Lord of All Gods

Chapter 483

The Mistress of the Consonance Palace and Wei Yusong were talking when Elder Luoxi suddenly walked out of the void.

The palace lord informed Elder Luoxi of the net and his attitude towards Ye Liuyun and Liang Xue, and told him to leave immediately to chase Ye Liuyun.

At this time, the He family had already exploded. They found out the truth by asking people around He Liancheng\'s body. He Weiqun, the head of the He family, of course did not dare to go to the Lingxi Palace to inquire about the crimes, so he could only send most of the He family\'s combat power to search for Ye Liuyun\'s trace.

After Ye Liuyun disappeared into the void, he didn\'t run back in a hurry, but walked slowly. He was thinking about what to do with Liang Xue\'s cultivation in the future.

Ye Liuyun\'s delay gave Elder Luoxi time to catch up with him.

Suddenly, Ye Liuyun felt a large fluctuation in the third-level space. He turned on his golden pupils and looked back, and saw a man wearing the costume of the elder of Lingxi Palace, chasing him through the void.

"There are people who understand the power of space in Lingxi Palace!" Ye Liuyun was astonished, and quickly borrowed the power of space dislocation to squeeze Luoxi out of the third space.

Fortunately, Luoxi has rich experience, once falling into the void of the second level, he immediately jumps directly to the original space. Otherwise, he would almost be swallowed by the black hole.

Although he didn\'t see Ye Liuyun, he could feel this space attack.

"It\'s so risky, I almost put my life in it! No wonder the palace lord values ​​this kid so much." He collected himself, immediately took out the sky net, and threw it directly into the air, controlling the god-level treasure, throwing all the people with a radius of 100,000 miles. The space is all covered in.

Ye Liuyun also secretly admired Luoxi\'s control over the space. Although he can only enter the third floor, his experience is indeed very rich.

After he squeezed Luoxi out, he didn\'t go straight away, but observed him in place. When he saw the net, he immediately knew it was not good, so he turned around and ran away. It\'s just that he didn\'t expect that this net could cover such a large area.

He shuttled through the void at an extremely fast speed, and within a breath, he found that the road ahead was blocked by this net. He ran around the net again, but couldn\'t find the exit.

He even tried to enter the fifth level of space, but there is still the blockade of this net there.

He could only withdraw from the void and return to the ground to think about countermeasures. Hitting it with the death bell, the net is indeed soft and does not take any force at all. Use the demon-slaying knife to chop, but the demon-slaying knife can\'t break it.

He even used the magic vine seeds, but he couldn\'t break through the net.

So he could only call everyone out to find a way together.

"Heaven and earth net!" Liang Xue guessed what it was after hearing Ye Liuyun\'s introduction that this net could seal the void. "This is the artifact of the Consonance Palace."

"Yu\'er, is your weapon-breaking mace still there?" Ye Liuyun thought of Yu\'er\'s weapon-breaking mace.

"It\'s still there!" Yu\'er immediately took out the weapon-breaking mace, but the rank of the weapon-breaking mace was too low to destroy the divine weapon.

Lei Ming and Bai Hu also directly bit their mouths, and the net did not move at all. Ye Liuyun used the Golden Crow Sacred Fire to burn it again, but the net did not respond either.

Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er teamed up to seal it with ice. It can be sealed. But when the ice was broken, the net was not damaged at all.

After a lot of tossing, all of them were helpless.

"Then let\'s fight!" Ye Liuyun put his heart on hold, and drew out the demon-slaying knife.

As a result, everyone began to prepare for battle. Wu Qingcheng saw that Liang Xue was still using the spiritual weapon that Ye Liuyun had given her before, so she quickly took out the spiritual weapon that she had prepared long ago.

"Sister Liang, these are the weapons and some cultivation resources that Liuyun specially left for you." Wu Qingcheng handed over a supreme-grade long sword and a storage ring to Wu Qingcheng.

In fact, Ye Liuyun just asked her to help prepare resources for Wu Qingcheng, and didn\'t say anything at all. This high-ranking long sword was left by Wu Qingcheng with Liang Xue\'s help. Otherwise, they would have been sold by Ye Liuyun long ago and exchanged for spirit stones.

Ye Liuyun glanced at Wu Qingcheng gratefully, but said nothing. Instead, let everyone prepare weapons and spirit stones so that they can replenish true energy at any time. He also distributed the elixir that he refined to supplement the true essence and heal the wounds to everyone, so that everyone could be fully prepared. He himself prepared the death knell.

He was reluctant to use the Nine Dragons Jiangshan Ding as a weapon, but kept it for alchemy. He has already given Lei Ming the seal of Nine Dragons Over the Mountain. At the same time, he also prepared the magic vine seeds. Once a large-scale battle is encountered, the magic vine seeds will definitely be used.

After Liang Xue refined the high-level long sword, she also released the Earth Demon Dragon from the storage ring, allowing it to participate in the battle.

The current Earth Demon Dragon has grown to be about the same size as Lei Ming\'s transformed figure, and much bigger than the white tiger. The realm has broken through to the fifth level of Tiangang.

Ye Liuyun guessed that its mother had left enough energy for it before she died, otherwise Liang Xue\'s resources alone would not be enough to raise its realm so quickly.

As soon as the devil dragon came out, it even recognized Ye Liuyun, and ran over to wag its tail with him.

Ye Liuyun patted it on the head, and gave it some medicinal materials to promote blood circulation. He hasn\'t refined any pills in this area recently, so he can only give it some medicinal materials. The Earth Demon Dragon didn\'t dislike it either, and swallowed it directly, and nodded to Ye Liuyun to express his thanks.

"It\'s been hard for this guy to follow me. I don\'t even have any resources to give it." Liang Xue also touched its head and said apologetically.

"Qingcheng, do you have anything else in your hand that you can give it?" Ye Liuyun could only ask his "Chief Manager" Wu Qingcheng.

Wu Qingcheng thought for a while, returned to the Dragon Palace and took out some god-level blood essence and some medicinal materials, and handed them to Liang Xue.

The local demon dragon saw it, and even knew to thank Ye Liuyun.

"The little guy\'s intelligence is not bad! I guess if he takes some god-level blood essence, he will be smarter in the future!" Ye Liuyun also touched its big head.


Lei Ming next to him suddenly let out a loud roar, releasing a trace of demon energy in his body. The Earth Demon Dragon shrank its neck in fright, and then it felt the pressure of the devil energy and blood on Lei Ming\'s body, and immediately ran obediently in front of Lei Ming, wagging its tail.

"It will mix with me from now on!" Lei Ming said proudly.

Her bloodline in the demon clan is comparable to that of the earth demon dragon. And her realm is higher than that of the Earth Demon Dragon, so there is no need to tame the Earth Demon Dragon, and the Earth Demon Dragon will be obedient.

The few of them laughed for a while, and Ye Liuyun reminded everyone.

"We can\'t stay in one place, move around and be targeted by people who are following us."