Lord of All Gods

Chapter 558

Lie Hongxia was naturally unwilling to choose her favorite patron saint seal.

And because Liang Xue was Ye Liuyun\'s woman, she blamed this matter on Ye Liuyun.

Meng Wentian also felt Liang Xue\'s hostility, but this time, he avoided it far away, not wanting to get involved with Lie Hongxia anymore.

In his opinion, if Lie Hongxia harbored murderous intentions towards Ye Liuyun again, it would be purely courting her own death.

"It\'s just a defeated player. I still have a debt to settle with her. If she wants to do something, that\'s the best."

Ye Liuyun glanced at Lie Hongxia with his consciousness, and then ignored her. Instead, focus on other battles on the platform.

On the platform, there are several guarded geniuses fighting for inheritance.

However, this kind of battle is also good for them to realize stronger power.

Ye Liuyun immediately felt the power of the crocodile dragon.

"Senior, what realm is your energy?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously.

"Of course it\'s from the God Realm! I\'m the strongest patron saint seal here. It\'s definitely not a loss for you to choose me. None of these patron saint seals are my opponents!" Crocodile Dragon said without humility.

"Then why are you called Nine Heavens God of War?" Ye Liuyun asked again.

"Nine Heavens, that\'s just a general term. God of War, of course it means that I can fight!" He pointed up at the sky as he spoke.

"This crocodile dragon really doesn\'t know how to be humble!" Ye Liuyun laughed secretly in his heart, but he didn\'t dare to say it out.

"Boy, I suggest that you also move around and fight with others, so that you can better experience this power. If you don\'t make trouble, I won\'t be able to make a move!" Crocodile Dragon enlightened him "persuadingly and kindly" .

"It seems that the Nine Heavens God of War hasn\'t moved for a long time, and he can\'t sit still!" Ye Liuyun thought for a while, then looked directly at Yu Haotian.

"Come to fight? Let\'s take this opportunity to get acquainted with a more powerful force. This does not count as the battle we agreed on, and there is no need to decide the outcome. Let\'s postpone that battle to a later date." Ye Liuyun suggested.

"Okay! That\'s exactly what I mean too!" Yu Haotian was also thinking about it, and the two of them hit it off immediately and hit each other immediately.

As soon as the two of them started fighting, Lei Ming and Long Nu couldn\'t stay idle anymore, and immediately deliberately found fault and started fighting with others.

The two of them teamed up, plus two demons, and fought against more than a dozen geniuses.

Only Liang Xue remained calm and did not act rashly. Now she shoulders the task of monitoring Lie Hongxia, lest Lie Hongxia sneak attack Ye Liuyun or Lei Ming and others.

On the high platform of the entire secret realm, there was a sudden sound of shouting, shouting and killing.

Especially the pair Ye Liuyun and Yu Haotian fought fiercely. Although Yu Haotian chose a weaker guardian force than Ye Liuyun, it is still a god rank after all, so the difference is not too obvious.

The collision of two god-level powers produced terrifying power. The two battlefields are hundreds of miles away, and no one dares to approach them.

The real essence that collapsed after the collision, even the ground and the void, were constantly cracking. Fortunately, the secret realm seems to have sped up the restoration this time. Once broken, it can be restored quickly.

This kind of power is really heaven-shattering. Ye Liuyun finally personally experienced the power of the god rank!

"I don\'t know, when will I have such a powerful force!" He couldn\'t help but muttered.

"Haha, it\'s still early for you! But as long as you don\'t die young, you will be fine if you cultivate to this level. The strength of your bloodline has already determined your future achievements. You will only be better than me, not worse than me! What\'s more , you still have the Myriad God Order!"

When Crocodile Dragon and Yu Haotian were fighting, they still had time to chat with Ye Liuyun. That\'s because although Yu Haotian and Ye Liuyun fought fiercely, neither of them went all out.

And Crocodile Dragon actually said the name of Wanshen Ling directly, which shows that he must know Wanshen Ling.

"How do you use the Ten Thousand Gods Order?" Ye Liuyun wanted to ask him about the Ten Thousand Gods Token.

"You definitely can\'t use it now! When you can use it, it will tell you. I have never used that thing, so of course I don\'t know how to use it!" Crocodile\'s answer was very simple.

"Then what does it do?" Ye Liuyun continued to ask.

"Well... don\'t ask me. There are many things you haven\'t touched at all. I told you now, but you can\'t understand. You should find out by yourself in the future! Anyway, when you should know, you will naturally You know, don\'t worry."

Crocodile Dragon hesitated for a moment, feeling that it would be too much effort to tell Ye Liuyun about those things, and he didn\'t know where to start, so he simply stopped and let him find out by himself.

"Alas!" Ye Liuyun sighed, but there was nothing he could do. "It seems that I still have too little knowledge!"

Next, Ye Liuyun stopped asking questions, but concentrated on feeling the attacking power of the god-level powerhouse.

He and Yu Haotian looked like they were fighting, but in fact, it was the guardian force behind them who fought. The two of them are completely for display. Just experiencing it.

Not even learning, this kind of power is too far away from them. They can\'t learn even if they want to. For them now, it\'s just an experience.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness was also feeling the power erupted by other people when they fought.

In this way, he can have a general understanding of the strength level of each realm in the future. If you meet a strong person again, you won\'t fail to see the opponent\'s realm.

Just when they were fighting fiercely, there were only fifty geniuses left on the high platform. Most of them have already found a suitable inheritance and left first.

The inheritance behind it is getting stronger and stronger. There are even some geniuses who have begun to do everything they can to win a suitable inheritance.

That kind of fighting is the real desperate fighting. It\'s not like Ye Liuyun and the others, just to get acquainted with this powerful force.

Fighting, Ye Liuyun and Yu Haotian also separated. If you are familiar enough, it will be meaningless to consume it any longer.

Seeing that Ye Liuyun stopped fighting, Lei Ming and Longnu retreated immediately, and the people on the opposite side did not pursue him either.

Everyone is based on the idea of ​​putting inheritance as the most important thing, and no longer consumes it at will.

On the high platform, there were only two people fighting for an inheritance.

For a while, everyone was watching the two fight.

The audience on the stage outside the secret realm had their eyes opened this time. Originally, I was watching the geniuses fighting, but I didn\'t expect to see the attack of the god-level powerhouse.

This kind of shocking power, many people will never see it in their lifetime.