Lord of All Gods

Chapter 559

Ye Liuyun seemed to be casually watching others fight, but at this moment, in his mind, he was thinking about how to choose inheritance.

Whether to choose the largest inheritance, or choose the most suitable inheritance.

To say it is appropriate, for him, it must be the Skyfire inheritance. But the biggest Xingyue inheritance, the temptation to Ye Liuyun is not small.

But the competition is definitely greater. Mo Tianheng and Yu Haotian are probably also running towards the greatest inheritance.

In the end, he still decided, like Mo Tianheng, to choose the biggest inheritance. Although I don\'t know what\'s in it, since Mo Tianheng firmly chose Xingyue inheritance, there must be something of higher value in it.

After Ye Liuyun made a decision, he glanced at Lie Hongxia who had always been indifferent to all kinds of inheritance. He can be sure that Lie Hongxia will definitely choose Skyfire inheritance.

Although he doesn\'t want to choose the Skyfire inheritance now, he also doesn\'t want Lie Hongxia to get it. Otherwise, she doesn\'t know how long she will be arrogant. Although he couldn\'t kill her now, he couldn\'t make her feel too comfortable.

Thinking of this, he secretly communicated with Lei Ming, Liang Xue and others, and made preparations to intercept Lie Hongxia.

At this moment, in the sky, several inheritance phantoms approached again.

"The five great inheritances have all appeared!"

Outside the secret, Yao Xinghai and a group of elders became excited.

"I didn\'t expect that at the last moment, all five inheritances would appear."

The two new lineages that have emerged are the Kowloon lineage and the Vientiane lineage.

"This is also the only time where the five great inheritances are all present."

Yao Xinghai looked at the sky and muttered excitedly.

On the high platform of the secret realm, the remaining geniuses became even more excited. This time, they also have a better chance of accepting the five great inheritances.

Now on the high platform, only Yu Haotian, Ye Liuyun, Meng Wentian, Lie Hongxia, Lei Ming, Dragon Girl and other powerhouses are left. In terms of numbers, there will definitely be three or four places left in the five major inheritances.

Especially Bingtong Lengqingxiao, Gao Qiang and other powerhouses in the first echelon saw hope in an instant, and all became excited.

Lei Ming and Longnv immediately got excited when they saw the dragon\'s body faintly appearing in the newly-appeared Nine Dragons inheritance. There is no doubt that both of them will choose this inheritance.

"I\'ll help you two enter this inheritance with dragons. Dragon girl, when you transform into a dragon, you need me to help you ward off the thunder. So try not to break through inside. If you really can\'t control it, you can\'t wait for me If so, then let Lei Ming help you. Lei Ming, when the time comes, you can help absorb the thunder tribulation, just do your best, and don’t hurt yourself.”

"Okay!" Lei Ming and Long Nu also nodded together and agreed.

"Then after we come out, where can we find you?" Lei Ming was worried that he wouldn\'t find Ye Liuyun after he came out.

"Wait for me at Tie Ying Sect!" Ye Liuyun confessed.

At the same time, he also told Liang Xue that if he couldn\'t meet him after he came out, he would wait for him at Tie Ying Sect.

"I haven\'t decided which inheritance to choose." Liang Xue said with some worry.

She originally wanted to choose the slightly inferior spirit sword inheritance, but she felt that the inheritance level was a bit low.

"Let\'s choose a larger inheritance." Ye Liuyun suggested: "After all, a stronger inheritance represents stronger strength. As for the content of the inheritance, I don\'t think it is particularly important!"

"Okay then, I\'ll choose the Vientiane inheritance that just appeared. Inheritance of Xingyue, I think Mo Tianheng and Yu Haotian will both compete. Then you have to be more careful!"

Inheritance is connected in order from weak to strong. If Ye Liuyun wanted to snatch Xingyue\'s inheritance, he would undoubtedly have to wait until the end. Lei Ming, Liang Xue and others will definitely enter the inheritance before him, and there will be no one to help him by then.

"Don\'t worry, don\'t worry about me."

At this time, Ye Liuyun had already observed the pattern. Each inheritance can enter three people. So he, Yu Haotian and Mo Tianheng didn\'t need to fight at all.

The others certainly wouldn\'t dare to stay until the end to compete with the three of them. In that case, once they can\'t compete with the three of them, there will be no inheritance to enter.

Now there are more than ten inheritances in the sky. Some small inheritances gradually disappeared after being pushed aside by these big inheritances.

There are about 30 geniuses left, and it seems that the number of inheritances is not enough.

Seeing that the inheritance has disappeared, seeing that the inheritance is not enough to distribute, these geniuses are also jealous, and the competition is even more fierce.

When the inheritance of the spirit sword merged with the secret realm, there were actually six sword cultivators who desperately wanted to enter this inheritance, and even fought violently, causing one person to be seriously injured.

Instead, Gao Qiang easily chose a similar inheritance and entered it.

Bing Tong was Leng Qingxiao, and also chose a icy-type inheritance, not waiting for those big inheritances.

"These two people are very pragmatic!"

Ye Liuyun felt emotional in his heart. Currently on the platform, Liang Xue is actually the one with the lowest realm.

At this moment, Liang Xue was also a little flustered. "Why don\'t I just choose a legacy to go in?"

She was worried that there would be not enough inheritance in the end, and some geniuses would try their best, which would affect Ye Liuyun\'s best condition to snatch the Xingyue inheritance.

"Don\'t worry, I will definitely let you enter a better inheritance, don\'t worry." Ye Liuyun comforted Liang Xue.

But at this time, the unexpected happened again. In the fiercest competition for the inheritance of the spirit sword, only two geniuses entered, and they were cut off and disappeared into the sky.

This made the remaining three sword cultivators who were still desperately fighting dumbfounded.

"What\'s the situation? Isn\'t it possible to enter three people?"

"Could it be that not all inheritances can enter three people?"

For a while, everyone reconsidered how to fight for the next inheritance.

Seeing this, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help but frown. It seems that the stronger the inheritance, the greater the uncertainty!

"Thunder, Dragon Lady, get ready!"

Suddenly, Ye Liuyun felt that Tianlong\'s inheritance was connecting with the secret realm. This inheritance turned out to be the first among the five great inheritances to connect with the secret realm.

Immediately afterwards, the Tianhuo inheritance also began to move closer to the secret realm, and the time of integration was only a little later than the Tianlong inheritance.

Before the passage was connected, Ye Liuyun brought Lei Ming and Longnu to stand in front of the passage.

The guardians of the three of them showed their power at the same time.

A crocodile, a brontosaurus, and a golden dragon. The three giant beasts belonging to the dragon clan also released all their coercion at this moment.

The three of them were already the most powerful among the many geniuses, and their protection was also very strong, so for a while, no one dared to compete with them.