Lord of All Gods

Chapter 576

Before Ye Liuyun could react, Qinglin had already jumped out with three Yunhuo stones in his arms, and ran towards Xiao Mingyue.

While running, it swallowed Yunhuoshi directly. I was afraid of being snatched back by Ye Liuyun.

"Ah? Dare to steal from me!"

Ye Liuyun suddenly recovered from the shock, and slapped Qing Lin.

Seeing this, Xiao Mingyue was afraid that Ye Liuyun would hurt Qinglin, so she directly slapped Qinglin to stop him.

"It\'s just a few stones, I\'ll just pay you back! You are so stingy, no wonder it doesn\'t want to follow you!"

As he said that, Xiao Mingyue directly took out some spiritual fruits and spiritual stones and handed them to Ye Liuyun as compensation.

Those few flint stones were not particularly valuable in the first place, but Ye Liuyun made a profit in such an exchange.

He glared at Qinglin who was making faces at him, but he had no choice but to let it go.

When he put away those spiritual fruits and spiritual stones, he found that in his storage ring, there was an extra life vine, a spiritual cultivation fruit, two true essence fruits, and a golden emperor fruit.

He\'s pretty sure he didn\'t put these things in there himself.

"Could it be Qinglin? What this guy eats can still be taken out?"

Ye Liuyun looked at Qinglin with some doubts, but Qinglin was still on Xiao Mingyue\'s shoulder, making faces at him. However, this time, there was a sly smirk in its eyes.

"This guy! It seems that I misunderstood it, and it didn\'t steal the treasure. Then what does it want to do?"

Ye Liuyun chuckled in his heart, shook his head, and ignored it.

At this moment, only he knows best that Qing Lin is acting.

As early as when Ye Liuyun found Qing Lin, before Ye Liuyun could speak, Qing Lin used his spiritual sense to send him a sound transmission, asking him to cooperate in a play. It wanted to deceive Xiao Mingyue\'s trust.

That\'s why the previous scene appeared, Qinglin betrayed, Xiao Mingyue threatened Ye Liuyun.

It was because they acted alike that they fooled Xiao Mingyue. Only then could they follow Xiao Mingyue smoothly and get her protection.

Ye Liuyun also asked Qinglin why he did this, but it just told Ye Liuyun that it was protecting this secret realm.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t know its plan, so he could only take one step at a time. Anyway, it\'s not bad for him.

Otherwise, he alone would not be able to deal with so many other people. Now that he is next to the big tree Xiao Mingyue, he is actually safe.

Moreover, he also felt that this Qinglin was too eccentric, so he probably wouldn\'t do anything that would cause him a disadvantage. So he has always believed in Qinglin.

The members of the Night Demon Sect distanced themselves from them again after finishing the deal with Ye Liuyun, but they still did not relax their surveillance. Someone contacted the Star Sword Demon Emperor again.

The Star Sword Demon Emperor had actually arrived long ago. It\'s just that they had already entered the snake cave at that time, and the Star Sword Demon Emperor was in a hurry and missed them. At this moment, the Star Sword Demon Emperor had already run in front of them.

Now that he received the alliance message from the Night Demon Sect, the Star Sword Demon Emperor had to go back again.

Xiao Mingyue was walking ahead with Ye Liuyun when she stopped suddenly. The smile on his face disappeared immediately, and his face became serious.

At the same time, the real energy in her body also began to surge, and depending on the situation, it was obvious that she was fully on guard for something.

Qinglin also felt something, and immediately jumped off her shoulder and onto Ye Liuyun\'s shoulder.

Ye Liuyun looked intently, and found a black spot in the distance, which was swiftly approaching from far to near.

As the black dot enlarged, Ye Liuyun could see clearly that it was a magic sword formed by gathering magic energy, piercing from the sky far away, and stabbing straight at Xiao Mingyue.

Behind the magic sword, there was a magic cultivator in a black robe. She doesn\'t look very old, probably about twenty-seven or eighteen years old. His face is pretty, not evil like other demon cultivators.

If it wasn\'t for the demon energy surging all over his body, he really wouldn\'t be able to tell that he was a demon cultivator.

At this moment, Xiao Mingyue, the moonlight on the seal of the patron saint was also shining brightly, sending out a cool moonlight, and rushed towards the magic sword.

"Has the Star Sword Demon Emperor arrived?"

Ye Liuyun felt the coercion carried by this sword, which is definitely not something that ordinary demon cultivators can emit. Even the power of Buddha and demon in his body was induced, as if it was about to come out.

The power in his body is also running and gathering crazily, ready to deal with danger at any time.

Feeling the threat of the sword\'s intent, Ye Liuyun\'s demon-slaying knife on his back couldn\'t bear it any longer. The blade trembled slightly and made a buzzing sound, asking Ye Liuyun to fight.

Just when he was about to draw the knife with his backhand, Qinglin suddenly grabbed his shoulder again and reminded him not to move.


Star Sword Demon Emperor and Xiao Mingyue\'s true essence collided in the distant air, blasting a big hole in the void.

Immediately, the two struck out again, hitting each other head-on.

"Let them beat them to death!" Qing Lin said to Ye Liuyun via voice transmission.

Ye Liuyun frowned when he heard this.

He understands that Qinglin, as a member of the secret realm, doesn\'t want others to disturb him. But it would be too much to hope that all the people who came to the secret realm would die here.

In his heart, his affection for Qinglin suddenly plummeted.

Qinglin has a soul contract with him. As soon as Ye Liuyun\'s attitude changed, Qinglin immediately noticed it.

It looked at Ye Liuyun and explained to him: "This secret realm can\'t last long! The woman you are looking for is accepting the inheritance of the secret realm. Once the secret realm is breached by them, the inheritance will be interrupted and disappear."

"Huh? Is it that serious? They\'re just exploring in a secret place!" Ye Liuyun was a little puzzled, why Qinglin spoke of these outsiders so seriously.

"If they just came here to find some treasures and hunt some beasts, of course it doesn\'t matter. This secret realm is huge. The little things they took away have no effect at all, and they will recover by themselves soon. But this secret realm already exists. It has been tens of thousands of years, and now it is almost unbearable. And they are not just exploring secrets and treasures. Their elders are also constantly attacking the secret realm outside, trying to break the blockade here. Once the blockade is broken, the secret realm The inheritance will disappear.”

Qing Lin explained to Ye Liuyun carefully. This is the first time Ye Liuyun has seen it look so serious.

"How long will it take Xue\'er to accept the inheritance?" Ye Liuyun asked worriedly.

"It can be as short as a few months, and as slow as a year!" Qinglin looked at the two people in the battle and replied to Ye Liuyun: "They are looking for the core of this secret realm. Once they find the core and the core is attacked, the defense of the secret realm will be destroyed." The ability will be weaker. It will be easier for those outside to destroy the inheritance."