Lord of All Gods

Chapter 461

Ye Liuyun has been practicing in Xuankong Stone for the rest of the time.

Five days later, he had stayed in the Xuankong Stone for fifty days, and he couldn\'t stay anymore.

When he came out, his realm had broken through to the third level of Tiangang, and had stabilized to the middle stage of the third level.

It will take at least five days to get back the Jiulong Jiangshanding and Jiulong Fanshan Seal.

Ye Liuyun had nothing to do, so he began to think about the set of hunting armor and hunting bow.

He can put on the Demon Hunter Armor now, but the defensive ability is equivalent to a high-ranking treasure, which is of little use to him.

With the third level of Tiangang, he can only draw a quarter of the demon hunting bow, and he can\'t even carry the true essence arrow.

"It\'s a pity! I can\'t use it after looking at the treasure." Ye Liuyun silently put away this set of equipment, and can only use it later.

The people around Ye Liuyun were also bored in the Dragon Palace. He thought that he would be fine if he was idle, so he practiced with them one by one and started to practice their hands. At the same time, learn about their cultivation progress and combat experience.

Finally, all his treasures were sent back. When Piaoyun sent back Ye Liuyun\'s two high-ranking treasures, everyone cheered together. These few days, they were all abused by Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun directly gave Lei Ming the Nine Dragons Over the Mountain Seal, and asked Lei Ming to practice and use it after refining it. He first refined the elixir.

It\'s been a while since I refined the elixir. Of the ten Tianyuan pills he refined in one furnace, only two reached the high-grade holy rank, the other four were middle-grade holy rank, and four were low-grade holy rank.

"It\'s still acceptable! After all, I haven\'t made alchemy for so long."

He comforted himself, and then continued refining. He also refined some Tianyuan pills, and then specially refined a part of Shengyuan pills for Yu\'er and Ruyue. Finally, some healing elixir was refined. Finally, he basically reached the top grade of the holy rank, so he stopped working hard.

After all, he doesn\'t make alchemy for a living, just a little less is enough.

everything\'s ready. "Let\'s go, take you out for a walk! There are many people outside waiting to assassinate me, and we can\'t keep them waiting, we should go out and have some activities."

Ye Liuyun\'s words immediately ignited everyone\'s emotions. Especially Princess Nine, clapping her hands and jumping up.

Lei Ming immediately turned into a beast and squatted on Ye Liuyun\'s shoulder. For her, going out is robbing, and she will have more cultivation resources, as well as barbecue.

Ye Liuyun also called Shang Piaoyun, and together with the others, walked out of the headquarters of the Iron Eagle Sect.

He knew that someone was watching him secretly, and that\'s what he wanted. He wants to face those killers directly, and then get rid of the entire killer organization. Then go get revenge on those who paid to kill him.

He wanted everyone to know that he would have to pay a huge price to deal with him.

Some of the spies who were monitoring Ye Liuyun outside saw Ye Liuyun finally come out, they all became active immediately, they all started to take out sound transmission symbols to report the news, and then followed Ye Liuyun and others closely.

Ye Liuyun led the crowd, and before they had gone far, they came to a county town. He took everyone straight to the restaurant and had a full meal first.

People in their realm can go without eating for a long time, relying on their true energy to support the energy needed in the body. But for the enjoyment of eating, it is still necessary. It\'s been a long time since he had a barbecue with Lei Ming last time.

Although it has only been more than ten days outside, he has been practicing for fifty days in the Xuankong Stone.

Both Lei Ming and Jiu Gongzhu like this kind of excitement. After entering the city, they buy delicious and interesting things when they see them. Ye Liuyun also let them go.

With Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness, he could already feel that there were many powerful people in the Tiangang realm in the restaurant, and these people obviously followed Ye Liuyun and the others. Some of them sat together in the private room, while others gathered in the scattered seats outside, waiting for Ye Liuyun.

Wu Qingcheng discussed with Ye Liuyun: "These people on the bright side don\'t look like killers. The murderous aura on them is too obvious."

Ye Liuyun also nodded. "The real killer hasn\'t shown up yet. Leave them alone, let\'s eat first!"

Immediately, they ordered a lot of things, and then talked and laughed while eating and chatting. Ye Liuyun tasted every dish served in the restaurant first, and only after confirming that there was no problem, did he let everyone eat it with confidence.

They were eating to their heart\'s content when a quarrel suddenly broke out outside the private room.

The group sitting next to Ye Liuyun couldn\'t wait any longer. They found a young man who was passing by, deliberately found fault, and threw him towards the door of Ye Liuyun\'s private room.

And as soon as they made a move, more people drew out their weapons one after another and came to kill here.

"You don\'t want us to have a good meal!" Ninth Princess complained, drew out her sword, and killed her first.

After that, Lei Ming, Piao Yun and others also killed one after another. Only Ye Liuyun and Wu Qingcheng were left, they looked at each other and smiled, and then Wu Qingcheng also rushed out.

There was already a fight outside, shouting and shouting.

In the private room, the young man who was thrown in just now, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, was shrinking to one side, stunned.

"This...it has nothing to do with me! They pushed me in on purpose." The young man explained timidly with a trembling voice.

"Well, I know." Ye Liuyun looked at him, but ignored him.

After a while, the restaurant couldn\'t withstand the aftermath of so many experts\' attacks, and began to show signs of collapse.

"Ah!" The young man who was shrunk to the side and didn\'t dare to move around just now, now scrambled, risking his life and trying to run outside. Ye Liuyun was sitting not far from the door, if he wanted to run out from here, he would have to pass by Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun looked at him with a smile. Just as he passed by Ye Liuyun, a black dagger appeared in the young man\'s hands at some point, stabbing at Ye Liuyun.

At the moment when Ye Liuyun was stabbed, the young man\'s murderous aura bloomed. But then, he was stunned.

He felt that his dagger didn\'t seem to have stabbed Ye Liuyun at all, it should have stabbed the air.

Just when he was stunned, his soul was directly pulled into Ye Liuyun\'s soul domain, and Ye Liuyun appeared behind him.

It turned out that when they were arguing outside, Wu Qingcheng had already suspected that this young man was a killer. And after he was thrown in, although he acted very embarrassed, the moment he landed, Ye Liuyun and Wu Qingcheng could tell that this person\'s body landed very lightly.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils had already seen that he was using his true energy to protect his vitals, and what he suffered was only a skin trauma. Therefore, they have been guarding against him for a long time.

When he passed by Ye Liuyun, as soon as the dagger in his hand appeared, Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils noticed it, and immediately disappeared into the void. So what he stabbed was Ye Liuyun\'s phantom.

But at this moment, Ye Liuyun had already searched his soul, it was a hired killer, and he didn\'t know the location of the bloody hand. It was useless to keep it, Ye Liuyun directly devoured his soul.