Lord of All Gods

Chapter 526

Gradually, Ye Liuyun was able to take the time to attack Lie Hongyun. It has changed from passive to active.

Just when Ye Liuyun was on the rise, the four kinds of power in his body, through his continuous improvement of the fusion method and circuit, finally initially merged together.

Suddenly, Ye Liuyun discovered that after the fusion of these four kinds of power, his golden body of Buddha demon changed unexpectedly. Now, the golden body of the Buddha and demon was jointly promoted by four forces, and evolved into a more majestic phantom, which appeared behind Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness discovered that this phantom was very similar to the powerful figure when his blood was awakened. It\'s just that the phantom is not solid enough now, and I can\'t see the specific appearance clearly.

With the help of this phantom, Ye Liuyun\'s strength has been greatly improved. And the power of heaven and earth can be used more.

Not only that, but the quality of his blood, body, soul, and true essence has all been improved again.

Ye Liuyun also proved once again that only under the pressure of a crisis can one improve the fastest.

"Haha!" Ye Liuyun raised his head to the sky and smiled, looking at Lie Hongyun. "It\'s my turn!"

As he spoke, he raised his saber again and slashed at Lie Hongyun. Accompanied by the fall of the knife, a flaming golden crow, mixed with the power of blood thunder and heavenly punishment, and a large amount of power of heaven and earth, rushed towards Lie Hongyun.

"We must use that trick!"

Lie Hongyun didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun forced her to use her hole cards. She originally wanted to keep her hole cards and deal with stronger opponents. But now the arrow is on the string, and it has to be launched.

"Phoenix Nirvana!"

The power of blood in Lie Hongyun\'s whole body surged. Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils could only see the fiery red blood power spreading all over her body.

Immediately afterwards, raging red flames ignited around the scene where the two of them were fighting.

Being in it, Ye Liuyun not only felt the horror of this blood power, but even the temperature of the flame doubled in an instant.

"As expected of the inheritance of the bloodline secret technique. I will suffer if I bear this kind of powerful flame. Let\'s try the soul attack! This battle should also be over."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun once again mobilized the four powers in his body and launched a soul attack.

The reason why he still uses these four kinds of power to launch the soul attack is because the soul attack released by the phantom is obviously much stronger than when he only uses the power of the soul.


In the soul world, a blue and white ghost fire, under the control of phantom, passed through Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils and rushed directly into Lie Hongyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness.

Lie Hongyun screamed and rolled on the ground holding his head.

Blood thunder and ghostly ghost fire raged in her spirit, causing her to suffer unprecedented pain and suffering. These two kinds of power, under the blessing of phantom, became even stronger, burning through Lie Hongyun\'s soul like a god of death.

"How is this possible!" Du Yuan from the audience shouted loudly. He felt the power of Ye Liuyun\'s blood burst and soul attack, which was exactly the same as his fire pupil secret technique.

He looked at Ye Liuyun in disbelief. "This is the secret technique of our Du family, the burning soul of the flames?"

Then, Du Yuan, who had reacted, screamed again: "Ye Liuyun! You actually secretly learned my Du family\'s fire pupil secret technique!"

At the same time, he also took a deep breath. It was the first time he had heard of Ye Liuyun\'s pupil technique, which could learn other people\'s secret techniques.

If Ye Liuyun "sees" it directly, then his family\'s secrets may be made public.

The Tianjiao of the other platforms, the geniuses of the first echelon, and many dark horses are also worried at this moment.

If Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils could really see their secret techniques and attack routes clearly, then they would be in trouble when they met Ye Liuyun in the future. Moreover, many of them have already used unique skills, so I don\'t know if they will be stolen by Ye Liuyun.

In the world of martial arts, everyone attaches great importance to their own skills and strictly guards against being spread out. It was also the first time they had heard that someone had such abnormal abilities.

"younger sister!"

The moment Lie Hongxia moved in the Lie Hongyun, her face turned pale. If it wasn\'t for the scruples about Wubi\'s rules, she would have wanted to go up and slap Ye Liuyun to death!

She hated Ye Liuyun now, and she hated it so much that she gritted her teeth. At this moment, she was full of murderous aura, staring at Ye Liuyun with red eyes.

The elders of the alliance carried Lie Hongyun, who had been tortured to the point of fainting, off the ring for treatment.

"This kid, he doesn\'t know how to pity and cherish jade! Such a beautiful woman can do it!"

"Look at Lie Hongxia\'s eyes, this kid is going to be in trouble!"

Everyone in the audience was amazed at Ye Liuyun\'s strength. They didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun, from being beaten by Lie Hongyun to avoid at the beginning, would survive until the end, and even defeated Lie Hongyun.

Some people are also worried about him. They all knew that Lie Hongxia was very defensive, and they might find a chance to fight Ye Liuyun desperately.

When Gao Qiang and the others saw Lie Hongxia\'s expression, they gloated a little.

"I hope this kid will not meet Lie Hongxia in the next stage of the competition! Otherwise, he will be tortured to death by her!"

Ye Liuyun won in the end, which made Liang Xue, Longnv, Jing Wudi and others feel relieved.

"Liuyun, I knew you were the best!" Liang Xue sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun with a smile.

Dragon Girl was also surprised in her heart. "Young Master Ye\'s realm is not high, but his strength is almost as good as mine!"

The most surprising thing is Jing Wudi! Before he came, he never expected that Ye Liuyun would be able to last for more than forty rounds of fighting. What was even more unexpected was that Ye Liuyun not only became the dark horse in the North District ring, but also became the most dazzling one!

This has greatly exceeded Jing Wudi\'s expectations.

"Good boy, I really saw you right!" Jing Wudi secretly admired Ye Liuyun in his heart. At the same time, he was also worried about Ye Liuyun, fearing that after meeting those five great talents, he would force himself to fight and end up being seriously injured.

Even the referee who announced Ye Liuyun\'s victory couldn\'t help but take a deep look at him at this moment.

The projection number above Ye Liuyun\'s head also changed immediately. But Lie Hongyun\'s luck was all transferred to Ye Liuyun. His digital color finally emitted a pale silver light. Although it was not as bright as the first echelon like Gao Qiang, the gap was gradually narrowing.

When Ye Liuyun came down from the stage, he clearly felt the murderous intent of Lie Hongxia, as well as the hatred, jealousy and worry of Huotong Du Yuan and many other geniuses.

Ye Liuyun also understands his situation. I\'m afraid these people want to get rid of him first, so as not to leak the family\'s secret method.

As for Lie Hongxia, I\'m afraid she won\'t let him go easily.