had already refined all four True Essence Fruits in the Xuankong Stone. All the spirit stones and beast pills were placed beside him, allowing him to absorb them to his heart\'s content.

The Xuankong Stone is also connected to the outside air, sucking in as much wildness as possible for him to practice and improve.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun\'s realm has been promoted to the peak of the eighth layer of Tiangang, and a breakthrough is imminent.

He only felt that the true essence in his body began to crazily rush towards the tendons.

"It\'s starting to break through!" Ye Liuyun secretly reminded himself to control and guide his true energy.

But even so, if he can\'t take care of some small meridians, they will be broken in an instant, and he needs to repair them by himself.

Under the impact of this true essence, the meridians were doubled again. The widened tendons were still very fragile at first, but after his own continuous recovery and strengthening, the tendons gradually became tougher.

Until the true essence rushes through the meridians, it will not cause any more damage. At this time, the true essence began to gradually return to Yuandan.

The true essence in the Yuan Dan has already emitted a brilliant golden color, exuding a dazzling light.

The quality of his current true energy, in addition to doubling after the breakthrough, is also of higher quality due to the incorporation of sufficient wild vitality.

The degree of solidification of his true essence is already comparable to that of a martial artist at the first level of yin and yang.

It\'s just that this only shows that he can fight against a martial artist with the first level of yin and yang. After all, he hasn\'t broken through to the first level of yin and yang, so his strength still can\'t beat the martial arts of the third level of yin and yang.

On the surface of his Yuan Dan, two colors began to appear faintly. One golden red, one blue white, the colors of his own two flames. Although these two colors are not very obvious, Ye Liuyun has keenly captured the changes in Yuan Dan.

"It seems that after cultivating to the Yin-Yang state, Yuan Dan will naturally change."

Ye Liuyun observed the changes in himself while practicing.

After the realm breakthrough, in addition to the transformation of true essence, blood vessels, physical body, and soul, there are also corresponding improvements.