Lord of All Gods

Chapter 400

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils swept across the scorched earth.

Everything was burnt to nothing but the scorched earth.

His golden pupils can see very far. It\'s just that there are a few bare mountains in front of it, blocking the line of sight.

Ye Liuyun used the power of the golden pupil to look into the distance. A few hills away, there is a two-headed black giant dog as big as a hill, sleeping on the ground. Under his body, there are still many life crystals exposed.

The vicious dog\'s huge mouth was slightly opened, with two fangs sticking out, and the saliva flowed down like a mountain stream.

Judging from the realm, it should look like the sixth or seventh layer of Tiangang.

"What is this vicious dog capable of?" Ye Liuyun asked Hell Snake.

"One head can breathe fire, and the other can spray poisonous smoke. Besides, he has a strong body, which is particularly resistant to beating! But he is not very smart and stubborn, so the soul attack is the best way." Hell Snake told Ye Liuyun.

And when Ye Liuyun was observing the two-headed hellhound, it also seemed to be aware of it. It erected its ears vigilantly, opened both eyes, and began to use its spiritual sense to explore its territory.

When it found Ye Liuyun and his group, it immediately jumped up and roared twice in Ye Liuyun\'s direction.

As soon as it stood up, Ye Liuyun could see clearly that there was a thick layer of life crystals under it.

"Good guy! There are so many babies!" Ye Liuyun sighed.

The hell snake also called out: "This dead dog has learned to be smart, it is calling for helpers."

Sure enough, Ye Liuyun found that the surrounding ground began to shake, and many ghosts came out of it, rushing towards Ye Liuyun and the others.

Ye Liuyun saw that these spirits were not at a high level, so he let everyone go to fight, and asked them to exercise their spirit\'s ability to fight. He himself concentrates on absorbing the power in the life spar, and quickly improves his realm. Occasionally, the ghosts that rushed to Ye Liuyun\'s side were directly swallowed by the hell snake.

"Why didn\'t this two-headed hellhound appear in the form of a ghost?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously.

"Not all creatures in hell have no body. I used to have a body too!" The hell snake\'s body was destroyed by Ye Liuyun!

"Oh. I really want to go to hell and see what it\'s like inside!" Ye Liuyun joked.

The Hell Snake immediately said: "Don\'t look at it. Except for the dead and ghosts, there is nothing to see in there. There is no normal person! It is dark and dark all day long. I don\'t want to go back again!"

Ye Liuyun smiled, and just said to everyone: "Let\'s walk forward slowly, and it won\'t be too late to attack it when I get close to the hell dog. You should practice your hands first." The closer the distance, the stronger his soul attack. efficient.

At this time, Ye Liuyun\'s realm has also been raised to the peak of the seventh level of Yuandan, and he will break through soon. He estimated that if he absorbed some more life spars, he should break through to the eighth layer of Yuandan.

Seeing that the ordinary ghost attacks didn\'t work, the hellhound immediately barked twice again. Ye Liuyun and the others felt a sudden gust of wind, and from the ground, two burnt black zombies emerged from the ground, and both of them were in the first level of Tiangang, rushing towards Ye Liuyun and the others.

Su Miaoyin played the flute horizontally, and immediately played it. This was also the first time Ye Liuyun saw her attacking an opponent with a flute, so he was not in a hurry to make a move, but was observing her attacking methods.

The tune Su Miaoyin played was very gentle. The two zombies continued to rush forward. But after running a few more steps, their movements slowed down. In the end, as her tune became slower and slower, the two zombies stopped completely, standing still in place.

Ye Liuyun felt that Su Miaoyin\'s flute sound did not have a strong attack on the soul. It should be that the souls of these two zombies are relatively weak.

So he used his spiritual sense to check, and sure enough, it was only two strands of simple spiritual sense that controlled the two zombies.

Ye Liuyun immediately wiped out the two divine senses, and then entered the two divine senses himself. After trying it out, it really worked. The two zombies immediately became their own puppets.

"Haha, now the skeleton puppet has a companion!"

Speaking of this skeleton puppet, Ye Liuyun has been useless for a while. For those who can fight by themselves, he tries not to use skeleton puppets.

Ye Liuyun directly put the two zombie puppets together with the skeleton puppets.

Seeing the two-headed hell dog, it pawed the ground with its two paws. It was completely enraged and rushed towards Ye Liuyun. There was still a mountain peak away from Ye Liuyun, so Ye Liuyun directly launched an attack with the golden pupil across the sky.

He was worried that the two-headed dog would get too close and hurt others.

After his soul domain was released, the hell snake rushed over immediately. And one of Ye Liuyun\'s own souls was also a knife, and he slashed at it with the ghostly fire.

The two-headed hellhound was startled when it was attacked by the golden pupil, and when it saw the hell snake, it turned around and ran away in shock. But it was in Ye Liuyun\'s soul realm, so it couldn\'t get out at all. But the hell snake can reach anywhere in an instant, and it can climb down with a few flicks of its tail.

Ye Liuyun\'s ghostly fire carried with that knife almost cut off one of his soul\'s heads.

"Hahaha, you stupid dog. You are still such a waste!" Hell Snake laughed at the Hell Two-headed Dog while beating it. And the two-headed hellhound can only whine.

Ye Liuyun took the opportunity to search for its soul. After a search, it was finally confirmed that there is indeed a gate to hell in this secret realm. And the appearance of the gate of hell means that there will be a large number of deaths in the world.

"It seems that it has something to do with the alien race and the corpse demon." Ye Liuyun thought to himself. It\'s just that this two-headed hellhound is really not very intelligent. It doesn\'t know much information, just a general idea.

But just when Ye Liuyun and Hell Snake thought that the two-headed dog was going to be wiped out, its body moved again. A divine soul power suddenly awakened in the body of the hell dog, as if it had awakened a second divine soul.

"No, the soul of this hell dog has been improved!"

Ye Liuyun let out a secret cry, and immediately took out the skeleton puppet to defend. He also threw out the two zombies he had just subdued, hoping that they would be able to resist for a while. At the same time, it is also speeding up the speed of eliminating this vicious dog spirit.

He didn\'t dare to pull in the other soul of the Hell Two-headed Dog all at once, if he couldn\'t beat him, then his soul would be vulnerable to greater damage. But the realm of the two-headed dog of hell is, after all, one level higher than that of the skeleton puppet.

In the realm of Tiangang, the gap of the first layer is a world of difference. Although the skeleton puppet was a high-level weapon, it was sent flying in just one encounter, but it didn\'t suffer any serious injuries. As for the two zombies, they were burned to ashes by the flames ejected from the head of the hellhound.

Even Ye Liuyun\'s two divine senses were destroyed, causing him a sharp pain in the sea of ​​consciousness. Fortunately, there are only two divine senses, and it will not cause serious backlash.

Then, the skeleton puppet rushed up again, but was still beaten by the hell dog. The flames and poisonous smoke from the two-headed dog of hell can\'t hurt the skeleton puppet. It also has the Golden Crow Sacred Flame imported by Ye Liuyun in its body, which has certain defensive capabilities.