Lord of All Gods

Chapter 4254

The dragon beast led the demons to sweep along the edge of the demons\' territory.

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, led the crowd straight into the hinterland of the demon clan.

After passing through a few tribes, they discovered that the further they went to the central area, the stronger the strength of the demons.

This has something to do with the stronger the devilish energy as you go to the Zhongxing area.

The demons here are the same, they don\'t practice, but because they have more demon energy, their realm and physical body are obviously stronger than the previous demons.

At this time, the witches and beast girls have already started to go all out and fight seriously.

The women only acted to rescue the witches and beast girls when there were too many opponents.

There are also often demons with a double level of harmony here. It\'s just that without the support of exercises, their strengths are very ordinary.

And they also don\'t know how to communicate, like fierce beasts, they only know how to forage.

In their eyes, Ye Liuyun and the others are more powerful food.

After exterminating these demons, Ye Liuyun and the others walked forward, and a forest of demon trees appeared in front of them.

Judging from the roar of the beast, the monsters here are probably taller than the demons they saw before.

"Let\'s go!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t stop at all.

After they entered the forest, all kinds of monsters rushed out to attack them, but the women could handle it.

There are third and fourth levels of magic sales, Tang Xinyao and other women can also deal with them.

Wu Qingcheng, Yu\'er, Manshu and Lan Ruobing\'s ice power has been enhanced, and their realm has also been improved, and they can directly freeze those monsters.

Ye Tiandao can kill a monster with one blow.

Ye Liuyun took the demon girls and beast girls back to the cave world, and asked them to go back and continue to practice. If they go any further, they will not be safe.

And this place is just suitable for women to practice their hands.

Just when they were about to leave the forest, Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness suddenly discovered that a group of second and third level demons were walking towards the forest with weapons in their hands.

"Wait, the situation of the Demon Race has changed!"

Ye Liuyun immediately stopped the women and told them to wait a while, he wanted to observe again.

Later, his consciousness discovered that these demons came to hunt and kill monsters.

It\'s just that the difference between them and the previous demons is that they use weapons and have skills.

Among them was a demon woman who covered her private parts with animal skins. It seems to be more civilized than the previous demons.

"It seems that the demons here don\'t have skills! The demons outside are isolated from this forest, and they don\'t have access to skills!"

Ye Liuyun immediately told everyone the news, and also notified the dragon beast and the devil.

According to the strength of the dragon beasts and demons, as long as they don\'t enter the deep forest, there will be almost no accidents.

"Let\'s go, let\'s go up!" Then Ye Liuyun led the women to meet the demons.

Those demons were also taken aback. But their first reaction was to defend, unlike the previous demons who saw them as food.

"Are you the humans on the opposite side? How did you enter this forest?"

The leading demon woman was able to communicate with Ye Liuyun with her spiritual sense.

"Yes. We are just curious, so we came here to explore!" Ye Liuyun also said casually.

He guessed that the demons here should have never seen the humans on the opposite side.

The demons sized them up, as if they couldn\'t make up their minds about how to deal with them.

But after some discussion, the demon woman still told Ye Liuyun with her spiritual sense: "You have crossed the boundary. You must go back to the tribe with us to accept the trial!"

"What if we don\'t accept it?" Ye Liuyun asked back.

"Then you are the sinners who provoked the war between the two clans!" the witch said seriously.
"We fight, you win, we will go with you! If you lose, you have to surrender to us and obey our command!"

Ye Liuyun suggested.

"Fighting is fine. If you lose, you must follow us. But if we lose, we cannot surrender. We demons cannot surrender to anyone, or we will die!"

The witch continued to communicate with Ye Liuyun and the others, probably because of the restriction in their sea of ​​consciousness.

"Then what can you do for us if we lose?" Ye Liuyun asked back.

"I will show you the way and tell you about our situation here!"

The witch seemed to have guessed that Ye Liuyun was very curious about them.

"Okay! But fighting will kill you!" Ye Liuyun also agreed and reminded them.

"Of course! When you die, you are our food. When we die, you can dispose of it as you like!" the witch also said.

Ye Liuyun felt more and more that these demons should have had contact with humans before.

Otherwise, she wouldn\'t say to dispose of it at will, as if she knew that human beings don\'t eat demons.

"How to fight? Together? Or one-on-one?" Ye Liuyun asked again.

"One-on-one, fight with equal realm!" The witch also said.

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun also agreed.

The witch spoke to the other demons, and immediately a demon with the second level of harmony jumped out.

Most of the people on the Demon Clan\'s side were at the second level of He Dao, but on Ye Liuyun\'s side, only Tang Xinyao and Ye Tiandao were at the second level of He Dao.

So the two of them shot first, and killed the opponent directly with one shot and one knife.

Those demons were all shocked, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

Then they sent out the demons of the second level of the way, Ye Liuyun had no choice but to let the woman of the first level of the way to fight.

"Her realm is low!" The witch still knew that she would not take advantage.

"We don\'t have the manpower for the 2nd level. We are strong, and they can fight!" Ye Liuyun also explained.

So the woman stopped talking and let the competition continue.

As a result, the women around Ye Liuyun were all capable of crossing the level to challenge. Even if someone fought harder, they would kill their opponents in the end.

The faces of those people from the Demon Race became more and more ugly.

In the end, only the demon woman was left. But she was not afraid, and still stood up.

"You\'ve already lost so many games, isn\'t that considered a loss?" Ye Liuyun asked the witch.

The witch also nodded with certainty.

"We lost."

"Then we don\'t need to compete anymore, and I don\'t want to kill you. Show us the way and tell us about the situation here!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to continue fighting with her at all.

"Okay!" The witch also readily agreed.

Then she pointed to those demon corpses and asked Ye Liuyun: "Do you want these? I can take them back for food!"

"Give it to you!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t miss the corpses, so he gave them all to her.


The witch also knows how to be grateful. He collected all the corpses, sat down on the ground, and told Ye Liuyun and the others.

"The demons in our world are all descendants of gods and demons, do you know this?" She also asked Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun also said: "I know this. You don\'t have to ask me, just tell me what you know.

I have something I need to know and will ask you! "