Lord of All Gods

Chapter 401

Seeing that the skeleton puppet couldn\'t stop the two-headed hellhound, it had already turned over the mountain, revealing its two huge heads.

"Thunder, attack it with the soul tower! Qingcheng, Miaoyin, soul attack."

When Ye Liuyun was in danger, he also asked everyone to launch a spirit-like attack. As long as it is stopped again, his spirit domain can be poured out to deal with it.

Thus, the thundering Soul Tower, Su Miaoyin\'s flute sound, and Wu Qingcheng\'s illusion were all used together to attack the two-headed hellhound.

Ye Liuyun and Hell Snake are also stepping up their efforts to kill the remaining souls.

Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin\'s illusion and sonic attacks were slow to take effect. Thunder\'s soul-suppressing tower played some role, making the vicious dog\'s movements stagnate, and then the illusion and sonic attacks also played a little role, slowing down its movements.

The skeleton puppet followed immediately and slashed at it with an axe. Although a big cut was made in its neck and blood overflowed, it did not suffer fatal injuries. It immediately regained its sanity and pounced again.

"Something\'s wrong! How can this vicious dog\'s new soul be so strong?"

Ye Liuyun had doubts in his heart, but he couldn\'t allow it to think too much at the moment. The vicious dog\'s original soul had just been wiped out, so Ye Liuyun had no choice but to pull its second soul into the realm of the soul again.

This way, everyone is safe. Otherwise, they would not be able to block the blow of this vicious dog. Even though Ye Liuyun\'s physical body was strong, he didn\'t dare to rely on his physical body to bear the attack of the seventh-layer Tiangang powerhouse.

But when he pulled that divine soul into the divine soul domain, that divine soul was originally in the form of a two-headed dog, but suddenly turned into a tall giant, wearing a black robe, holding a sickle, and exuding the breath of death .

The Hell Snake yelled: "God of the Underworld?" He immediately hid far away, shrank into a ball, not daring to come forward.

Ye Liuyun was also a little stunned at the moment. He could no longer detect the realm of the "underworld god". It shows that it is at least the realm above Tiangang Yae. It\'s beyond what he can handle.

And just the wave of spirit and soul that he exuded gave Ye Liuyun the illusion that he was about to die. It made people feel that in front of him, he was waiting to die, and he had no power to fight back!

"What realm is this guy? I was fooled! This god of the underworld hides his strength, making me mistakenly think it is a hell dog. This is miserable, the soul domain will be abolished."

He made a decisive decision and called one of his spirits back to the sea of ​​consciousness first, so as not to suffer more serious injuries.

But the underworld god let out a hoarse sneer of "hehe", and rushed into Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Liuyun knew the order of the gods in the sea, and immediately made a golden light to control the god of the underworld.

"The order of the gods?"

There was an exclamation. Apparently, the Underworld God did not expect that he would encounter the Token of the Ten Thousand Gods in Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Liuyun did not expect that this god of the underworld also knew the order of the gods. However, the Ten Thousand Gods Order didn\'t attack him, it just kept him in place, and it didn\'t heal it like helping Qiongqi. Obviously, although the Ten Thousand Gods Order was not very friendly to him, it didn\'t want to kill him.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t know what to do now. Ten thousand gods made him unable to control, so he could only wait for the result.

After the Underworld God exclaimed, he also fell silent. After a long time, he asked Ye Liuyun, "Boy, what are you doing here?"

"I was hunted down, and I need to pass through this secret realm. By the way, find some life spars to improve my realm." He replied truthfully.

"Okay, I promise to let you pass. But you are not allowed to enter the gate of hell, you have to go around. You can also pick up the life spar at will, but if you want to keep the body of this hell dog, I still have use .” The Underworld God said to Ye Liuyun with a hoarse voice.

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun also agreed to his proposal. After all, he himself is not the opponent of this underworld god. But he didn\'t know if he agreed, whether the Ten Thousand Gods Order would agree.

Sure enough, after he agreed, the Ten Thousand God Order did not respond. It also embarrassed him. He just wanted to explain to Hades.

The underworld god spoke again. "I swear in the name of hell, as long as this kid doesn\'t enter the gate of hell and leave behind the body of a two-headed dog, I will let them pass through this secret realm."

At this time, the order of the gods received the golden light and let the god of the underworld go out.

Ye Liuyun was also ashamed. "It seems that I am not as thoughtful as Wanshen Ling. I actually believed a stranger\'s words."

After the god of the underworld went out, he input a divine consciousness into the consciousness sea of ​​the Hell Two-headed Dog, and it turned into a black light and disappeared at the end of the sky, ignoring Ye Liuyun and the others.

And the two-headed hell dog also ran away far away, and didn\'t even return to the place where the original life spar was.

Ye Liuyun and the others also let out a sigh of relief. At this moment, cold sweat was already oozing from his forehead.

"It\'s a dangerous time, and the order of the gods saved my life again! Otherwise, I will die this time!"

He wiped the cold sweat off his forehead before setting off to lead everyone to where the life spar was. After everyone briefly divided the spar, Ye Liuyun collected everyone around him into the Xuankong Stone to make a breakthrough. They are also on the verge of a breakthrough, and now that they have enough energy, it is time for a breakthrough.

After the crisis at that moment just now, he himself felt that his realm had reached the brink of a breakthrough. He didn\'t know what danger was ahead, and he didn\'t want to break through in the next battle.

Anyway, as long as he doesn\'t violate the agreement, then Hades will not do anything to them. It\'s better to take the opportunity to break through here and then leave. So he directly entered the Xuankong Stone and made a breakthrough.

The life spar here is rich in energy, enough for him to break through, and it can also improve his physical body, and can also improve his physical defense ability to another level. Even the power of his bloodline has been improved a bit.

The first to break through was actually Wu Qingcheng. Her realm has now been raised to the sixth level of Yuandan, and she is about to catch up with Ye Liuyun. The main reason is that she spent much longer in Xuankong Stone than Ye Liuyun.

Then came Lei Ming, she broke through to the ninth level of Yuandan. If you break through again, you will really enter the realm of Tiangang.

Then came Yu\'er, who broke through to the fourth level of Yuandan, the third level of Ruyue Yuandan, the eighth level of Baihu Yuandan, and the seventh level of Stone Ape Yuandan.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun is still using the power of the life spar and the original profound energy crystal ball to expand the space in Yuandan as much as possible and make it stronger. Thanks to this life spar, otherwise, other spars would not have such a good auxiliary effect.

He enlarged his Yuan Dan again, and the outer wall of the Yuan Dan was also thickened by a layer.

Then he began to violently absorb the energy in the life spar and the original crystal ball, and while improving his profound energy, he began to prepare sufficient true energy for the breakthrough.

Ye Liuyun felt that with the help of this life spar, the power of the Golden Crow Sacred Fire, Blood Thunder, Nether Ghost Fire, and even the Buddha\'s light in his body had been strengthened.

It can be said that this life spar has improved various abilities of the body.

"That\'s right, it\'s not in vain to take such a big risk! This life spar is indeed a good thing."

Ye Liuyun was overjoyed and wanted to leave some for Liang Xue. But when he broke through with all his strength, he needed too much energy, and directly sucked away all the energy in the life spars around him.

In the end, he could only shake his head helplessly, letting go of this thought for the time being.