Lord of All Gods

Chapter 521

"Lie Hongyun\'s secret blood art is so powerful. Although it is not as high as mine, the power it exerts far surpasses me!" Ye Liuyun secretly sighed in his heart.

In the northern area battle stage, this dark horse battle ended with Lie Hongyun winning.

"As expected of the Little Yan King of Yan Palace! I think she will soon catch up with her sister!"

"It is said that the two sisters have inherited the bloodline of Yan Palace. That\'s why they are so strong!"

Those who knew Sister Lie Hongyun in the audience began to marvel again.

"This Lie Hongyun really has a chance to compete for a place in the first echelon! Her bloodline inheritance is indeed very powerful!"

After Ye Liuyun was moved, she also began to practice the Golden Crow\'s appearance attack according to her Fengyi Tianxiang\'s technique.

He just watched a little bit, learned a little bit, and constantly improved and perfected his combat effectiveness.

It wasn\'t until his two souls were fully fused that Ye Liuyun began to cultivate the power of heaven and earth through his mind travel to Taixu again.

Before, he really couldn\'t distinguish the spirit and soul, so he went to practice this one. But now it seems that all masters will more or less use the power of heaven and earth to assist their attacks, so as to save their true essence.

It\'s just that even if Ye Liuyun cultivated the power of heaven and earth, he didn\'t dare to practice here, so as not to be discovered by others. Instead, the soul escaped thousands of miles away and transformed into a real thing to practice.

And Lie Hongyun, after this battle, also became the well-deserved number one dark horse in the North District ring. Even among all the dark horses in all five districts, it is also a top existence.

She proudly looked in the direction of her sister Lie Hongxia, and stuck out her tongue.

Although she didn\'t win easily, she also displayed the blood secret technique. But after all, she defeated the dark horse of the previous session, and this achievement is enough to make her proud.

The number above her head has already glowed with a faint silver light, and her luck has increased significantly. This gave her more confidence.

Lie Hongxia also smiled and nodded at her to show her encouragement. A rare gentle smile appeared in the cold eyes.

As the competition continued, the four dark horses in the North District encountered stronger and stronger opponents.

Finally, in the twenty-fifth round of the battle, Yunmeng was unlucky and met Gao Qiang from the first echelon.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t hold grudges against Yunmeng\'s attempt to test him. At this moment, he just watched the battle between the two calmly.

The realm of high strength is the eighth layer of Tiangang. This realm is already on par with the four Tianjiao except Yu Haotian, and he is already considered a top powerhouse in the entire Cangyun Continent.

As for Yunmeng, Ye Liuyun remembered that she was in the fourth level of Tiangang before. But later, it actually showed the realm of the sixth level of Tiangang.

"She must have used some secret method to hide her strength before!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t care. After all, he had never used Jin Tong to look at her carefully before.

Yunmeng made the first move, mobilizing all her blood power as soon as she came up, her whole body was shrouded in mist, and then the mist condensed into a huge fairy image, holding a flower basket in her hand, and scattered the petals lightly.

The goddess scattered flowers!

Every petal scattered by the Misty Fairy floated towards Gao Qiang on the opposite side, and gradually disappeared. There was a melodious sound floating all around, and the entire arena became like a dreamy fairyland, beautiful and beautiful.

This dreamlike power is enough to make people lose their minds and lose their combat effectiveness. Even the audience in the audience were mesmerized by the beautiful scenery in front of them at this moment, and stood there blankly, only caring about indulging in it.

In terms of combat power, Yunmeng is definitely not a strong opponent. But this kind of illusion attack depends on whether the high-strength soul power is strong enough.

"Stay focused!"

The confusion in Gao Qiang\'s eyes flashed away. The moment his soul power was activated, his eyes immediately became clear.

Then, his true essence and blood surged all over his body, communicating with the power of heaven and earth. With a flick of his hand, he took out a whisk from the storage ring.

This whisk has the effect of resisting the attack of the soul.

"Cleansing dust and descaling!"

Gao Qiang groaned softly, and with a sweep of the dust whisk, a powerful and unparalleled power of heaven and earth burst out suddenly, deterring all ghosts and monsters, sweeping the universe with awe-inspiring righteousness.


High-definition shouted loudly. With the wind, the whisk flew towards the dreamy fairy condensed by Yunmeng, washing it to pieces, and the mist around her body also drifted away.


The overwhelming force of terror directly swept Yunmeng out of the ring, blood spilled into the sky, and fell heavily to the ground.

"As expected of a disciple of the Confucianism and Taoism Academy, the righteousness contained in his power is enough to destroy all illusions. It seems that to deal with him, we can only suppress him with stronger power."

Yunmeng\'s defeat did not surprise Ye Liuyun. Even if it was her, Yunmeng\'s Dream Fairy, it would not have any effect.

He was just more surprised by Gao Qiang\'s strength, which was stronger than he imagined. However, through this battle, Ye Liuyun also knew that Gao Qiang\'s soul strength was still weaker than him. When he meets Gao Qiang in the future, he can find a breakthrough here.

As for fighting recklessly with the power of true energy, the power of blood, and the power of heaven and earth, Ye Liuyun believed that he didn\'t have that strength yet.

Ye Liuyun was pondering how Gao Qiang\'s blood works when attacking in his sea of ​​consciousness, and suddenly, he noticed that the way Gao Qiang\'s true energy works is also slightly different.

So he continued to observe how several different masters used their true energy to move when they attacked, and found that each of them had a different way of moving their true energy, which was closely related to their own attributes and bloodline secrets. combined.

Ye Liuyun also suddenly remembered what Yao Xinghai had told him before.

The realm above Tiangang is the Yin-Yang realm, and in this realm, what one cultivates is the fusion of body, blood and spirit.

"That\'s right! The fusion of body, true essence, blood, and soul!"

Ye Liuyun suddenly woke up. Why are there so many strong people, and the various exercises they practice are all adjusted according to their own characteristics?

That\'s because the exercises they cultivated are more suitable for raising to the realm of yin and yang. They are already on the road to integration ahead of schedule.

"And this fusion should be the reason why they can attract more power from heaven and earth to assist in the battle!"

After Ye Liuyun figured this out, he suddenly felt a little excited!

This new way of thinking about cultivation opened a new door for him.

Some of the questions that troubled him finally found the answer. As long as he walks through this path, almost all of his cultivation bottlenecks can be broken through.

The fusion of several forces can promote and enhance each other.

Perhaps this point does not need to be considered by other geniuses at all. As long as you practice according to the exercises passed down by your family or sect.