Lord of All Gods

Chapter 481

Wu Qingcheng chatted with Liang Xue for a long time. Afterwards, Lei Ming and Yu\'er also followed into the house to persuade Liang Xue.

In the end, the laughter of several women came from inside the house.

Ye Liuyun was very curious about what they were talking about. But he didn\'t dare to listen, so he could only walk back and forth in the yard non-stop.

When Ye Liuyun was upset, a strong man from the eighth layer of Tiangang suddenly enveloped the entire courtyard.

"Where is Xue\'er?" An old man with white beard suddenly appeared above the courtyard and asked via voice transmission.

In the room, Liang Xue and everyone also ran out in a hurry.

"Master?" Liang Xue was a little puzzled, how could her master come here to look for him.

At this time, He Liancheng\'s figure also hurriedly caught up with the old man, looking at Ye Liuyun and Liang Xue proudly.

"Follow me back!" The old man ordered Liang Xue directly.

"Master! This is my fiance Ye Liuyun, he just arrived today..."

When Liang Xue saw He Liancheng, she guessed that he must have said something behind his back. But before she finished explaining, the old man interrupted her directly.

"You don\'t need to explain! You are young and ignorant now, I am doing it for your own good! Your achievements are destined not to be worthy of this kid! Hurry up and follow me back to practice, lest you regret it later!" the old man said arrogantly. Said.

"No, I won\'t go back. Who I want to marry is my own business. I don\'t need you to worry about it, Master." Liang Xue also became stubborn.

"What? You don\'t even listen to Master\'s words?" The old man suddenly became angry, with an angry expression on his face.

"Other things are fine, but this one is not. Besides, my father has already married me to Ye Liuyun, and it cannot be changed. I hope Master will respect my choice." Liang Xue said stubbornly.

At the same time, he secretly sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun: "This is my master Wei Yusong."

Ye Liuyun looked at the old man, but didn\'t want to say hello to him. It was this attitude from the beginning, obviously an old guy with his eyes above his head.

Wei Yusong frowned, feeling that his reasons were a little untenable. Immediately, he changed his words and asked Liang Xue to go back immediately in the name of Lingxi Palace.

"Don\'t forget, you are now a disciple of Lingxi Palace! You must obey my orders. Come back with me immediately."

"I won\'t go back. Lingxi Palace didn\'t say that the disciples are not allowed to leave the palace! I come to see my fiancé, what\'s wrong?" Liang Xue argued immediately.

"Huh? If you don\'t go back now, you will never go back in the future!" Seeing this, Wei Yusong continued to threaten.

"If I don\'t go back, I won\'t go back! My disciple is grateful for Master\'s cultivation, and I will definitely repay you in the future! From now on, I will never go back to Lingxi Palace." Liang Xue said firmly, and stood beside Ye Liuyun, taking Ye Liuyun\'s arm .

In Ye Liuyun\'s heart, he was very moved by Liang Xue\'s persistence. How did he know that because of Su Miaoyin\'s matter, Liang Xue already regretted being separated from Ye Liuyun. What about the future of martial arts, without Ye Liuyun, those are meaningless.

Ye Liuyun\'s impression of the old man plummeted. He also didn\'t expect that Liang Xue\'s master was so unreasonable. If it wasn\'t for Liang Xue\'s face, he would have scolded or even attacked on the spot.

It\'s just a martial artist at the eighth level of Tiangang, and he is not afraid now. Even Thunder can beat him.

Seeing Liang Xue\'s determination, Wei Yusong was also taken aback. This Liang Xue is not only him, but also the disciple that the entire Consonance Palace is optimistic about, with a bright future ahead. Unexpectedly, with just these two sentences, I was persuaded away by myself.

He just wanted to threaten Liang Xue, but he didn\'t expect Liang Xue to give up the cultivation resources of Lingxi Palace for the sake of a person from a small place.

Wei Yusong was extremely depressed in his heart, but he was too embarrassed to change his words immediately, and spoke soft words to Liang Xue, so he took all his anger on Ye Liuyun.

"I\'d like to see what a young boy from a poor country can do to come to our Lingxi Palace to snatch disciples!" The old man snorted coldly and signaled He Liancheng to make a move.

"Even if you come from a poor country, you still have the principles and limits of being a human being. Xue\'er was betrothed to me by his father himself. What right do you have to interfere? Even if you are her master, you are too lenient, right? The sect came to threaten Xue\'er? Thanks to your age, you can say such things?"

Ye Liuyun\'s words made the old man blush.

"You...you are ruining Xue\'er\'s future!" In the end, the old man used Liang Xue\'s future as an excuse.

"If the Lingxi Palace is full of despicable people like He Liancheng and a group of unreasonable elders, then Xue\'er had better not stay there!" Ye Liuyun said disdainfully.

This is also Ye Liuyun\'s sincere words. If the Consonance Palace is really such an environment, people who stay for a long time will be affected sooner or later. The realm has improved, but the character has been destroyed, so what is the point of martial arts cultivation?

"Bold boy, how dare you slander my Lingxi Palace! Get out and fight. Don\'t you just dare to hide behind women?"

He Liancheng thought he had grasped something, and yelled at Ye Liuyun.

"Liuyun, don\'t worry about me, just kill him!" Liang Xue said to Ye Liuyun directly and firmly without using her spiritual sense to transmit the sound.

"What? Junior sister, you know my feelings for you. You actually let this kid kill me?" He Liancheng couldn\'t believe his ears.

"Despicable villain! You have pestered me several times, and now you have brought my master here. You are a toad who wants to eat swan meat. Killing you will save you from harming others in the future!" Liang Xue said directly and coldly. Said.

With Ye Liuyun by her side, she was really not afraid of anything. She just knew that she never wanted to be separated from Ye Liuyun again.

"Good! Good! Good!" He Liancheng said three good words in succession, with a distorted face, and said fiercely to Liang Xue: "Then I will show you, who is the one of us who killed the other today!"

As he said that, he shot directly at Ye Liuyun, released his Tiangang domain, and enveloped the two of them, and no longer cared about Liang Xue who was beside Ye Liuyun.

Liang Xue hurriedly stepped aside so as not to delay Ye Liuyun\'s attack.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t even move, he just released his Tiangang domain, which collided with He Liancheng\'s Tiangang domain suddenly.

Ye Liuyun\'s Tiangang domain is the thunder and fire domain that combines the spirit and soul.

With this shot, he not only knocked He Liancheng\'s domain into the air, but also pulled He Liancheng\'s divine soul into the divine soul domain. Moreover, the giant shadow of the spirit Buddha and demon in the eighth-level realm shot directly, without even leaving time for Wei Yusong to rescue, and directly smashed He Liancheng\'s spirit away.