Lord of All Gods

Chapter 562

Outside the secret, those people\'s guardian elders, relatives and friends are also waiting outside with trepidation at the moment.

After Ye Liuyun was sucked into the inheritance, he actually separated from Liang Xue.

After a burst of dizziness caused by teleportation, when he woke up, he found himself in a dense forest.

"Is this a secret place? The trees are so tall?" Ye Liuyun looked at the surrounding environment.

The air here is full of antiquity, and Ye Liuyun has a feeling of déjà vu, very similar to the environment in the Blood Thunder Secret Realm of Shengwu Academy.

He tried to see if he could absorb this ancient atmosphere for cultivation.

"Sure enough, it\'s the same as the Blood Thunder Secret Realm of the Holy Martial Academy!" He can absorb the ancient atmosphere here and transform it into real essence.

At the same time, he also felt that the energy of the Nine Heavens God of War Crocodile had been stored in his body. At this time, the seal of the guardian spirit has disappeared.

"Xue\'er?" Ye Liuyun found that in this secret realm, he had a very weak sense of Liang Xue\'s spiritual imprint, and could only find a general direction.

He released his consciousness to explore the entire secret realm, but found that he couldn\'t see the edge at all. "It seems that Xue\'er was teleported to a place far away from me!"

Thinking of this, he didn\'t bother to think about anything else, he determined a general direction, and rushed over.

However, he did not dare to fly in the air. Instead, it travels through the void.

In this ancient secret realm, even a mouse might surpass him in realm. So he didn\'t dare to show up easily, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

But before he had gone far, he discovered humans. Moreover, these people were wearing uniform Zongmen uniforms, as if they were disciples of some Zongmen.

"Huh? How come there are sect disciples in this secret realm?" Seeing these people, Ye Liuyun became even more worried about Liang Xuelai.

Of the five young people in front of me, the worst one is a woman, who is only one stage lower than him, and there is even a brother who is in the Yin-Yang realm.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to get too close, and could only vaguely hear them talking in the distance.

"Senior Brother Wen, are you sure about dealing with that brown-tailed scorpion? How about we wait for Sister Mingyue to arrive before taking action?" The woman with the lowest level suggested. Obviously, he didn\'t quite believe in the strength of Senior Brother Wen.

"Ling\'er, why do you have to wait for Sister Mingyueyue for everything? Then why do we come out to practice? We finally came to this Qingxiao Secret Realm, so we can\'t do nothing, just go back after watching it?" Senior Brother Wen said dissatisfied Said.

"But, that brown-tailed scorpion is at the level of yin and yang!" Ling\'er muttered softly.

"I\'m also in the first level of yin and yang. Are you afraid that it will fail as a beast? If you dare not go, just wait here and I will take others!"

Brother Wen said, he greeted the other three men, and followed him to the distance, leaving Ling\'er behind.

Ling\'er looked around and didn\'t dare to stay by herself, but she didn\'t want to take risks with them, so she followed them from a distance.

It didn\'t take long for Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils to notice that they had come to a black hole and began to knock on the ground.

From the hole, a dark brown scorpion drilled out quickly, and the tail of this scorpion was light brown, very conspicuous.

The size of that scorpion really belonged to the ancient world, it looked bigger than Lei Ming\'s physique! Two big eyes, like lanterns, scanned the four people outside.

"It\'s no wonder the body is big enough for such a big burrow!" Ye Liuyun sighed in his heart.


Brother Wen gave an order, and several of them shot at the same time, and all kinds of high-ranking weapons and treasures were thrown at the brown-tailed scorpion. For a moment, there was a bang bang bang, but the scorpion was unharmed.

"Brother Wen, the shell of this animal is too hard to be smashed!" A disciple shouted at Senior Brother Wen.

"Use the power of ice to freeze it and restrict its movement. Others, don\'t hit it indiscriminately, hit its eyes!" Senior Brother Wen commanded.

Soon, their attacks became orderly. One person released the power of ice to slow down the scorpion\'s movement speed, and the weapons and treasures of the others all wanted to attack the scorpion\'s eyes.

This attack had some effect, and the brown-tailed scorpion was beaten back and forth.

Ye Liuyun secretly opened the golden pupil at this moment, looked at the woman named Ling\'er, and checked her state.

He planned to snatch the girl away and force her to ask about the situation in this secret realm.

The girl named Ling\'er was currently watching the other people\'s battle intently, and didn\'t notice Ye Liuyun\'s glance.

She was watching intently, when she suddenly realized that her own soul had been dragged into the realm of other people\'s soul.

"Who are you?" The girl\'s soul asked tremblingly.

With a "boom", a ghostly will-o\'-the-wisp suddenly appeared around Ling\'er.

She felt the horror of the flames, and her whole body trembled even more violently.

"Answer me truthfully, and I will let you go without hurting you! If you tell half a lie, I will kill you directly!"

Ye Liuyun\'s empty voice came from the Soul Realm.

"You...don\'t kill me! I\'ll tell you whatever you want to ask!" Ling\'er replied tremblingly.

Outside the Soul World, Ye Liuyun directly put Ling\'er into the storage ring, and then disappeared into the void again, leaving the battlefield far away.

Senior brother Wen was leading a few disciples, having a good fight with the brown-tailed scorpion, and didn\'t even bother to take care of Ling\'er\'s situation.

Taking Ling\'er to a distant no-man\'s land, Ye Liuyun released her from the storage ring and directly tortured her.

When the girl saw Ye Liuyun\'s appearance, she was also full of curiosity.

"Which sect are you a disciple of? What\'s your name?" Ye Liuyun asked simply.

"I belong to the Sanyuan Sect, and my name is Qu Ling\'er. Who are you?" Seeing Ye Liuyun\'s young and handsome appearance, Qu Ling\'er was not as scared as before.

"Do I not look like a bad person?" Ye Liuyun felt a little regretful in her heart, she might as well directly torture her soul.

As a result, Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils flickered, and the ghost fire rushed into Qu Ling\'er\'s sea of ​​consciousness again. But it was just to scare her, and didn\'t really hurt her.

But it was enough to scare her, and she was honest in no time.

"I won\'t ask, don\'t hurt me!"

"Well, that\'s right. You can answer whatever I ask you, don\'t talk nonsense." Ye Liuyun nodded.

Then, he started asking again.

"What kind of secret realm is this? How did you get in? Where is your sect?"

"You don\'t know what secret realm this is? Then how did you get in?" Qu Ling\'er couldn\'t help being curious when she heard Ye Liuyun\'s question.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun\'s ghost fire did not burn to her, so her curiosity flared up, and she forgot about her fear.