Lord of All Gods

Chapter 466

When Ye Liuyun went back and told a few people, everyone was excited and applauded.

Piaoyun knew the way, so they didn\'t even need to ask for directions. So they set off immediately and headed for Wanmo Ridge.

Wanmo Ridge has a radius of thousands of miles, and there is no human habitation. The entire mountain range is full of demon energy. There is still a formation that restricts most of the magic energy from leaking out, otherwise there will be no one around for thousands of miles.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil looked over, and most of the trees had been dyed black by the magic energy.

"Are you all ready? We\'ll go down when we\'re ready!"

Ye Liuyun asked everyone, then put away the flying boat, and led everyone into Wanmo Ridge.

He let go of his consciousness and discovered several groups of demons. It\'s just that the realm of these demons in the marginal zone is not too high.

"Yu\'er, Ruyue, the demons on the edge are not high-level, so you should act as the main force first."

Ye Liuyun gave the opportunity to Yu\'er and Ruyue, asking them both to exercise too.

The two of them finally met a large number of opponents suitable for them, and they completely let go and started fighting. Moreover, the exercises of the two of them are very effective in killing large areas.

Kisaragi\'s attack was a piece of hazy moonlight, and a large area of ​​damage would be caused by one kill. Yu\'er is even more so, directly releasing the power of ice and starting to freeze, it can freeze for more than ten miles almost in one go. Within the covered range, no matter the living or dead, all are frozen.

The demons attacked by them also howled throughout the entire mountain range. For a while, all kinds of roars continued, and many members of the Demon Race paid attention to the humans who entered their territory.

For the demons, Ye Liuyun and others are their food.

Ye Liuyun could even see their saliva.

One by one, the demons who looked like fierce beasts showed their fangs and rushed towards here excitedly.

"Go! It\'s time for us to perform!"

With a wave of his hand, Ye Liuyun led the crowd towards the depths of the mountains.

It has to be said that there are not only many types of demons here, but also many in number. They rushed up wave after wave, as if they couldn\'t kill them all. And the deeper you go into the mountains, the higher the realm of these demons.

There are still some demons in the Huahai and Yuandan realms in the fringe area, and when you go inside, gradually there are Tiangang realms appearing.

Seeing that Yu\'er and Ruyue were almost exhausted, Ye Liuyun asked them to return to the Xuankong Stone to cultivate. Ye Liuyun led the crowd, and also slowed down.

The people around him are suitable for fighting the demons in this realm. Further in, it is a little dangerous for them.

As for himself, he used those demons to test the use of various space powers.

Ye Liuyun stopped the team temporarily when a demon clan from the second level of Tiangang appeared. Try to let Wu Qingcheng and Nine Princesses practice more. Yu\'er and Ruyue also came out again to kill some low-level demons...

Lei Ming and Piao Yun have been following behind, and it\'s not yet time for the two of them to make a move.

But they didn\'t move forward, but more high-level demons surrounded them. So, Ye Liuyun led them to fight and retreat.

What he thought was to control the realm of the coming demons within the acceptable range of Wu Qingcheng and the others, and it would be fine to keep it at the first or second level of Tiangang.

But those high-level demons thought they were going to withdraw from the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range. It\'s been a long time since I tasted human flesh, how could they let people like Ye Liuyun go.

So those high-level demons also shot to prevent them from retreating. Gradually, Lei Ming and Piao Yun also started to get involved, and fought with those high-level demons.

Ye Liuyun was always on the sidelines to assist the crowd, using space power to help them out, leading them to retreat while beating.

This kind of battle also exceeded his expectations a bit. Unexpectedly, it will be an endless battle, and the realm of the demons is getting higher and higher.

In fact, they didn\'t go very far in all. It must be these demons who haven\'t seen humans dare to come in for a long time, so be very active!

Suddenly, several powerful demon breaths were released.

"Not good!" Ye Liuyun yelled inwardly, before he had time to think about it, he put Yu\'er and Ruyue who were closest to him into the storage ring first.

When he was going to save Wu Qingcheng and the Ninth Princess, three demons from the seventh level of Tiangang attacked at the same time, one was attacking Lei Ming, the other was attacking the Nine Princesses, and the other was attacking Wu Qingcheng.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t have time to think about it. The ninth princess trusted him so much, he couldn\'t ignore it. But Lei Ming and Wu Qingcheng are more important to him.

Ye Liuyun threw out the Jiulong Jiangshan tripod to block the attack on the nine princesses, and threw the death knell to block Wu Qingcheng. Just as he was about to rescue Lei Ming, he found that she had already thrown out the Jiulong Fanshan Seal, he was also relieved, and quickly pulled Jiu Gongzhu and Wu Qingcheng over,

Just as he was about to put it into the storage ring, a demon clan from the eighth layer of Tiangang suddenly appeared, and directly threw a net-shaped treasure, even Lei Ming and his Nine Dragons Turning Mountain Seal were covered inside.

This demon with a bull-like head was completely sneak attacking, and he hid his aura too well before. Hiding behind a group of demons, Ye Liuyun paid attention to the three demons at the seventh level of Tiangang that appeared in an emergency, and completely ignored it.

When he mobilized the death knell and smashed it at the demon, it had already closed its net, captured Lei Ming and disappeared.

"Ah!" Ye Liuyun yelled in shock and froze on the spot.

He didn\'t expect Lei Ming to be captured!

At this time, the attack of the demons also weakened, as if the onslaught just now was to cooperate with the demons to capture Lei Ming. And the three demons at the seventh level of Tiangang also began to evacuate, leaving only some low-level demons, staying to block Ye Liuyun and others.

"How could this happen!" Ye Liuyun murmured. The two hands still maintained the previous movement, the left hand was holding Jiu Gongzhu, the right hand was holding Wu Qingcheng, and the storage ring had not yet been confiscated. Piaoyun and Baihu also retreated to Ye Liuyun\'s side.

They all know that in the hands of the demons, nine out of ten they will be eaten.

No one expected this to happen. There has never been a sneak attack to arrest people, usually directly wounded or killed. Why did the Mozu spend so much effort to capture Lei Ming alive?

It\'s just that Ye Liuyun is so angry now that he can\'t think at all!

Lei Ming\'s status in his heart was no worse than Wu Qingcheng\'s. Ye Liuyun has always regarded her as a family member. Although Lei Ming is a monster, Ye Liuyun has never disliked her. He has always guarded Lei Ming like his own sister.

"Liuyun!" Wu Qingcheng wanted to comfort Ye Liuyun, but Ye Liuyun didn\'t seem to hear it.