Lord of All Gods

Chapter 552

Everyone saw with their own eyes that Ye Liuyun put these three beasts into the Xuankong Stone to practice. Under normal circumstances, unfamiliar people will not be put into other people\'s storage space, which is equivalent to giving your life to others.

This is enough to show that these three orcs have an unusual relationship with Ye Liuyun, at least they have absolute trust in him and can entrust their lives to him.

In the secret territory, the battlefield between Lei Ming and Yu Haotian has expanded to dozens of miles around.

In the battlefield, apart from the berserk fighting intent released by Yu Haotian, there were thunder and the devilish energy of the Earth Demon Dragon. The sky was densely covered with bloody thunder and lightning, and the ground was frozen.

This man and two beasts, meeting opponents in chess, can\'t hold back once they fight.

Suddenly, the aura of thunder climbed to the peak, and even the air was filled with the breath of thunder and lightning. Bloody lightning sparks scurry across the space.

"Thunder Dragon Tribulation!"

Lei Ming released his ultimate move. At this moment, her whole body is not only covered with black demonic energy, but also covered with bright bloody thunder and lightning. The sharp horns on the top of her head are also shining with dazzling blood thunder, and the scales are tightly clasped around her body. The Thunder Dragon\'s body slammed straight towards Yu Haotian.

The Earth Demon Dragon, on the other hand, withdrew in coordination, raised its tail, and poured its own demon energy into behind Lei Ming, speeding up Lei Ming\'s impact, making her impact speed and strength even stronger.

"Dominate the world!" Yu Haotian didn\'t dare to neglect, and also used his ultimate move to resist the combined attack of Lei Ming and the Earth Demon Dragon.


The entire battlefield was trembling, the true essence roared, and the blood thunder struck violently. Centered on the location where the two of them collided, within a radius of ten miles, nothing was left behind.

The Earth Demon Dragon was on the side, staring wide-eyed, watching without blinking, looking forward to the result.

It didn\'t take long before the real energy was gone. The corners of Yu Haotian\'s and Lei Ming\'s mouths showed bloodstains, obviously they fought evenly.

"Oh! It hurts me to death! Little Earth Dragon, take me back to the Xuankong Stone to heal and practice."

Lei Ming immediately turned into a human form, summoned the Earth Demon Dragon, and let it carry it back to heal his injuries. Before leaving, she even shouted to Yu Haotian: "I\'ll fight you again next time I have a chance!"

Yu Haotian also laughed loudly: "Enjoy it! Let\'s fight again next time!"

In that battle just now, he finally had a good time. Now, he also needs to heal quickly. Although his injury was not serious, who knows what will happen in the future.

Wuxiu is always ready to fight and deal with unexpected accidents.

When Lei Ming and Earth Demon Dragon returned, Ye Liuyun was breaking through.

The two of them didn\'t dare to say anything, and obediently hid aside to recover.

One Yuandan of the two-headed shadow snake has been completely absorbed by Ye Liuyun, and enough energy has been accumulated.

And after Liang Xue felt that Ye Liuyun was about to break through, she accelerated the gathering of spiritual energy. At the same time, she herself stopped absorbing and gave up all the spiritual energy to Ye Liuyun.

In Ye Liuyun\'s body, the true essence is surging out from the Yuan Dan, impacting the meridians in the body, this is the last step of impacting the realm.

Once the true essence regains its moisture, it will start to be compressed in the Yuandan, condensing into a higher quality true essence.

This is also a process of expanding the meridians and widening the meridians, but it is extremely dangerous. If the control is not good, the meridians may be broken directly.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness looks inside, watching the meridians in the body, and at the same time, integrates the power of the body, the power of the blood, and the power of the soul into the true essence, so as to strengthen the fusion of several kinds of power.

No one taught him this method. It\'s just that he feels that when he breaks through, merging several powers will have a strengthening effect on the fusion of existing powers.

This can be regarded as one of his attempts, but he didn\'t expect it to be wrong. Although he had never seen the situation when the disciples of those big families or sects broke through, but at this moment, he did the same thing.

And it\'s even better than them, it\'s the fusion of the four powers of the whole body. After the power fusion during the breakthrough, the fusion of various powers will be faster and more convenient in the future.

Soon, Ye Liuyun\'s meridians were doubled again. In the past, he just let nature take its course and never paid attention to the width of the meridians. After the meridians were broadened this time, he felt that the speed at which he could circulate his true energy and absorb spiritual energy had doubled.

"It seems that I still have a lot of shortcomings in cultivation!"

While Ye Liuyun was feeling emotional, he would sometimes laugh at himself, how did he cultivate till now. All on their own groping, do not know right or wrong. It\'s all about where you have practiced, where you have improved, and those who are confused have cultivated to the eighth level of Tiangang.

After the meridian is widened, the true essence traces back to the Yuan Dan. At this moment, the true essence is compressed more solidly. The Yuan Dan that was originally full is now half empty again.

Next, it was the process of Ye Liuyun frantically absorbing spiritual energy and replenishing his true energy.

The whole process lasted three days. The role of Xuankong Stone is also indispensable in Ye Liuyun\'s cultivation path. Without the Xuankong Stone, it would be impossible for him to break through so fast.

Just when Ye Liuyun replenished his true essence, Longnu also began to break through.

Ye Liuyun had stopped practicing at this time. Worried that Long Nu\'s spiritual energy was not enough, Ye Liuyun took out a lot of spirit stones and placed them beside Long Nu for her to absorb.

"Xue\'er, thank you! Hurry up and practice, and try to break through to another realm."

Although Ye Liuyun was cultivating just now, he could also feel that Liang Xue had given up all her spiritual energy to him.

He also took out a lot of spirit stones and put them beside Liang Xue to help her break through.

Liang Xue smiled gratifiedly, and did not show any politeness to Ye Liuyun, and immediately began to practice.

As soon as Liang Xue entered the cultivation state, Ye Liuyun felt that Liang Xue absorbed the spiritual energy two or three times faster than Long Nu. It can be seen how strong her blood has an affinity for spiritual energy.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun took out a lot more spirit stones and piled them beside Liang Xue, letting her absorb as much as possible.

For Ye Liuyun, the role of these spirit stones is for him and those around him to practice.

When you reach the Tiangang realm, every time you break through a realm, you need a lot of spirit stones. So this time, Ye Liuyun almost took out the spirit stones from the half-day mine vein, and let Liang Xue and Longnv absorb them to their heart\'s content.

With these spirit stones, their breakthrough speed will be faster.

After arranging Liang Xue and Long Nu, he looked at Lei Ming and Earth Demon Dragon again. These two guys were also practicing, so Ye Liuyun left the Xuankong Stone without disturbing them.

Outside Xuankong Stone, Yu Haotian was practicing not far away.

He has been practicing outside for a short time, so his true energy has not recovered yet.