Lord of All Gods

Chapter 563

Ye Liuyun frowned. "It seems that if I don\'t let this girl suffer a little, she won\'t answer my question properly."

He is eager to know the answer now, so that he can grasp the situation in this secret territory as soon as possible, and then go to Liang Xue. But if this girl keeps pestering and chatting with him endlessly, it will be a waste of time.

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils flashed, and directly caused the spirit of ghosts to burn Qu Ling\'er\'s soul.

"Ah! I was wrong! I will answer your question!" Only then did Qu Ling\'er really get scared. Her spirit is not strong in the first place, if the ghost fire burns through with all her strength, she will be dead in a short time.

Ye Liuyun took the Nether Ghost Fire and ordered coldly, "Answer my question."

Qu Ling\'er slowed down a bit, looked at Ye Liuyun in fear, and replied honestly: "This is the Qingxiao Secret Realm. Like our Sanyuan Sect, they are all in the Qingxiao Realm. The elders of the sect opened up a teleportation array to send us Come in and practice."

"Qingxiaoyu? How far is it from Cangyun Continent?" Ye Liuyun heard the name of Qingxiaoyu for the first time, but he didn\'t know where it was.

"Cangyun Continent?" Qu Ling\'er obviously had never heard of Cangyun Continent. Hearing Ye Liuyun say that, he was also surprised, and looked at him suspiciously.

"Haven\'t you heard of it?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"I only know that in this world, there is only one central continent. Other larger places are called domains, such as our Qingxiao domain. Smaller places are called islands. Our Qingxiao domain includes There are countless islands. I have never heard of the Cangyun Continent. Where is that?"

Qu Linger\'s curiosity is really heavy. After two sentences, the danger was once again forgotten.

"How big is this Qingxiaoyu where you are? How big is the smaller island?"

Ye Liuyun no longer asked about the location. Obviously, Qu Ling\'er didn\'t know where the Cangyun Continent was. Ye Liuyun had no choice but to compare by area.

But Qu Linger\'s answer surprised Ye Liuyun.

"I don\'t know the exact size of Qingxiaoyu. All I know is that if you don\'t take a flying boat, it will take about two or three years for a martial artist of my level to fly out of Qingxiaoyu. As for those small islands, it will take two months for the big ones. It will take at least ten days for the small ones!"

Qu Ling\'er didn\'t know how big the entire Qingxiao Domain was, so she could only use her own flying speed to measure it.

Ye Liuyun was shocked. "According to her state, it may take more than one or two months to fly across the entire Cangyun Continent. Could it be that the Cangyun Continent is a small island? Where did I go?"

Seeing Ye Liuyun\'s bewildered expression, Qu Ling\'er said cautiously: "It is said that some martial artists from those islands originally cared about those small islands, what are they called mainland..."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Ye Liuyun, saw that he was not angry, and then continued: "That\'s because he has never been to Qingxiaoyu, let alone the Central Continent, so he called him that. In fact, the small islands where they are located , are some fragments that fell when the world collapsed."

While talking, she looked at Ye Liuyun\'s face and saw that Ye Liuyun was listening intently, so she continued to explain: "This world is very big. From our Qingxiao Domain, flying to the Central Continent by flying boat, even if the journey is peaceful, it will take several years. Woolen cloth!"

"Extraterritorial space!" Ye Liuyun suddenly thought that he might be brought to the extraterritorial space by this secret realm. His current location should already be an unknown location in extraterritorial space.

"How to go back now has become a big problem!" Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help feeling worried.

"Can I... can I go?" Qu Ling\'er saw that he was frowning tightly and didn\'t continue to ask questions. He was obviously thinking about something, so she dared to ask.

"How many people have you come in, and what are their strengths?" Ye Liuyun\'s thoughts were interrupted by Qu Ling\'er, and he continued to ask.

"The people we came in this time, in addition to our Sanyuan Sect, there are also two sects, the Night Demon Sect and the Ice Fire Sect. Each sect has fifty disciples. The highest realm is the third level of the Yin-Yang realm. I heard Brother Feng is at the first level of yin and yang. Our senior sister Xiao Mingyue is at the third level of yin and yang. If you hurt me, they will avenge me. Senior sister loves me..."

"Do you have a map of this secret realm?" Ye Liuyun was too lazy to listen to her rambling, so she interrupted her.

"No, this is also the first time we have entered this secret realm. Previously, this secret realm was closed. We have never been able to enter. This time, the elders of our sect and the elders of the other two sects worked together to break open the secret realm. We came in to explore." Qu Linger explained to Ye Liuyun.

"Why don\'t your sect elders come in by themselves?" Ye Liuyun asked casually.

"They can\'t come in. It is said that martial artists with too high level will be rejected by this secret realm. That\'s why we disciples were sent here." Qu Linger replied.

"How long have you been in? What did you find?" Ye Liuyun continued to ask.

"We\'ve only been here for a day, and we haven\'t explored much! There are many treasures here, but the trees and beasts are all big in size and high in realm..."

Qu Linger was very cooperative. Basically, if Ye Liuyun asked a question, she could answer several questions.

After asking a few more questions, Ye Liuyun also discovered that Qu Ling\'er didn\'t know much about the situation in the secret realm.

"It seems that I have to rely on myself to find Xue\'er. I hope Xue\'er won\'t meet anyone else!"

Ye Liuyun prayed in his heart. At the same time, he also ordered Qu Linger: "You go!"

He also pointed out the direction to her in case she got lost. "Your brothers are in that direction, twenty thousand miles away."

"Ah? So far away!" Qu Linger turned around to leave, but when she heard the distance, she stopped and looked at Ye Liuyun pitifully.

"What are you doing? It\'s 20,000 miles away, you\'ll be back soon!" Ye Liuyun asked puzzled.

"But I\'m low-level, so I don\'t dare to fly in the air. If I travel through the dense forest, I\'m afraid of being in danger..." Qu Linger was on the verge of crying as she spoke.

Ye Liuyun had nothing to do with this girl, so he sighed.

"Okay, I\'ll give you a piece of it!"

This time, he didn\'t put Qu Ling\'er in the storage ring either. Just take her back in the dense forest, and explore the environment here by the way.

After walking halfway, Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness realized that Qu Ling\'er\'s brothers from the same school had already found them.

He stopped immediately, told Qu Linger the direction, and asked her to go back by herself. As for himself, taking advantage of Qu Linger\'s turning around, he directly disappeared into the void, and ran towards the place where they fought the brown-tailed scorpion just now.