Lord of All Gods

Chapter 476

The people of the Jinpeng Dynasty all took their seats at the throne. Their Tie Ying Sect was sitting next to the Jinpeng Dynasty. This can be regarded as Jinpeng Dynasty\'s expression of importance to them. In the Jinpeng dynasty\'s territory, only Iron Eagle Sect can compete with the Jinpeng dynasty.

Other sects and aristocratic families also sat down at the designated positions. It didn\'t take long for the participants to compete.

After Ye Liuyun looked around at these players, he suddenly lost interest. The strength of these people is simply too weak for him now, and there is no challenge at all.

Although the strength of the participating personnel is not strong, Ye Liuyun is still interested in the strength of a few people.

Piaoyun was near Ye Liuyun, and she used her spiritual sense to transmit voice to him and introduce the contestants.

And she is also the kind of assistant who has a special wink, whoever Ye Liuyun looks at, she will introduce to Ye Liuyun.

"That is the prince of the Jinpeng Dynasty, Jin Yuanhao, who has the blood of the Jinpeng; the one who came by himself is said to be Gao Yuan with the blood of the ape clan, and his body is also very strong, and he fights very violently; the one who looks like a white-clothed scholar with a sword The man is Lu Wentong from the Lu family of a great family, famous for his fast sword; Xiong Batian..."

Ye Liuyun nodded, unexpectedly seeing several different bloodlines. The blood power of these people is also close to 30 to 40% of his blood power.

He also reminded Piaoyun: "The blood power and strength of these individuals are stronger than yours. When you fight against them, don\'t force yourself. With your strength, you should be able to win the eighth or ninth place."

This ranking is similar to what Piaoyun predicted in her heart.

Xiong Batian also saw Ye Liuyun at this time, and came over to say hello to him.

"Brother, if you meet Jin Yuanhao later, don\'t hold back, clean him up for me! It\'s not convenient for me to shoot him, but you can." Xiong Batian laughed.

"Why, did he offend you?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously. He didn\'t expect that Xiong Batian still had people who held grudges.

Xiong Batian said helplessly: "It\'s just relying on status, what\'s the big deal! If my father didn\'t let me, I would have made gestures with him a long time ago!"

"I\'m afraid you are really no match for him now!" Ye Liuyun laughed.

"Hahaha, don\'t say it if you know it! This makes me lose face!" Xiong Batian laughed along with him indifferently.

"It\'s good that you play normally, then we brothers can go to the Cangyun Grand Competition together!"

Ye Liuyun is convinced that Xiong Batian\'s strength should be similar to Piaoyun\'s. But the bloodline is stronger than Piaoyun\'s. Therefore, the ranking should be ahead of Piaoyun. But it was weaker than Jiang Wanhao taught by Tie Ying. Whether he can beat Jiang Wanhao depends on the power of his bloodline.

"That\'s for sure! This kind of competition is meaningless. Let\'s go to the Cangyun Grand Competition together and have fun!" Xiong Batian is also full of confidence. With his current bloodline strength and strength, it should be no problem to enter the top ten.

The two of them chatted for a while, and Xiong Batian returned to the camp of Jinpeng Dynasty.

Ye Liuyun saw King Jinpeng and Queen, and also attended the selection competition. He glanced at the Queen, who was looking at her too.

"She shouldn\'t hold grudges against me, right? I explained it clearly to her at the time!" Ye Liuyun turned his gaze away, thinking to himself.

But he didn\'t see Princess Nine. Ye Liuyun thought to himself: "This girl isn\'t angry with me, is she? It\'s fine if we don\'t meet each other! So as not to miss each other!"

Not long after, an old man from the Jinpeng Dynasty came out and, as the host, announced the rules of the competition.

"...For this competition, we have pre-selected ten candidates, all of whom are well-known young heroes. Others challenge these ten people. The winners will replace them..."

After he finished speaking, Ye Liuyun asked Jing Wudi: "In this selection competition, the winner will not be rewarded? This Jinpeng Dynasty is too stingy, isn\'t it?"

Jing Wudi smiled: "That\'s not because of your uncertainty. Without you, their crown prince is the most likely to win the championship. Of course, rewards will be set up! However, the first place will be the leader of the competition at that time." , and lead the other nine people to participate in the Cangyun Competition."

"Isn\'t that a hard job?" Ye Liuyun called out directly.

As soon as he heard this, he immediately changed his mind. "You can\'t be the first. If there is something, let others handle it." He has always been lazy.

He thought for a while, and then asked Jing Wudi: "How about I get third?"

Jing Wudi smiled, knowing his character. If he hadn\'t recommended Ye Liuyun to be the helmsman at the beginning, he would never have gone. "You can do whatever you want, as long as you are in the top ten."

Then, the elder read out the names of the ten people. Jiang Wanhao from the Iron Eagle Sect was ranked fifth. He walked to the front and sat down. The first place is Jin Yuanhao, the prince of Jinpeng Dynasty, the second place is Gao Yuan, and the third place is Lu Wentong.

However, this ranking is also temporary. Whether they can sit firmly in the end depends on whether they can keep their rankings.

Jiang Wanhao is also a veteran player in this area. Because Ye Liuyun is a rookie, he doesn\'t have his ranking.

Ye Liuyun also directly chose his opponent. "The third one, maybe we will have to fight with Lu Wen. It\'s okay, it happens that he uses a sword, so let\'s see who is stronger with our swords."

Ye Liuyun has recently practiced the power of space, and he has enough confidence in the speed of his sword. Now he is basically hitting with the knife, cutting directly through the void. He doesn\'t believe that anyone can surpass him.

And his sword intent has become stronger now. If he did not make a mistake, Ye Liuyun should be able to suppress his sword intent simply by relying on his sword intent.

Although Lu Wentong\'s sword intent was sharp, Ye Liuyun felt that he was just close to the perfect level based on the aura exuded from him alone, and he hadn\'t even conceived the seeds of sword intent. In comparison, his sword intent might not even compare to Lin Fei\'er.

In order to end the competition earlier, Ye Liuyun was the first to stand up as soon as the old man in charge announced the start.

As soon as he stood up, everyone in Jinpeng Dynasty became nervous. They thought that Ye Liuyun was going first. Especially the crown prince, Jin Yuanhao, squinted his eyes, and his body was full of fighting spirit.

However, Ye Liuyun directly said that he wanted to challenge Lu Wentong who was third, which surprised everyone.

Lu Wentong did not expect Ye Liuyun to challenge him. However, he still gladly accepted the challenge, obviously because he had strong confidence in his own strength.

The power of his bloodline is not as weak as before, and coupled with his sword intent, he is not afraid of challenges.