Lord of All Gods

Chapter 4255

So the witch went on talking.

"The demons here are divided into three major classes! The first class is the nobles, who live on the other side of the Wanmo River.

There are cities there, better exercises, and the nobles are as strong as you.

The second class is us commoners, living in the tribe between the Wanmo River and the Demonic Beast Forest. The quality of our exercises is relatively poor, and the magic energy is not enough.

The third class is the untouchables, the family with the worst bloodlines among the descendants, who are excluded from the forest of monsters. The demonic energy there is thin, there is no skill, and one cannot cultivate.

There have been three wars between our Demon Race and your Human Race, each time with heavy casualties, and ended in a tie, and it was agreed not to cross boundaries with each other.

Your behavior is a provocation to the agreement and will provoke a war between the two races. "

Ye Liuyun nodded and asked her to continue.

The witch spread her hands: "That\'s all I know. I\'ve heard from our patriarch. If you want to know anything else, you can ask me. If I don\'t know, you can go back and ask the patriarch."

"Shenyuanye, have you heard of this name?" Ye Liuyun asked him directly.

"What is Shenyuanye? A person\'s name? Or what name? I\'ve never heard the patriarch say it!" the witch asked Ye Liuyun suspiciously.

Ye Liuyun changed the subject and asked him about the situation in the city where the nobles lived, but the witch knew nothing about it.

The witch said naturally: "We have never been to the questions you asked, so how do we know?

Our patriarch also had the opportunity to go there once in the last battle with the human race, so we know so much. "

Ye Liuyun also discovered that this witch neither knew the situation on the other side of the Wanmo River, nor the situation outside the Demonic Beast Forest.

For them, the second-class demons, they would disdain to hang out in the territory of the third-class demons, and they would not care about the life and death of those demons.

So Ye Liuyun could only make some inferences based on their situation.

"Do those first-class demons never care about you? Let you fend for yourself?"

The witch also simply replied: "Yes!"

"Then if the human race invades you, they won\'t know until they have crossed the Wanmo River?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously.

"Yes! The human race will not only invade us, but not the residence of the first-class nobles! Only there will be the resources they need.

We don\'t have any valuable resources here, there are demonic energy that you can\'t absorb everywhere, why are you invading here?

Those untouchables outside have nothing. You don\'t eat demons, what are you doing to invade them? "

The witch also answered seriously.

"Well, that\'s true!" Ye Liuyun nodded.

Then he asked the witch again: "Then who made your weapons for you? And who is managing you?"

The witch also explained: "We have low-level exercises here, methods of alchemy and weapon refining, but we can\'t make too high-level things.

The high-level ore veins have long been dug away by the nobles! We also don\'t need people to manage. Each tribe has its own area of ​​activity and rarely fights with each other.

Once a war starts, the opponent will be wiped out. But none of us have the strength to guarantee that we will not be wiped out by others after we kill our opponents.

So we manage ourselves and do not cross-border activities. You can use food or magic crystals to exchange resources. "

"Do you have magic crystals here?" Ye Liuyun asked again.

The witch confirmed: "Yes. The location of each tribe has a low-grade magic crystal vein, which is the property of the tribe.

But even if the veins are dug out, exchanging food for resources is the same. "

Ye Liuyun asked again: "How high is the strongest realm here? How many people are there in each tribe, and how many demons are there in each realm?"
"As far as our patriarch knows, the highest realm is the sixth level of Hedao. I don\'t know if he is still alive or not, I don\'t know.

The strongest state in the tribe is the fifth level of harmony. There are about 30,000 people in each tribe, about 60% of them are of the first and second level of the way, and 20% of the third and fourth level of the way.

There are at most one or two of the five levels of Hedao. The remaining 20% ​​are underage demons whose realm is less than the first level of Hedao, so they are not counted as combat power. "

The witch is very clear about the situation in each realm.

"Haven\'t you ever thought about living in an aristocratic area?" Ye Liuyun finally asked.

The witch smiled helplessly.

"We have no resources and insufficient strength, so we can\'t cross the Ten Thousand Devils River. Even if we pass, there are strong people there. What did we do in the past?

We are of civilian blood. You humans may not feel it clearly, but the demons can easily tell it apart.

Once they discover our identity, we will be killed directly and eaten as food! "

Ye Liuyun nodded, he didn\'t have anything to ask, so he asked him to draw the map.

Its map is also very simple, just go straight to the central area. It\'s just that it knows which tribe it will pass by and what kind of strength it has.

"Tell me the locations of the surrounding tribes, and I will destroy them all. But the corpses are mine, and I don\'t want the magic crystals or their resources!"

Ye Liuyun felt that the number of demons on the road was a little less. He wants to kill more demons, so that the level of the demon sealing tablet can be upgraded as soon as possible.

In the aristocratic area of ​​the Demon Race, it can come in handy.

"Huh?" The witch was a little shocked.

"Just you people? You don\'t want resources, what do you want corpses for?"

These questions were beyond her comprehension.

"Don\'t worry about those, you just need to send people to follow us from afar. We are responsible for attacking those tribes.

After there is no movement, you can collect resources to occupy their territory. "

Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to explain so much to her.

"I can give you the map. But follow you, I\'m going to ask the patriarch." The witch finally said. .

"Okay, you can draw a map!" Ye Liuyun also agreed.

So the witch expanded the scope and told Ye Liuyun the locations of many tribes.

Ye Liuyun also confirmed the position and strength with her one by one, and then determined the order of attack.

"Go back and ask the patriarch, no matter whether you want to take those territories as your own, we will take action. So if you want to, you have to make a decision as soon as possible, so as not to be robbed by others!"

After Ye Liuyun gave her instructions, he threw two monsters of the fourth level of harmony to her.

The witch\'s eyes widened.

"Four levels of harmony?"

But she still put away those two monsters immediately.

Then he got up and said to Ye Liuyun: "Although I can\'t go with you, but while you\'re here, I\'m yours!


Now it was Ye Liuyun\'s turn to be shocked.

"Your gift is too expensive, I can\'t ask for your gift in vain! I have nothing to give you in return, only myself." The witch explained.

Ye Liuyun also explained to her: "Thank you for helping me draw the map, and explaining it in such detail!"