Lord of All Gods

Chapter 525

"Hurry up and hide in the void!"

Su Miaoyin clasped her hands together and prayed secretly in her heart.

"Boom" a loud noise. The huge fire phoenix folded its wings and landed on Ye Liuyun firmly.

The phantom shattering scene that everyone was expecting did not appear.

What they saw was that after Ye Liuyun spat out a mouthful of blood, he was sent flying more than ten feet away, and then fell heavily to the ground.

All the people watching the battle were dumbfounded.

"The kid didn\'t hide this time?"

"What does he want to do? Take the opportunity to cultivate his body?"

Everyone is puzzled.

Especially Liang Xue and the others, although they knew that Ye Liuyun would not take risks for no reason, they were still so distressed that they were about to shed tears.

Ye Liuyun\'s clothes are also in tatters at this moment, but this little injury is nothing to his physical body. He lay on the ground and took a breath, then stood up immediately.

"Fortunately, I managed it!" He secretly rejoiced in his heart.

What he wanted was to feel the power of Huofeng himself, hoping to be inspired by it. At the same time, exercise your own golden body of Buddha and demon.

Ever since he had the idea of ​​fusing the four powers, all his exercises have been improving in that direction. The Buddha Demon Golden Body is no exception.

After his golden body of Buddha and Demon was integrated into the power of blood, he can already resist the attacks of ordinary strong people in the Tiangang realm.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed this time. After the fusion of the four forces, it can bring in more power of heaven and earth to defend, so this time, he was not seriously injured.

As a result, he also discovered some problems, which could just be improved.

So he faced the second and third attacks of the fire phoenix, but he didn\'t even dodge, and wanted to use the golden body of Buddha and demon to withstand these attacks.

Just when the second fire phoenix was about to attack, Ye Liuyun suddenly discovered that the Golden Crow holy fire in his body started to absorb the fire element in the heaven and earth after the initial fusion of the four forces.

And Lie Hongyun\'s attack was exactly its tonic.

"Directly absorbing the flame essence is much faster than me absorbing and refining it!"

Thinking of this, he couldn\'t dodge anymore.

While Ye Liuyun used his physical body to hold Lie Hongyun\'s phoenix wings Tianxiang, he was absorbing the true essence of the fire phoenix wantonly. At the same time, he is also constantly perfecting his golden body of Buddha and Demon, and constantly improving its defensive ability through actual combat tests.

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Liuyun is getting more and more resistant. At the beginning, he was directly beaten into the air, but slowly, it turned out to be just a few steps back.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lie Hongyun immediately changed his strategy. Controlling the side of Huofeng\'s body, the huge wings cut towards Ye Liuyun like a sharp blade.

"Will you use a knife with me?" Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and pulled out the Demon Slayer Knife from his back: "We\'ll see how you behave!"

Tu Mo Dao also sensed Ye Liuyun\'s emotions, and responded to him with a buzzing sound.

Immediately, he met the wings of the fire phoenix and slashed out with a knife.

After he slashed out, he realized that if he used a saber, since his saber intent itself is a kind of artistic conception, which contains the power of heaven and earth, the power of this saber is much greater than that of his golden pupil.

Therefore, he also slashed out one after another, feeling the power after fusion, and then continuously improving the fusion effect.

Although his current strength is weaker than Lie Hongyun\'s, but he has plenty of real energy, so if one strike is not enough, he only needs two strikes to make up for the gap in strength.

He also took advantage of Lie Hongyun\'s inattention and attacked her with a knife.

This knife, he used the power of space, and it came right away. But Lie Hongyun was also experienced in many battles, so he reacted instantly and dodged sideways. But the red dress on her body was taken away by Ye Liuyun\'s saber energy, and her snow-white arms were suddenly exposed.

"Despicable!" She thought Ye Liuyun did it on purpose.

Lie Hongyun, who had settled down, had a red glow on her pretty face, and stared at Ye Liuyun with disgust.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care. He had no other thoughts. As for whether he was misunderstood, he didn\'t care much. What he thinks now is how to defeat his opponent.

At this time, the Golden Crow Holy Flame within Ye Liuyun\'s body had quietly absorbed a large amount of flame power.

And Ye Liuyun\'s attempt to integrate power, under the pressure of the crisis, has also achieved initial results.

"It\'s time to confront her!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun waved the demon-slaying knife, and directly used his strongest strength to condense into a three-legged Golden Crow. With a wave of the knife, he directed the Golden Crow to hit the fire phoenix released by Lie Hongyun.

Although his sword intent is not fire attribute power. But the hegemony in it can barely make up for the lack of power of heaven and earth.

"This kid has to fight hard!"

"Didn\'t you realize that this kid\'s strength has grown very quickly?"

The audience in the audience saw that Ye Liuyun was going to confront Lie Hongyun head-on, and they couldn\'t help discussing again.

"Boom!" Jinwu and Huofeng collided violently in the air, and the arena was shaken slightly.

Jinwu finally blocked Huofeng this time.

Ye Liuyun was overjoyed. "I finally saw the effect! This path is indeed right."

Next, the sound of "boom, bang, bang" of the real yuan colliding in the arena can be heard endlessly.

The two flame colors of golden red and fiery red collide and fly in the sky, which is very beautiful.

And the battlefield around them, at this moment, even the rocks and land, have been burned to a layer, obviously sunken in.

Ye Liuyun became stronger and stronger. The longer the fight dragged on, the better for him.

The more fire phoenix power he absorbed, the stronger his Golden Crow holy fire. So he is getting stronger and stronger.

And he originally had much more real energy than ordinary people. So even if it continues to be consumed, the first one to be consumed can only be Lie Hongyun.

Until now, other masters watching the battle have also seen it. Ye Liuyun was absorbing the flame power of Lie Hongyun to strengthen himself.

"This kid actually has this ability!"

Gao Qiang helplessly shook his head. If this continues, Ye Liuyun will only become stronger and stronger. If Lie Hongyun didn\'t have a trump card, then Ye Liuyun would almost certainly win.

Lie Hongyun also felt something strange. But besides the power of fire, she has no other power to use. We can only strengthen the attack as much as possible and try to defeat Ye Liuyun as soon as possible.

But Ye Liuyun\'s strength grew too fast, and she couldn\'t solve Ye Liuyun as soon as possible now. Lie Hongyun frowned, and a trace of worry flashed in her eyes. The expression on his face became more and more serious.

"No, it can\'t be delayed any longer! If it continues, it will be even more detrimental to me!"

She was going to look for an opportunity to give Ye Liuyun a fatal blow.

At this time, Ye Liuyun integrated the power of the blood thunder into the Golden Crow Holy Fire, and every time he confronted Lie Hongyun, there was a "cracking" sound of bloody thunder and lightning bombardment.