Lord of All Gods

Chapter 520

"Not necessarily! This Ye Liuyun, I feel that his strength is not only that. He has not exerted his full strength until now. But that Lie Hongyun is indeed strong. His realm, blood, and spirit are extraordinary."

Chu Yunqiao disagreed with Gao Qiang\'s statement because of his careful observation.

At the same time, a girl of eighteen or nineteen was wearing Yan Gong\'s distinctive red battle suit. With a delicate face like jade, with an exquisite figure, red lips and white teeth, and eyes as bright as a bright moon, she is slowly climbing onto the battle platform in the North District.

This girl is Lie Hongyun who is known as "Little Yan King". He was full of heroic spirit, exuding the aura of billowing flames.

"This girl has won twenty consecutive victories!"

"Yes! I\'m afraid Lie Hongyun is about to enter the first-tier team!"

Everyone in the audience was not only amazed by Lie Hongyun\'s beauty, but also marveled at the strength she displayed. Everyone was discussing that Lie Hongyun\'s achievements might not be inferior to her sister Lie Hongxia\'s in the future.

However, her opponent was a guy with an extremely wretched expression. Looking at Lie Hongyun\'s fiery figure, he swallowed.

"Hey, little beauty, I\'ve heard that you have a violent personality! It just so happens that I like fierce ones, and today I\'m going to tame your fierce horse!"

He was talking, but his eyes turned back and forth on Lie Hongyun, with a smile on his face.

The digital projection above the head of this wretched man turned out to be bright silver. Its realm is also the seventh level of Tiangang, which is the same as Lie Hongyun.

"It\'s actually Cong Fei! The top 100 seeded contestant in the last martial arts competition! Lie Hongyun is about to suffer!"

"Cong Fei likes to destroy flowers with harsh hands. I don\'t know if Lie Hongyun can be his opponent. If he loses, it will be miserable..."

Someone in the audience recognized Cong Fei, and they all became worried for Lie Hongyun. More people are looking forward to the collision of these two new and old dark horses.

"Go to hell! Disgusting ugly ghost!"

Lie Hongyun felt extremely disgusted. He shot directly, and a ball of flames rushed towards Cong Fei.

Accompanied by a deep phoenix cry, the flame seemed to come alive, turning into the shape of a fire phoenix, constantly changing its direction, spreading its wings and burning towards Cong Fei.

"Yo, are you so impatient? Don\'t worry, let\'s play slowly, and you will be satisfied!"

Cong Fei was teasing Lie Hongyun with his mouth, but his hands were unrelenting.

In fact, this is also one of his methods. He intentionally used verbal insults to irritate his opponent, causing him to lose his position under the rage. Then he could take advantage of the opportunity and seize the opportunity.

This move of Lie Hongyun, which Lie Hongxia used before, burned the opponent instantly.

Although Lie Hongyun\'s move was not as powerful as Lie Hongxia\'s, it was still enough to make the martial arts at the seventh level of the Tiangang panic.

Clinker Cong Fei just smiled, the real energy in his body burst out, and the bright silver moonlight rushed towards the fire phoenix like a tide, carrying a lot of power from heaven and earth.

"Bang bang!"

The sound of the impact of the real yuan continued to explode, and the bright silver and fiery red real yuan exploded and scattered in all directions, and the violent smoke and dust flew within a radius of one mile.

Lie Hongyun saw that her fire phoenix couldn\'t stop Cong Fei\'s true essence, so she dodged and retreated immediately, barely avoiding the blow.


Cong Fei\'s moonlight tide bombarded the fierce red cloud and fell to the ground, smashing the ground into a deep pit. Yangchen made Lie Hongyun into a mess.

Cong Fei\'s words were frivolous on the surface, but his moves were sharp, and he took advantage of Lie Hongyun\'s anger and lack of momentum to seize the advantage as soon as he came up. If it wasn\'t for Lie Hongyun\'s quick dodging, this blow would have seriously injured her.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil was observing the battle between the two of them.

In the attacks of these two people, a large amount of power from heaven and earth was integrated, so it looked powerful, but in fact, they didn\'t consume much power of true essence and blood, they were all borrowing power from heaven and earth.

Although they didn\'t borrow as much power from heaven and earth as Mo Tianheng did, they used the power of the same attribute as their own in the heaven and earth to play very well.

In other words, what they borrowed was the power of heaven and earth with the same attributes as their own.

Ye Liuyun carefully observed the blood circulation of the two of them, and began to study them seriously.

"Flying Phoenix Wings!"

Lie Hongyun shouted coquettishly, waved her hands together, and even the air current in the sky was condensed into the image of a phoenix by her. Immediately after the infusion of fire-attributed true energy, a huge fire phoenix, covering the sky and the sun, let out a long cry, and pressed towards Cong Fei again.

"Damn! As for being so desperate?"

Cong Fei cursed, not daring to neglect. A paintbrush appeared in his hand, and with a light wave, a galaxy with a width of several zhang was formed in the air. Afterwards, the galaxy became wider and wider, and extended towards Huofeng.

The Zhenyuan River was surging and surging, unstoppable.

The fire phoenix and the galaxy are intertwined again, killing each other and colliding violently. The sound of "rumbling" can be heard endlessly. The arena was also beaten into a mess by them.

The terrifying aftermath of the battle, even the ten-mile-wide arena couldn\'t stop it. Distributed to the audience, causing everyone to avoid it.

The many geniuses under the ring were also shocked.

"Why are these two people so powerful?"

"This strength is comparable to that of the people in the first echelon!"

Ye Liuyun also lamented the fighting power of these two.

"Is this the strength of the dark horse? Even if I face these two now, I\'m afraid I will be at a disadvantage. Even if I use the soul attack, I may not be able to take advantage of it."

Apart from emotion, he is still studying how to make his attack carry more power of heaven and earth.

Lie Hongyun and Cong Fei were both caused by the power of blood, so it can be said that they were born with it. Although resources and practice are needed to increase the power of the bloodline, it is basically doomed.

And Ye Liuyun\'s blood power has nothing to do with the flame. Therefore, there is nothing for him to learn from the bloodlines of these two people.

He still doesn\'t know what power his bloodline has. After much deliberation, he had no choice but to directly strengthen the cultivation of the power of heaven and earth.

The only thing he can learn from this battle is to let his Golden Crow Holy Flame manifest the form of the Golden Crow to attack through the golden pupil. In this way, the flexibility of his flame attack will at least be much stronger.

He had already been able to use the power of his bloodlines to manifest the Golden Crow to carry out a real attack, so it shouldn\'t be too difficult to use the golden pupils to display it now.


There was a roar on the ring, flames burst out, and one fire phoenix blasted at Cong Fei at the same time, completely tearing Cong Fei\'s defenses apart, and drowned him.

That terrifying flame was so hot that it burned Cong Fei\'s body into scorched black.

With a bang, Cong Fei passed out without even having time to make a sound.