Lord of All Gods

Chapter 482

Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that He Liancheng had cultivated two souls, and he was a soul master who had just entered the seventh level.

It\'s just that his two souls are relatively weak to Ye Liuyun. If you give him some more time, you really can\'t kill him so easily.

He Liancheng\'s body fell straight down. Ye Liuyun took advantage of Wei Yusong\'s moment of stupefaction, sucked He Liancheng\'s storage ring over, and threw it to Wu Qingcheng to deal with.

"Ah? You actually killed He Liancheng?" Wei Yusong exclaimed in surprise.

"You sent him to die, why should you be surprised?" Ye Liuyun said sarcastically.

"This..." Wei Yusong never expected that Ye Liuyun could kill He Liancheng with one move.

When Liang Xue first came, he was only at the second level of Yuan Dan. He thought that no matter how strong Ye Liuyun was, he would not be as strong as He Liancheng, who was at the fourth level of Tiangang. Moreover, Ye Liuyun hid his breath, so he didn\'t pay attention to investigate for a while, so He Liancheng was asked to do it.

He also just wanted He Liancheng to teach Ye Liuyun a lesson, to let Liang Xue know that Ye Liuyun was nothing. At critical times, he would also save Ye Liuyun and save his life.

But he never expected that this Ye Liuyun would kill without mercy.

Immediately he realized that he was in big trouble!

He didn\'t get angry at Ye Liuyun, but said anxiously to Ye Liuyun and Liang Xue: "He Liancheng came from an ancient martial arts family and is the only son of their patriarch. Now that he dies, their family will probably know about it. And he He is still an elite of Lingxi Palace, and Lingxi Palace has his consciousness. At this moment, Lingxi Palace should also know that he is dead! You have caused a big disaster!"

"So what? We didn\'t provoke this disaster, but you!" Ye Liuyun still said calmly.

For him, the big deal is to run away if you can\'t beat it. Anyway, with his strength, not many people can keep him.

But Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that Wei Yusong directly admitted his mistake.

"That\'s right, I was the one who caused the trouble. But the He family and the Lingxi Palace will not let you go! Have you ever thought about it? If you take Xue\'er away, you will only hurt her! You let Xue\'er go with me right away!" Go back, and then you run away immediately, maybe you can escape unharmed." Wei Yusong suggested sincerely.

Ye Liuyun looked at him, and saw that what he said sounded like the truth. But at this moment, regardless of whether it was true or not, Ye Liuyun had a very bad impression of Wei Yusong, and would not let Liang Xue go back with him.

"Thank you for your suggestion. But I will take care of Xueer, and the He family can\'t keep me. We\'ll leave right away."

After finishing speaking, Ye Liuyun bowed to Wei Yusong.

When Liang Xue saw this, she also bowed deeply to Wei Yusong: "Master, this disciple is not filial, so let\'s leave it alone. I hope Master will take care of you. Xue\'er will repay your kindness of cultivation in another day!"

"This... why are you so stubborn! With your abilities, you can\'t escape the pursuit of the He family!" Wei Yusong stomped his feet anxiously.

In the end, seeing that Ye Liuyun and the others were determined and about to leave, he wanted to take Xue\'er back. He didn\'t want Liang Xue to flee to the end of the world with Ye Liuyun.

However, Ye Liuyun had been guarding against his hand for a long time. Just as he was about to move, Lei Ming suddenly released his breath and locked him. From now until now, he has only paid attention to Ye Liuyun and Liang Xue, but he did not expect that there is a strong man at the seventh level of Tiangang here.

Although Lei Ming\'s realm was lower than his, but with the aura emanating from Lei Ming\'s body, he knew that Lei Ming would definitely be able to stop him.

He helplessly persuaded Liang Xue, "Xue\'er, being a teacher is for your own good!"

Liang Xue also nodded and said, "Tuter understands. But Liuyun is more important to me than my life, and I will not abandon him."

"Let\'s go! A master is here!" Ye Liuyun said, and put everyone into the storage ring one by one, and then directly disappeared into the void in front of Wei Yusong.

Wei Yusong opened his mouth wide in shock. "The power of space, this kid still has this ability? It seems that I really underestimated him!"

He was stunned for a while, then suddenly turned around and went back to the sect to report. Lingxi Palace suddenly lost two promising disciples, he had to go back and explain. At least, the Consonance Palace cannot be allowed to participate in the pursuit of Ye Liuyun.

In fact, in his heart, he really wanted to do Liang Xue\'s best, but he didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to be worthy of Liang Xue\'s strength, and the methods he used were just too much.

Wei Yusong hurried back to the school palace and found the palace master to report the situation. When the Palace Master heard this, he also blamed Wei Yusong for his incompetence. Not only killed one, but forced one away.

"I can\'t blame Liang Xue for this matter. But Liang Xue is a genius in this sect, and I still count on her to participate in the Cangyun Grand Competition! Now that He Liancheng is dead, our strength is even weaker! Xuechai is back!" the Mistress of Lingxi Palace murmured.

"However, the He family is also chasing and killing them now. They are running for their lives. How could they listen to our explanation! Once we send people there, they will think that we are also chasing and killing them. And if the He family can\'t find them, we may not I can find it!"

At this moment, Wei Yusong also became an ant on a hot pot, feeling as if nothing would work.

"Don\'t panic! It\'s just hiding in the void, I have a solution. Just find them first, and then snatch them back from the He family\'s subordinates. No matter how strong the He family is, they dare not turn against us." The palace lord said calmly As he spoke, he took out the sound transmission talisman and summoned Elder Luoxi.

"Elder Luoxi is also good at the power of space, but that kid has been gone for a while, can he still catch up?"

Wei Yusong asked puzzledly.

"Isn\'t there still this!" The palace lord smiled slightly, and brought out a small net-shaped treasure.

"The heaven and earth net?" Wei Yusong exclaimed.

This sky-digging net is an artifact of their Consonance Palace. As long as this kind of treasure is scattered, it can be sealed within a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Whether it\'s the void or the ground, everything can be covered, and no matter how powerful you are, you can\'t escape the blockade of this net.

This is also the only palace-suppressing artifact in their Consonance Palace. Wei Yusong did not expect that the dean would take out this treasure in order to keep Liang Xue.

But he still asked worriedly: "But after catching them, what will the kid do?"

"According to what you said, that kid is also a talent. And if we don\'t save him, Liang Xue will hate us instead. It would be best for him to join my Lingxi Palace. If he doesn\'t, we won\'t force it. Xi, save him together."

The palace lord thought about it, but there was no other way. Lingxi Palace is one of the best sects on the Cangyun Continent, and it attaches great importance to the Cangyun Dabi. They have a full ten places, and there is indeed a shortage of people now, otherwise they would not have made such great efforts to keep Liang Xue.