Lord of All Gods

Chapter 462

After dealing with the killer, Ye Liuyun went out to help Lei Ming and the others, killing all those who followed him.

Most of those people outside came here for the bounty, just wanting to try their luck.

There is also a small part that is responsible for stalking. These stalkers, pretending to be similar, hid far away like many timid diners.

However, Ye Liuyun decided not to do anything. Once he did, he would definitely eradicate them completely. So those few people were picked out one by one by Ye Liuyun.

Some of them even wanted to quibble, asking Ye Liuyun why he wanted to arrest them. In the end, Ye Liuyun didn\'t bother to explain to them, and just killed them one by one. This made the diners watching the excitement think that Ye Liuyun was a murderer, and they ran away in fright.

"You don\'t even have the sixth layer of Tiangang, and you still want to kill us?" Lei Ming complained to Ye Liuyun while collecting storage rings. She just didn\'t hit enough.

"Isn\'t that just for everyone to practice their hands!" Ye Liuyun comforted her.

"Then I\'m not full yet!" Lei Ming pouted dissatisfiedly.

"Let\'s go, I\'ll take you to another family to eat." After Ye Liuyun said this, Lei Ming jumped back to Ye Liuyun\'s shoulder in satisfaction.

Half of this restaurant has collapsed, and the shopkeeper, bartender and others have long since run away. Now there is no one around to watch the excitement.

So, Ye Liuyun and the others had no choice but to find another restaurant, order and eat again. This time until they were full, there was no unexpected situation.

"Why is no one here this time?" Princess Nine asked curiously.

"The killer is not a fool, he can use the same trick over and over again! Next time, he must be replaced by a stronger person, and he should have something new!" Ye Liuyun said with a smile.

Wu Qingcheng also nodded to remind everyone: "It will definitely become stronger and stronger, everyone, don\'t be careless. Although most killers have principles and will not hurt innocent people. People around the target attack."

Immediately, everyone left the restaurant and looked at Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun\'s main purpose is to lure the killer out. But when there is no killer, he can\'t be idle, that would be too obvious to reveal his intentions.

Just when Ye Liuyun was hesitating whether to go to Jinpeng Dynasty or Dark Night Demon Palace, Princess Nine took the initiative to suggest: "Why don\'t you challenge the children of Jinpeng Dynasty\'s aristocratic families? Kill them one by one. Those people are so annoying."

"That\'s a good idea! Let\'s enter the king\'s city openly and see what they can do to me. Let\'s go!"

Ye Liuyun\'s eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed to the suggestion.

Now even if the Jinpeng Dynasty wanted to deal with Ye Liuyun, they would be wary of the Tie Ying Cult and would not attack openly. And he is going to challenge the younger generation, and the older generation can\'t make a move.

Therefore, their group of people rushed directly to the Jinpeng Dynasty.

As soon as they entered the royal city, they immediately attracted the attention of Jinpeng Dynasty. The royal family did not expect that Ye Liuyun would dare to come to the royal city blatantly. They couldn\'t understand why Princess Jiu followed Ye Liuyun.

Therefore, the royal family sent Xiong Wuli, the commander of the imperial army, to directly negotiate with Ye Liuyun.

Although Xiong Wuli knew that Ye Liuyun had come, he still did business. He led troops to surround Ye Liuyun\'s residence first, and then went in to negotiate with Ye Liuyun.

"Uncle Xiong, the royal family has sent you here! Please sit down." Ye Liuyun didn\'t panic at all, instead, he kindly invited Xiong Wuli to sit down and chat.

Xiong Wuli sent out the people around him, and then sat down. "Nephew Ye Xian, you have become famous recently, and your reputation has spread far and wide! Batian is not even one ten thousandth of yours."

"Uncle Xiong praised me a lot. I had no choice but to do so. How is Brother Xiong?" Ye Liuyun was polite and asked about Xiong Batian. He still misses this straightforward elder brother very much.

"He, I was imprisoned in the Forbidden Army camp for training! He won\'t be allowed out unless he breaks through the first stage. Hahaha! Otherwise, this kid will go out and make trouble!" Xiong Wuli laughed.

After they exchanged pleasantries, Xiong Wuli asked directly: "You are swaggering into the royal city this time, what are you trying to make?"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t shy away from him, and said directly: "The Jinpeng Dynasty paid a lot of money to buy my head, how can I make them live too comfortably. I plan to come to the royal city to make a fuss, challenge some aristocratic children, and destroy some of the Jinpeng Dynasty\'s backup Power. It can be regarded as a little revenge for them."

Xiong Wuli nodded, then looked at the Ninth Princess behind Ye Liuyun, and asked, "Then why is the Ninth Princess with you?"

"He voluntarily followed me!" Ye Liuyun also said directly.

The ninth princess also explained: "Commander Xiong, you go back and tell the royal family directly that I want to play with brother Liuyun for a while, and I will go back when I have enough fun."

Xiong Wuli looked at the princess in surprise, and felt that she did not seem to be lying. Then he asked Ye Liuyun sternly: "Nephew Ye Xian, tell uncle the truth, is it all true? Didn\'t you kidnap the princess?"

"Don\'t worry, Uncle Xiong, this matter is absolutely true! As long as Princess Jiu wants to, she can leave at any time. But if she doesn\'t want to, then no one can make things difficult for my friend. Since I can bring her here, I must take her away safely. .”

Ye Liuyun said with certainty. Then he added: "Uncle Xiong, you don\'t have to be embarrassed. There is nothing to hide from what we said today. After you go back, you can report directly to the royal family."

Xiong Wuli nodded. "Okay, I will report the truth to the royal family as you said." He knew the answer to everything he wanted to know. So he didn\'t stay any longer, and left with his troops.

He didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun was so happy that he would tell him directly. At the same time, he also admired Ye Liuyun\'s courage.

And Ye Liuyun stepped onto a ring directly after he left, threatening to challenge Wangcheng\'s young hero. A sign was also erected directly, with six large characters written on it. "Exterminate the geniuses in the royal city!"

This idea came from Princess Nine. The more you insult these geniuses, the more you can arouse their fighting passion.

And this news immediately detonated Wangcheng. For a while, the streets and alleys were full of rumors that some people were uttering wild words that they wanted to wipe out the geniuses in the royal city, and they were challenging the geniuses in the whole city.

Many young talents came here one after another. These young people are all very proud of themselves. Now that he was ignored by others, how could he not get angry.

The Ninth Princess and the others reserved a private room near the restaurant, and watched the excitement on the sidelines. Occasionally, he added fuel to the fire, saying that the geniuses in the royal city are all trash.