Lord of All Gods

Chapter 477

"I\'ve heard of your name, Ye Liuyun, for a long time. It\'s a pleasure to meet you today! I didn\'t expect Brother Ye to challenge me!"

After Lu Wentong came to the stage, he greeted Ye Liuyun politely, like a scholar.

Ye Liuyun also said politely: "I use a knife and you use a sword. It\'s just like the sword intent. It\'s boring to fight them with fists."

"So that\'s it!" Lu Wentong also suddenly realized that Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to compete for ranking at all. "Then let\'s stop at the end. One move should be able to see the strength of the artistic conception."

"That\'s right, as long as you click, the winner will be determined by one move!" Ye Liuyun also nodded in agreement, and then pulled out the demon-slaying knife on his back.

Lu Wentong didn\'t despise him because he couldn\'t see the grade of the saber. But for any martial artist involved in the artistic conception, let alone an ordinary knife, even a wooden stick will not have much influence on the artistic conception.

So Lu Wentong went all out, his frail aura suddenly changed, and his whole person became fierce.

And when Ye Liuyun\'s domineering saber intent was released in an instant, Lu Wentong\'s face suddenly became ugly. He didn\'t need to compete anymore, he knew that Ye Liuyun was much stronger than him.

Ye Liuyun\'s domineering sword intent instantly dissipated his sharp sword intent. Under this artistic conception, his sword intent could not be displayed at all.

He immediately withdrew his sword knowingly, cupped his hands to Ye Liuyun and said, "I lost! I didn\'t expect to see such a powerful sword intent here, what a man! I\'m willing to bow down!"

He always thought that he was the number one sword in the Jinpeng area. In terms of weapon artistic conception, it is impossible for the younger generation to surpass him. Only today did he realize the strength of this rookie, Ye Liuyun. Ye Liuyun\'s sword intent was more than a little stronger than him.

Ye Liuyun immediately withdrew his knife and bowed his hands to Lu Wentong. "We will have a chance to compete again in the future!"

"Definitely!" Seeing Ye Liuyun\'s friendly gesture, Lu Wentong was naturally willing to make another friend.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun took the third position logically, while the others gave way one by one. It turns out that the person who ranked tenth needs to challenge the person with the ranking.

Ye Liuyun no longer cared about the rest of the battle. Instead, he sat there, closed his eyes, and waited for the game to end.

Unexpectedly, he didn\'t want to challenge Prince Jin Yuanhao, but Jin Yuanhao didn\'t want to let him go.

"Hmph! It\'s just the sword intent. You think that if you don\'t challenge me, I won\'t be able to deal with you!" Thinking of this, he used his spiritual sense to send a voice transmission to several of his subordinates, asking them to challenge Ye Liuyun.

After Ye Liuyun succeeded in the challenge, many people immediately signed up with the host, and started to challenge one after another.

Piaoyun didn\'t move for a while. She worried that she went up too early and would be challenged by many people, so she had to wait a little longer.

But Xiong Batian directly challenged Jiang Wanhao. No need to think about it, it was all arranged by the Jinpeng Dynasty.

The battle between these two was very exciting. Xiong Batian relied on the strength of his blood to gain an advantage, while Jinpeng relied on his realm advantage. He is a veteran Tiangang triple martial artist. Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils could see his true essence, and he was deliberately suppressing the realm, otherwise, he should be able to break through to the fourth level of Tiangang.

Therefore, these two people fought evenly, and after fighting for nearly two hundred moves, Xiong Batian paid the price of some injuries, defeated Jiang Wanhao, and won the sixth place.

However, the strength of the two of them is obvious to all. Those who are not strong enough will not easily challenge the two of them.

The ones who were challenged the most were the ninth and tenth. The people in these two rankings are often changed.

Just when Ye Liuyun thought he had nothing to do with him, He Wei, who was ranked fifth, suddenly stood up and challenged Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun was feeling a little surprised, when suddenly Xiong Batian sent him a voice transmission: "This guy is the prince\'s guard." At this moment, his consciousness realized the smile on the corner of the prince\'s mouth.

This Howe is strong, with big shoulders and round waist, and his muscles are like iron bumps. At first glance, he is a master of body training. The realm has reached the third level of Tiangang.

"Ye Liuyun, don\'t you dare to accept the challenge?" Seeing that Ye Liuyun didn\'t move, He Wei couldn\'t help but sneered.

In fact, Ye Liuyun was thinking about how to kill him so that others would not dare to provoke him again.

Hearing this, Ye Liuyun didn\'t say much, but walked onto the ring with a smile.

"Hmph, what are you pretending for? You\'re just trying to catch fame! In the ring, you can still see your strength." He Wei curled his lips, his whole body exploded, his muscles began to contract, and he defended himself like a block of iron.

He thought Ye Liuyun was going to fight him with sword intent. Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun released the Golden Crow Sacred Flame and Blood Thunder directly from Jin Tong.

"Even if you are a piece of iron, I will burn you!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself. The Golden Crow Sacred Flame in the golden pupils burned out with all its strength. In order to serve as a deterrent, Ye Liuyun didn\'t save too much real energy.

The reason why he used the Golden Crow Holy Flame was to deter other people and stop messing with him. His current Golden Crow Sacred Flame could not even be carried by a martial artist at the seventh level of Tiangang, let alone a martial artist at the third level of Tiangang.

The Golden Crow Holy Fire melted everything, and when it went up, it burned through He Wei\'s body shield and directly ignited him. At the same time, the blood thunder blasted fiercely, and before he could burn He Wei to ashes, the blood thunder blasted him into several pieces, and all of them were stained with the Golden Crow Holy Fire, and he was burned to nothing in a short while, looking dead. Very miserable.

There was a gasp from under the stage. But Ye Liuyun looked at Prince Jin Yuanhao with a smile, his eyes full of mischief.

Jin Yuanhao\'s face was very ugly. He didn\'t expect that He Wei couldn\'t even block Ye Liuyun\'s move. "This Ye Liuyun, does it really have such a strong strength?" He and He Wei often practice against each other, but they have never won so easily.

And the audience, seeing Ye Liuyun looking at the prince, actually understood what was going on in their hearts.

"This Ye Liuyun deserves to be the one who dared to kidnap the queen! He is really courageous!"

"The Jinpeng Dynasty is also looking for trouble! Ye Liuyun didn\'t challenge them, but they were going to provoke him! They all ended up giving away their heads!"

These discussions reached the ears of the royal family, and some elders and ministers immediately expressed their dissatisfaction with the prince\'s behavior.

"If you\'re not sure, don\'t do such a shameful thing! Isn\'t this a shame!"

However, the person arranged by the prince was not only He Wei, but also several others, who had already signed up to challenge Ye Liuyun. Their hearts were also cold at the moment, and it seemed that when they faced Ye Liuyun later, they had no choice but to admit defeat.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun didn\'t even give them the chance to admit defeat to those who challenged Ye Liuyun later. As soon as the host announced the start, Ye Liuyun directly launched a soul attack.

Some people even brought sacred weapons to defend against the attack of the soul, but none of them escaped the double attack of Ye Liuyun\'s soul attack and Jin Tong\'s attack. Moreover, no one can take Ye Liuyun\'s move.

Of the people arranged by the prince, there were only a few left, and they dared not go on stage even if they said anything. So they were all directly disqualified and did not have the qualifications to compete for the competition.

In the top ten, apart from the prince and Xiong Batian, there is no one from the royal family anymore. Originally, they still had the strength to seize half of the places, but now they were wiped out.

The Jinpeng Dynasty suffered a big loss, but they couldn\'t do anything to Ye Liuyun.

And all the audience, at this time, already regarded Ye Liuyun as the strongest player in this selection competition. Just waiting for him to challenge the prince.

Prince Jin Yuanhao gritted his teeth, but he did not dare to express anything to Ye Liuyun\'s playful gaze. He felt that he couldn\'t stop Ye Liuyun\'s attack. "This guy is so strong! If he wants to challenge me, then my ranking will be lost!"

Thinking of this, he didn\'t even have the courage to look at Ye Liuyun, and sat there anxiously.