Lord of All Gods

Chapter 465

While Ye Liuyun was competing with the blood shadow, he was also paying attention to the surrounding situation, for fear that these people would launch a sneak attack.

You know, this is a den of killers. And killers are best at hiding, sneak attacking, and killing with one hit.

Moreover, the blood power of the blood shadow also surprised Ye Liuyun. This is the one with the strongest bloodline strength among the opponents he has encountered. It has been raised to 30% of Ye Liuyun\'s bloodline strength, and it is still improving.

Xue Ying also looked at Ye Liuyun differently at this moment. He didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun\'s blood to be so powerful. But this instead aroused his bloodlust.

From his throat, there was a strange cry of "嗤". Like a wild beast, with his hands on the ground, he circled around Ye Liuyun. From his body, a blood-colored mist diffused, gradually covering Ye Liuyun.

When Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil encountered this kind of mist of blood power, the visual distance was greatly reduced. It\'s just that the shadow of blood can be seen clearly for the time being. But as the blood shadow is about to release more blood mist, Ye Liuyun may be at a disadvantage.

Ye Liuyun had an idea, and instead of fighting recklessly, he directly began to absorb the power of the bloodline that refined the blood shadow. His Xuanyuan Qi Refining Art is not shy about raw or cold, as long as it is energy, it can absorb any amount. And he himself can absorb the power of blood to supplement himself.

So, of the two of them, one released the power of the blood, and the other was absorbing it. It looked like a stalemate, but Ye Liuyun was actually taking advantage of it.

Blood Shadow was also taken aback. "What method did this kid use to prevent my blood mist from getting thicker!"

He killed people completely relying on this blood mist to cover himself. Now that the blood mist doesn\'t work, he is completely at a disadvantage.

So he accelerated the speed of releasing the blood mist, but as soon as he accelerated, Ye Liuyun also accelerated at the same time. Neither absorbing all of his blood mist, nor letting his blood mist condense. He wanted to take this opportunity to absorb more.

Soon, Xueying woke up and found that the power of his blood was weakening. The blood mist released can never be taken back.

He stopped immediately and looked at Ye Liuyun suspiciously.

"Hahaha! Blood Shadow, come back, you are defeated. Your bloodline power is not as strong as his, and you were even absorbed by him."

Xue Wuhen recalled the blood shadow.

Xueying didn\'t want to compete with Ye Liuyun anymore. Instead, he stood up straight, retracted his fangs, bowed solemnly to Ye Liuyun, and then stood back beside Xue Wuhen. After returning, the fangs did not come out again. Obviously, he admired Ye Liuyun from the bottom of his heart.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that the blood shadow could be so appreciative.

Xue Wuhen noticed that Ye Liuyun was observing Xueying, as if he understood his mind, and explained to him: "Assassin, once your advantage is cracked by the enemy, you must immediately admit defeat and evacuate. This is our profession, and we can save our lives." The iron law. If you lose, you lose, there is no second chance. Don\'t worry, Blood Shadow will not hold a grudge, let alone retaliate against you! He is a very qualified killer!"

Ye Liuyun nodded and said nothing more.

Xue Wuhen didn\'t say much immediately, and threw a storage ring to Ye Liuyun. Ye Liuyun probed into his spiritual sense and saw that five billion spirit stones were piled up like several hills. There are also three high-ranking weapons, all of which are also inside.

"Farewell!" Ye Liuyun cupped his hands, turned and left without talking nonsense.

"No!" Xue Wuhen was not polite.

After Ye Liuyun came out of the cave, he disappeared into the void again and returned to the Iron Eagle Sect.

Even he himself didn\'t expect that the operation to wipe out the bloody hand\'s lair would be so anticlimactic. The main reason is that Xue Wuhen took it too far, and thought of everything he thought of, and everything he didn\'t think of, for him. Facing such an opponent, Ye Liuyun really had no reason to fight again.

After returning to Iron Eagle Sect, Ye Liuyun released everyone, told them what happened, and then gave all the spirit stones to Wu Qingcheng to deal with.

Ye Liuyun gave each of Ru Yue and Jiu Gongzhu two high-ranking swords. Ye Liuyun gave Baihu a high-ranking spear and asked him to refine it. In addition, there was another high-ranking long sword seized from Kong Zhan, which was put away by Wu Qingcheng.

As for the weapons of Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er, they are very similar to Ye Liuyun\'s Demon-Slaying Knife, at least they are high-ranking weapons, and their attributes are also in line with their own characteristics, so there is no need to replace them.

Both Lei Ming and Piao Yun already have a high-ranking weapon, so they don\'t need so many.

In fact, Zun-rank weapons are not as common as Spirit-rank weapons, and are still very rare. Piaoyun once told Ye Liuyun that the upgrade of his two weapons cost a lot of Tieyingjiao\'s resources.

Ye Liuyun also went back and told Jing Wudi about his agreement with Bloody Hand. Jing Wudi also immediately sent orders to the various regions to pay attention to the information sent by the bloody hand.

As soon as his order was sent out, several sub-hosts replied at the same time, saying that the bloody hand had released the news and would not accept Ye Liuyun\'s orders in the future.

"Well, it\'s no wonder that this bloody hand has existed for so long, and he really has a way of doing things!" After Jing Wudi heard this, he admired Xue Wuhen\'s approach very much.

Ye Liuyun also nodded and said nothing more.

"Since the problem has been solved, you can cultivate with peace of mind! Next month, we will go to the royal family to participate in the regional trials. You try to get a good ranking!" Jing Wudi said to Ye Liuyun.

"There is still a month to go. I\'m afraid I won\'t make much progress if I practice in seclusion. I plan to find another secret realm and go there to improve." Ye Liuyun felt that if he kept practicing in seclusion, his cultivation speed would slow down.

Moreover, he didn\'t think it was necessary to let him stay in the Xuankong Stone for more than three hundred days.

"Secret realm? Then I\'ll find a place for you to hone your skills. It\'s within our territory. Have you heard of Wanmo Ridge?" Jing Wudi asked.

"I\'ve never heard of it. What\'s going on with that secret realm? Is it the secret realm of the Demon Race?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously.

"Actually, it\'s not a secret place. Haven\'t you noticed that there are no demons in our area? That\'s because there was a big battle between our human race and the demons, and the demons were driven into a mountain range. Middle. That mountain range has been called Wanmo Ridge since then. Anyone who likes to kill and practice will go there to have a good time." Jing Wudi explained to Ye Liuyun.

"Won\'t the demons fight back? They didn\'t think about coming out, and they would tolerate humans killing them at will?" Ye Liuyun asked a little puzzled.

"The contract between the demons and us humans is that they are not allowed to come out within a thousand years. And the existences that drove them into the Wanmo Ridge are still there now, so how dare they come out. But the demons multiply quickly, so it was agreed at that time, Human beings can enter the Wanmo Ridge to fight against the demons. And if a human being is killed inside, people outside are not allowed to take revenge.

Therefore, Wanmo Ridge has become an open training ground. It\'s just that there are many types of demons inside, and their strength varies, so not many people dare to enter. But I think, with your strength, it should be no problem to go in. At least not dying in it. "

"Okay, then I\'ll go to Wanmo Ridge!" Ye Liuyun was looking for an opponent to cultivate the power of space unscrupulously, but he met him unexpectedly.